Chapter 585

Fan Wencheng said: "Great Khan, one of the felonies of the Ming Dynasty is the fall and confinement of the vassal! Our Dajin army immediately concentrated its forces to attack the city where the mansion of the Ming vassal was located, and Huang Han had to be rescued!"

Hong's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again.

He said: "The king of the Ming Dynasty conferred Datong as his feudal domain, and the king of Jin feuded as Taiyuan. These two cities cannot be taken casually. If our army deliberately puts on a posture to seize them, the possibility of attracting Huang Han's full rescue is very small. .

That guy Huang Han was too shrewd. Since it was a felony to fall into the feudal vassal, the civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty stationed in the city where the vassal king was located were the first responsible persons, so naturally they had to do their best.

With a strong city and a guard who will never die with my army, Huang Han doesn't need to worry about the safety of the vassal king. Therefore, I judge that it is impossible for him to ignore him, and he will definitely go his own way. "

Hauge had been listening carefully and thinking, and at this moment he praised: "Khan Ama Shengming, Huang Han is not an ordinary person, and he really wouldn't throw himself into a trap. It seems that this plan will not work at all."

The slave chiefs are really not stupid, they realized that they came here for the purpose of plundering and raiding, and they did not have the ability to attack a strong city.

The siege of big cities like Datong and Taiyuan will inevitably lead to protracted offensive and defensive battles. At that time, more and more soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty will gather, and the infantry of the "Red Banner Army" has already assembled and rushed to the battlefield. It is difficult to guarantee whether he can retreat safely.

Seeing that his master rejected his proposal, Fan Wencheng shut up obediently. Fortunately, the master who was in deep thought didn't blame him for the defeat of Shuo Tuo and Sahalian.

Although the resolute Hong Jie was flustered for a while by the sudden appearance of the "Red Banner Army" in Shanxi, he calmed down not long after.

After thinking for a while, Hong said: "It's self-defeating and it will hurt you. I decided to shrink my troops so that Huang Han has no chance to take advantage of it. First make our army invulnerable and then wait for the Ming army to make mistakes!"

In a short time, more than a dozen teams of messengers rushed out of the camp and went in all directions. That was when the slave chieftains began to inform the banners to gather troops and organize the army into three groups.

There are more than 1 soldiers of the Eight Banners in each route, plus Yu Ding, Mongols, and coated slaves, the number of troops is no less than [-].

The purpose of this arrangement is self-evident, to guard against Huang Han, who is used to launching surprise attacks, and make it impossible for the "Red Banner Army" to face the Dajin Army, which has an absolute superiority in numbers.

The military aristocrats of all banners did not dare to be careless after receiving the military order. They acted quickly, not only because of the mountainous military order to establish slaves, but also because of the fact that Huang Han's vicious reputation spread far and wide, and Jin had long been known to everyone.

The bandits came here to make a fortune, not to fight the Ming army. There was a "Red Banner Army" in Baoan Prefecture with [-] to [-] troops. Who would dare to use Jiala and Niulu as units to scatter looting?

After being defeated by Huang Han by surprise, the Jin Army [-] took advantage of it and was not arrogant enough to think that Lao Tzu was invincible. After resting in Baoanzhou for a day, the next day continued to adopt the mode of concentrated movement to kill Xuanfu Town.

At this time, the Jin army was already shrinking its troops. Huang Han led more than [-] cavalry and failed to catch any big fish heads. Only a few hundred unorganized and undisciplined Tartars were beheaded.

It is possible that these Tartars were not ordered at all, or perhaps they were all small tribes who entered the customs privately to reap benefits.

The Tartars who sneaked into the customs to take advantage of the fire, perhaps the generals of the Later Jin Army did not know their existence at all, and of course they could not report the military situation to them in time.

Baoan Prefecture was more than [-] miles away from Xuanfu, and Zhangjiakou was [-] miles north after passing Xuanfu. Huang Han did not ask to enter Xuanfu City, but led the army to continue northward and arrived at Zhangjiakou in the afternoon.

Huang Han is a hanging seal general with Shang Fang's sword. Fang Zhenghua, one of the chief eunuchs in the team, has six or seven hundred brocade guards.

No one dared to go against the grain, and minus the dead soldiers and those who stayed in Baoanzhou to recuperate, more than [-] Ming troops entered the city and stationed smoothly.

The army was recuperating in Zhangjiakou for a few days. During this time, Huang Han was very friendly. Shanxi businessmen basically never refused to come to banquets and bribes.

It's only the seventh year of Chongzhen, Huang Han didn't intend to turn his back on and capture the eight imperial merchants, but deliberately came here to garrison for a few days to give these people a chance to flatter and paralyze these traitorous merchants.

Huang Han is going to let Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, etc. pay the national calamity for a few more years and then slaughter the fat sheep.

The next time you get the opportunity to raise troops to enter Shanxi, the number of "Red Banner Army" troops and miscellaneous servants who accompany the army should be dispatched as many as possible, and it is best to reach 6 or [-] horses.

In order to catch them all in one go and maximize the benefits of cracking down on traitor merchants, the best way is to catch big fish at the same time in Datong, Taiyuan, Zhangjiakou and the hometowns of the "Eight Great Imperial Merchants".

Only in this way can we ensure that we can eat alone and maximize our benefits. It is estimated that Shanxi merchants who sell out their country at one time may earn more than 2000 million taels of gold and silver treasures, land, real estate, and shops in silver.

Huang Han is very bad, he faces all the Shanxi businessmen with a smile on his face, and with the attitude of mutual benefit and cooperation in doing business, he also let all the merchants go through the "Sifang Bank" while chatting, recommending everyone to use the "Sifang Bank" to issue money. bank note.

It's not that Huang Han deliberately pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, but that he didn't have much hatred for these merchants.

It is the nature of businessmen to pursue profit maximization. The loss of control by the Ming government naturally made these Shanxi merchants smuggle with enemy countries, because the cost of crime can be ignored, but the profit can be doubled.

What's more, these Shanxi merchants deal with all the border generals and civil servants from the two ranks of Jinshi. These civil servants and military generals representing the imperial court will trample on the image of Daming to the point of losing their face.

Businessmen are more able to feel that the empire is rotten and stinks. Is it possible to expect them to be patriotic?
Shanxi merchants have cooperated happily with "Sifang Express" in recent years, and the freight accounted for more than half of the total transaction materials.

Because "Sifang Express" strictly abides by integrity and always only does what it is supposed to do, and does not interfere with the communication with customers, the psychological defense line of Shanxi merchants no longer exists.

Now many merchants have seen Dong Pinghou, the real owner of "Sifang Express", and seeing this general hanging seal with the emperor's sword so modestly and actively creating momentum and business for "Sifang Bank", they are all overjoyed.

The merchants in Ming Dynasty were lowly, and often the scholar-bureaucrats had a lot of money bribed by the merchants in their pockets and still didn't take these people seriously.

Merchants and businessmen make good friends with scholar-bureaucrats purely for profit, without any emotion at all. Maybe they even hate those greedy dignitaries to the core. Of course, they will also kill scholar-bureaucrats for profit.

Dongping Hou invited the Shanxi merchants in Zhangjiakou to have a drink. He did not show Dongping Hou’s profile in Shangyanshang, and communicated with all merchants on an equal footing. This made Shanxi merchants think that there was an extra fellow who was rich, powerful, and tens of thousands of soldiers .

(End of this chapter)

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