Chapter 587

Seeing the red flag fluttering in the Guancheng of Zhubokou again, Dexik, who was injured and defeated and escaped from the mountain road, immediately reported this new situation to his father, Degelei, who succeeded Mangurtai as the owner of the Zhenglan Banner.

The next day, Hong Zhe learned that the "Red Banner Army" was also found in the direction of Zhubokou in Baoding Prefecture. A part of the Zhenglan Banner suffered a lot of losses, but there was no cavalry chase.

After the Shandao attack, the Jin army was obviously armed by bandits, but Dexik did not report the truth. He insisted that the "Red Banner Army" defeated his troops by taking advantage of the terrain and sharp firearms.

Although Dege learned the real situation from his own soldiers, in order to protect his son, he ordered everyone to shut up, emphasizing that the one who defeated the troops led by Dexik was the fake "Red Banner Army".

Later, the Jin army rarely lost against the Ming army, but Huang Hankeng has been used to it in recent years, and he is no longer ashamed to lose at the hands of the "Red Banner Army". It's a big defeat.

Sure enough, after receiving the news that Zhenglan Qi was also defeated by the "Red Banner Army" that suddenly appeared and lost hundreds of people, the slave chief did not hold the general accountable.

Hongxie thought that the entry time was too long, and the miraculous effect of the surprise attack was gradually lost. The Ming army should be concentrated in Shanxi, and the "Red Banner Army" was discovered as expected.

The large-scale mobilization of the Ming army to the north of Shanxi gave the rogues a chance to breathe. The Dajin army did it. It is the best policy to grab some good things and go home quickly.

Huang Han led the cavalry into Xuanda to kill the enemy and confuse Shanxi merchants. They did a good job. After seven days of recuperation, the army ate well and slept soundly. At this time, they were full of fighting spirit.

The "Red Banner Army" system has "Sifang Express" and "Sifang Bank" in Zhangjiakou, as well as firms selling wine, canned sea fish, cotton cloth, porcelain, glassware, towels, canvas tents, and other products.

More than half of the goods of these commercial houses are wholesaled by dozens or hundreds of Shanxi merchants to sell outside the customs, and some of them are even trafficked to many principalities in Russia several times, and the annual profit exceeds one million taels of silver.

Grassland tribes need salt, and merchants have long-distance trafficking to this point, so it is naturally expensive. A canned sea fish with just the right saltiness can not only be used as a dish, but also can reduce the need for salt, and there is an extra container, such a good thing with high cost performance. like.

Merchants sell canned sea fish and liquor series in the mainland of Ming Dynasty by recycling ceramic cans and wine bottles, the purpose is to reduce the cost of buyers.

It is impossible to recycle packaging on the vast prairie, because it is unrealistic, and the transportation cost of thousands of miles far exceeds the value of a ceramic jar.

Now the most popular goods on the prairie include traditional commodities such as tea, silk, cloth, etc., as well as the "Drunk Immortality" series of liquor and canned sea fish. The nobles can also buy the expensive "Spring Xiangshou" series of cosmetics.

Jiannu secretly also has a Zhangjiakou firm that they directly control. Nowadays, it is fashionable to use cosmetics such as "Spring Xiangsui" cream, soap, hair oil, blush, face powder, etc. in the harem of Hongxie.

Jiannu had trade relations with most of the merchants in Zhangjiakou, so they didn't know that this was a place where Beimao commodities were concentrated, and it was a place where the riches were filthy.

But in history, the post-Jin army has bypassed this place many times and never attacked. Why is this?
It may be the tacit understanding between Shanxi merchants and Jiannu, and it is also because Jiannu needs the market too much for trade.

The gold and silver treasures they robbed had to be reflected in the market, and could be exchanged for food, ironware, silk, and cloth, thus leaving behind the most prosperous border trade city in Ming Dynasty.

Three days after Huang Han led more than [-] cavalry into Zhangjiakou, Jiannu got accurate information.

The slave chief ignored it at all, he didn't know that Zhangjiakou Fort was strong, and there was too much grain hoarded. There were thousands of Ming troops stationed there, plus Huang Han's troops, it would be impossible to gather all the troops to attack.

The Hou Jin soldiers and horses did not approach Zhangjiakou at all. They seized the last time to fight grass valleys between Datong, Shuozhou, and Taiyuan.

Jiannu bought as much time as possible to do more damage, rob more money and food, and create more Ming people who had no food and clothing, turning a large number of Shanxi good people into refugees and eventually developing into rogues.

In order not to be plotted by Huang Han, Hong Jie increased the number of manpower to detect Huang Han's movements, and even sent more than a hundred Gebush Xian Chaoha to lead the reconnaissance in the direction of Zhangjiakou.

People who scheme against others are always worried that they will be schemed against. Huang Han is also cautious, and dispatches Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong, and Zhang Yang to investigate the movement of the Jin army after Baizong. During this period, there were many small-scale encounters.

Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" is leading in technology. The regular army has telescope equipment when it reaches the level of a small banner officer. The standard equipment of professional scouts includes telescopes and self-generated short guns.

The "Red Banner Army" cavalry reconnaissance team, which is well equipped and able to predict the enemy ahead of time, will basically not suffer when they meet the fire with Jiannu scouting horses, and they can always get a few levels of gains.

The discipline of the Hou Jin army was strict, and there was no requirement to fight to the end when exploring the horses. They could flee with all their strength when they found that the momentum was wrong.

What's more, the "Red Banner Army" has more or less left a shadow in Jiannu's heart. Even the white armored soldiers are afraid. Of course, there are very few Jianshou scouts.

In the past few days, the "Red Banner Army" scouts and banner guards have been sending information about the Houjin Army. Huang Han learned that the enemy's left, middle, and right troops are all more than three hundred miles away from Zhangjiakou.

After the joint operation of the Jin army, it was possible to respond in time when robbing. If a Niulu was attacked, he could be rescued within half an hour, and he could form an encirclement circle for the invading enemy within an hour.

Damn!There is no way to start!Huang Han could only choose to stare blankly after the Jin army did this.

Because it seems that none of the post-Golden Army can be eaten by him at the moment, and large-scale encounters cannot be fought.

It is rare to have more than [-] cavalry in hand, so you can't be idle!After thinking about it, Huang Han decided to give Hong Zai a surprise.

The coalition forces of Jiannu and Tartars have been burning, killing and looting in Shanxi for more than a month. I don’t know how many people and property have been sent out of the pass. The post-Jin army in the pass has been grouped together and unable to make a surprise attack. Why can’t they go out of the side wall to look for the convoy of Tartars and Jiannu? fight?

It is known that the Golden Army is in Datong on the road closest to Zhangjiakou, and it takes a day and a half for the cavalry to attack. With this time difference, it is possible to make wind and rain.

Why do you have to defend the soil and fight against the war like a dogma?Huang Han is a time traveler. He clearly knew that the later Jin army's entry into Xuanda was not to occupy the territory of Ming Dynasty but to plunder.

(End of this chapter)

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