Chapter 586 Defeat
After the Jin army entered Shanxi for a month, it captured Datong Zuowei, Hunyuan Prefecture, Daizhou, Lingqiu County, Fanzhi County, Nao County and more than a dozen counties.

At the beginning of August, generals such as Degelei, Nikan, and Dexike led a Jiala army from Zhenglan Banner and two or three thousand Mongolian light cavalry to Zhubokou.

The "Winged Tigers" don't have the ability to march quickly, and they can't do it if they have this ability, because they are bandits and bandits who can't see the light, and they can't march in the official way.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan selected half of the troops to sneak across the mountains to the mountains not far from Zhubokou. Zhao Shisan sent his banner guards to get in touch with Gu Rushan.

Gu Rushan suggested that the "Winged Tigers" should not act rashly. No matter how many troops come from the Jin army, they can be let to eat Guancheng. Strive to expand the victories.

Zhao Shisan knew that most of Gu Rushan's infantry used hot weapons, and there was no danger in defending a city where the enemy could not deploy thousands of troops.

Together with Jin Minghu and other big bosses, he inspected the winding mountain road leading to Zhubokou in the direction of Datong, and was overjoyed when he found a mountain in the middle where two or three thousand soldiers could be hidden.

Leaders such as Jin Minghu and Qi Yuguo personally led their martial arts minions to climb cliffs and set up ambush posts on big trees. The purpose was to be the first to discover that the Jin army and horses could arrange 2000 people to ambush in advance.

The terrain at Zhubokou is difficult, and there are [-] infantry led by Gu Rushan to assist Qian Zong Zhang to garrison more than [-] troops. Internal breach.

The main reason is that it is limited by the terrain, no matter how many troops come, they can't use it. Only a few hundred people attack in turn. Even if the Ming army guarding the pass has only stones to smash, it is enough for the enemy to drink a pot.

Due to the closure of the inner three gates, the Hou Jin army could no longer get information from the traitors hidden among the merchants and refugees. Of course, they did not know that Zhubokou had increased its troops.

Dexik took dozens of soldiers sent to him by his father, led a Niulu army and a team of [-] Mongolians, led a team of [-] or [-] soldiers with banners and coats, and drove [-] or [-] Han people to seize the Zhubo pass. city.

Including the personal soldiers, there are more than 330 soldiers from the Eight Banners and Yu Ding in Dexik's team, and only [-] to [-]% of the Mongolian Thousand-man Team is undersatisfied.

The later Jin army attacked the Ming army pass with such strength, and there are countless successful battles. Some Ming army pass did not need to be fought at all, and the defenders had long since fled.

Dexike did not share such a good thing. When he came to Zhubokou to close the city, he found that the city gate was closed, and there were hundreds of Ming soldiers and civilians waiting at the top of the city.

It seems that you can't fight!After preparing for two hours, the Jin army drove the Han people who had built dozens of ladders to attack the city.

Gu Rushan's infantry consisted of five hundred musketeers and more than [-] Minigun shooters. They deliberately showed weakness when the Hou Jin army launched an attack.

The "Red Banner Army" withdrew its banners and drums and hid in Guancheng.Zhang Xiushen led the Ming army and a small half of the people to resist with arrows, stones, and rolling logs.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiushen pretended that there was chaos at the head of the city, and ran away with the hundreds of people who were resisting in Guancheng.

Seeing that Zhubokou was about to be captured, many Jiannu and Tartars scrambled to climb up the city wall. Just as they were about to go down the horse path to open the city gate, the red flag fluttered and shouted, and the "Red Banner Army" sword and shield fighters Get out under the cover of the musketeers.

Originally thought that the Zhubokou Pass City was coming down again in one go, the Houjin army was now grinning and dreaming of robbing the gold and silver treasures, Meijiao Niang, but who knew that what awaited them was the rain of revenge.

The crackling gunshots mixed with the screams of Jiannu and Tartars, and many of the post-Jin soldiers who were gutted jumped directly from the city wall in an attempt to escape, killing more than a dozen of them.

Zhang Xiushen's weapon is an eighteen-pound thick-backed nine-ring knife. At this time, he was brandished so loudly that it made a "clang clang clang!". He laughed and ran faster than a rabbit, and was almost shot dead on the spot. .

A bow-legged Tartar centurion was caught up by Zhang Xiushen and split in two with a knife, and a frightened Tartar was slashed horizontally by Zhang Xiushen, and a big head fell and rolled along the road for twenty years. a few steps...

"Hahaha..., happy, happy, you bastards have today." Zhang Xiushen, whose face was covered with blood from the enemy, was shaking with a smile.

The Jiannu and Tartars, who had lost two or three hundred soldiers, fled in a hurry, and everyone was terrified, because the hateful red flag appeared at the mouth of Zhubo, and there was no longer any possibility for the Houjin army to think that they had the possibility of capturing Guancheng, so they had to withdraw quickly Shandao can ensure their own safety.

It's a pity that they were afraid of what would happen, and when Dexik's defeated soldiers ran for more than a dozen miles, they were ambushed by the "Winged Tigers" who took advantage of the terrain.

Although Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan selected half of the troops, the number was close to [-], and they used the terrain to ambush in advance, but they lost far more people than beheaded in the battle.

This battle made Zhao Shisan, the leader of the Banner Guards, realize that the fighting power between the rogues and the Jiannu is not at the same level, and there is a huge gap, and training must be strengthened in the future.

In the end, more than 160 Zhengbing and Yu Ding of the Eight Banners were lost at Zhubokou in Zhenglan Banner. More than 300 Mongols were killed.

Zhang Xiushen, the guard of Zhubokou, gained dozens of ranks, and then the Jin army captured them. Among them, there were more than a dozen real slaves, and more than 30 Tartars and bannermen.

He knew what these military achievements meant, and he was already looking forward to being promoted to a higher level when the court rewarded them for their merits.

Who knows that good things keep happening, Gu Rushan actually handed over the gains obtained by the "Red Banner Army" to him to repay the credit together.

Then something happened that Zhang Xiushen thought was unbelievable. A bandit called "Winged Tiger" actually sent the heads of more than [-] levels of Jinjun.

Jin Minghu is a king of the mountain, he likes the horses and equipment of the Jin army very much, and the human head is useless to him, so he sent someone to send a bamboo silk oral sex to Zhang Xiushen and Gu Rushan to deal with.

Zhao Shisan, who used his status as a military adviser as a cover, told Jin Minghu that he would truthfully report the results of this battle to the headquarters. After the attack and killing, the great contribution of the Jin army to behead more than [-] people will not be forgotten, and the beheading will be rewarded to their family members.

Jin Minghu was proud of being able to kill Jiannu and Tartars, and didn't mind any rewards at all, but what Zhao Shisan said still made him extremely excited.

Seeing the heads of the "Winged Tigers" piled up outside the gate, Zhang Xiushen, who has always been a big lama, was moved. Even the bandits took the initiative to attack Jiannu and Tartars. My Ming Dynasty has great hope!
He memorized the bandit name "Winged Tiger", and wondered if he could try to recruit these righteous bandits to serve the country after he was promoted to power.

(End of this chapter)

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