Chapter 588
After defeating the troops of Shuotuo and Sahalian, the Ming army seized more than [-] horses.

Now not only the Red Banner Army can have three horses for transfer, but the Jingying, Jinyiwei, Juyongguan, and Gaojia horses all have double rides.

Huang Han negotiated with Fang Zhenghua and revealed all the plans he was brewing.

Knowing that Huang Han discovered that Jiannu had concentrated its forces, our army had no chance to leave the customs to pursue the Jiannu and Tartars who had transported supplies and returned to Liaodong. Fang Zhenghua laughed so hard that he fell down.

"Dongpinghou, how dare you think about it! Our family is also troubled by the fact that we can't do anything. Going out to chase Jiannu seems to be dangerous, but it's actually a Miaoqi.

Even though the Daming pass is in vain, it is impossible for Jiannu to pass through it overnight, and it will take some time to break through the pass.

Our army also has a dual-carrying attack speed that is no less than that of the Houjin army, and it is completely free to leave.

It took at least a day or two for Jiannu to get the news that our army was out of customs to chase them back to the Liaodong team. Even if they reacted quickly and immediately pursued them, they had a four-day journey with our army. How could they catch up? ?
At worst, let's go to Da'ankou and Gubeikou to enter the customs. "

Seeing that the always bold Fang Zhenghua supported his decision, Huang Han didn't talk to him about such nonsense that we are responsible for guarding the soil.

He said with a smile: "Jiannu raised troops to chase us. Would they dare if they were short of troops? How many troops can be left to continue the robbery? Can they still transport supplies and people outside the pass calmly?
If we don't attack them, we can also have the effect of besieging Wei and saving Zhao.What's more, if our army chases into the grasslands and Yanshan Mountains, there will be no shortage of gains, and the casualties are unlikely to be large. "

Fangzheng nodded his head like a chicken pecking at it, and said, "Yes, yes, there are too many Jiannu in Shanxi and now they have learned how to behave and refuse to divide the troops. Why do we have to fight Jiannu in the pass?

Anyway, it doesn't matter where you kill Jiannu and kill Tartars. Let's go after those Houjin soldiers who have already left the customs. Their strength is unlikely to be large. 5000 people are enough to teach those beasts a lesson. "

Huang Han said: "You and I are really heroes and see the same thing. The population of slaves is small, killing one more will make them weaker. We went out to rob and kill people.

If Jiannu dares to stay in the pass to rob, we dare to chase all the way to Liaodong. At that time, Mr. Fang will call Jinzhou troops, and Benjue will call Ningyuan troops for another big battle. "

Fang Zhenghua's eyes lit up, and he agreed: "That's true, but our family thinks that as soon as Jiannu hears the news that we have left the customs, it will be like burning their buttocks, and they will definitely launch a chase. Reality."

Huang Han didn't know that it was impossible for the slave chieftain to let more than [-] Ming army cavalry rampage in the sphere of influence of the Hou Jin army. He began to perfect his plan and continued:

"Fang Gonggong, you immediately send your confidant to gallop to Juyongguan to inform Master Li, and tell him not to make any noise, and quickly lead the people who stay in Juyongguan to Gubeikou. At that time, we will go around and return to the capital from Gubeikou."

Gubeikou belongs to Shuntian governor Liu Zhilun's jurisdiction, and it has been restored in recent years. The more than [-] troops stationed here belonged to part of Liu Zhilun's Eighth Battalion Beggar Army.

Fang Zhenghua agreed: "It's wonderful, it's beyond words. We have left the customs. There is no need for Mr. Li to sit in Juyongguan. Mr. Gao is enough. Jiannu is definitely not in the mood to attack such a powerful pass at this time. Our family immediately sent people to contact. Keeping our retreat is safe."

Originally, the garrison general was Liu Zhilun's, and he had a good relationship with the "Red Banner Army". With Li Ruolian leading a General Jinyi Guard to assist in the defense, there is no need to worry about retreating.

After Hongxie concentrated his troops, his robbery efficiency plummeted. He found another "Red Banner Army" in the direction of Zhubokou, whose number was unknown.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, just afraid of thieves thinking about it, the feeling of insecurity is uncomfortable, it is obvious that Huang Han led tens of thousands of cavalry who dared to fight and fight hard, and watched the Dajin army all the time. It is possible to jump up and fight.

The men and horses who appeared at Zhubokou could not judge the number of people without accurate information, but Huang Han was good at hiding his troops and even more good at launching surprise attacks.

Hongxie judged that the "Red Banner Army" might not have many vanguard troops, so he let go of the great opportunity to wipe out Zhenglanqi's outstanding troops, and chose to repel and stop.

If there is more delay, more and more "Red Banner Army" will reach the inner three passes. When the infantry can rely on the castle to jump forward, the Dajin Army may be dragged inside the pass to fight a war of attrition.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was originally a day for family reunion. Shanxi was raging with flames, slaves were rampant, and Tartars murdered and set fire. Huang Han led more than [-] Ming cavalry out of the customs to carry out a retaliatory massacre for two days.

This young man was lucky. On the afternoon when he left the customs, he found hundreds of Jiannu, thousands of bannermen, wrapped slaves, and hundreds of Tartars leading [-] to [-] Han people trapped in Shanxi to trek north.

The Tartars and Jiannu couldn't imagine that the Ming army was not defending the territory inside the pass to fight the main force, but came out of the pass to intercept and kill the transport team.

Ten to one troops, the disparity in strength, the tactic arranged by Huang Han was to encircle the movement, the Tartars, Jian slaves, and traitors were all beheaded, more than a thousand horses were captured, and many draft horses, donkeys, mules and plowmen were obtained. Niu, rescued all the Han people.

Since there was no time to screen the captives, in order to prevent leaks of the news, the slaves and tartars in the transport team in front would run away after hearing the news, and they could not let anyone go. Therefore, all traitors with money rat tails were killed and no one was left alive.

The Ming army seized the time to collect gold and silver treasures, and ordered all the Han people to take cloth, food and lead cattle and other large animals to leave the road and flee southward in groups and into the depths of the mountains. weapons for self-defense.

Originally, many Ming soldiers thought that the general was crazy. After giving up the convenience of using the city as a garrison to go out and chase after the Jin army, it was simply whimsical.

After this battle, seeing the golden gold, white silver, silk and other good things seized, the Ming army immediately smiled, and the morale immediately returned to the time when the post-jin army just defeated the Baoanzhou city.

That night, the Ming army camped on the spot with canvas tents carried on horseback. There were too many donkeys, mules and cattle that were wounded or killed in the melee, and more than 1 people could not eat at all.

The next day, the confident Ming army cast a large net to encircle another transport convoy. Since the "Red Banner Army" deliberately sealed off the battlefield to attack and kill the Tartars and Jiannu who might escape from the encirclement, they really did their best. Two hundred real slaves and three hundred Tartars were slaughtered.

The [-] cavalry of the regular army and the transport team of only [-] cavalry were accomplished overnight. The more than [-] Han people who were rescued again did their best to carry food and lead large animals up the mountain to the south.

(End of this chapter)

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