Chapter 589 Wanton Retaliation
The cavalry of the Ming army continued their efforts, following the traces left by the post-Jin army transport team along the way, and there were many different gains and seizures almost every day.

A large number of Han people who were coerced by the Hou Jin army were rescued and fled southward across the mountains.

Many tribes of Tartars were discovered along the way. Of course, they were massacred by the retaliatory Ming army, and all the Han people who became slaves were freed.

Many tribes of the Tartars deliberately concentrated in this area, the reason is very simple, most of their young and strong tribes followed Jiannu to enter the customs and rob the Ming Dynasty.

In order to meet their relatives who had brought home many good things as soon as possible, the Tazi family tried to get as close as possible to the route where the army was about to return.

Often women, children and old people in the Tazi tribe ran out of their yurts in a hurry when they heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes, thinking that their loved ones had returned home full of rewards.

Unexpectedly, the murderous cavalry of the Ming army attacked. Since there were basically no young and middle-aged men, the Mongolian tribe lost their resistance. The Ming army who came for revenge refused to let go of a single man or woman, and killed them all!
Time was running short, and even the yurts were burned before they could be dismantled.

Killing, destroying, and shocking are the themes of this trip. The Ming army not only killed people, but also set fires along the way. In the end, half the sky on the grassland was burned red.

This is not an exaggeration. This year was already dry, and it was the end of August when the grass was withered and yellow. Setting fire to the wind would soon start a prairie fire. When the Jin army chased after them, all they saw was a piece of scorched earth.

The tartars should have grinned ferociously when they robbed Ming Dynasty. How did they feel when they saw their hometown turned into a black and scorched earth?

After working for seven days in a row, there was not a single day empty-handed. Due to the disparity in strength, the Ming army's troops who left the customs did not suffer much loss.

The transportation team was too easy to fight, and each attack could get at least a thousand horses and a lot of gold and silver treasures, which made the Ming army laugh from ear to ear these days.

The Ming army always asked the Han people to take away the donkeys, cattle and other large animals that pulled the carts, and left behind the horses that pulled the carts to carry the captured good things. Today, each person has at least three war horses and horses. The "Red Banner Army" has already Own more than four horses.

The young musketeer cavalry has selected more than 2000 young and middle-aged men who can ride horses and know how to serve livestock in the midst of their busy schedules, and have recruited them for military service. With more than [-] people assisting the "Red Banner Army" in feeding horses and managing spare horses, more cavalry can let go fight.

Lieutenant General Yang Danian of Ji Town took the heaviest responsibility. He did not participate in the attack on the transportation team, but led [-] cavalry with the best cavalry skills and the strongest combat effectiveness, gathered [-] Arabian war horses, and opened a distance of more than [-] miles from the main force. Detect if pursuers are approaching.

These brave men and horses are all non-commissioned officers, and there are dozens of warrior kings at the level of warriors and warriors. Gu Kui and Lei Mingchun, the two warrior guards beside Huang Han, are also among them.

Attitude is everything. The [-] "Red Banner Army" non-commissioned officers who stayed behind to detect the movements of the pursuers saw Gu Kui and Lei Mingchun come to serve as liaison officers. Everyone could feel the heavy responsibility and was extremely careful.

Non-commissioned officers have at least two self-generated short guns and a telescope as standard equipment.

Yang Danian's small but capable team has three hundred binoculars for observation, and even a rabbit that appears from the direction of Zhangjiakou cannot escape the gaze of so many eyes.

The small number of outposts and messengers that the enemy showed up could not pass the monitored road at all, because even if the slave building team with less than 100 people was the troops of the Gebush Xianchao Ha camp, it would be impossible for them to be attacked by the cavalry sergeants concentratedly used by the [-] "Red Banner Army". There is simply no way out.

Huang Han never cared about his head and his back, he had to find out in time where the Hou Jin army who came after leaving the pass had arrived.

Yang Danian found out that there are tens of thousands of pursuers and they will send people to report the news quickly. When the main force chooses to run away, they should still be more than a hundred miles away from the pursuers.

Moreover, the three hundred non-commissioned officers could not tolerate the enemy cavalry galloping all the way to chase our army. They would use the speed advantage of the Arabian horses under their crotches and their own equipment advantages to continuously launch harassment wars and slow down the speed of the Jin army's advance.

The last one is Yang Danian who has been following Huang Han from birth to death, not only loyal to the "Red Banner Army" but also rich in combat experience, calm and thoughtful.

Sang Yu and Wang Zhicheng, who were shrewd, capable, brave and good at fighting, each led a cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" who had served for more than two years to carry out scouting from left to right along the route home of the Houjin Army. The encirclement and annihilation plans all come from their proposals.

At noon on the eighth day after leaving the customs, that is, on August 21, the cavalry of the Ming army arrived at a place called the Three Mountains.

Counting the distance, it is more than a thousand miles away from Zhangjiakou, and there is a three-way intersection ahead. Going east on the main road is Liaoxi, and walking a few hundred miles on the small road to the south is the Daming side wall.

The three non-commissioned officers under Sang Yu ran back to find the main force and happily reported the good news to Huang Han.

There was not a transport team in front of it, but a big messy camp. After observation, it was confirmed that it should be a material transfer station for Jiannu. There were too many Han people in it, maybe [-] to [-].

Jiannujia soldiers should have more than two Niulu soldiers, and many Tazi soldiers may reach two or three thousand.

Sang Yu had already communicated with Wang Zhicheng, and they were going to lead their troops across the camp of the Jin army to guard the escape routes of the Jiannu and Tartars to the north and east, and the main force could gallop to launch a surprise attack.

More than [-] Ming army cavalry with high morale learned that there was a Houjin army camp not far ahead, and the supplies inside were piled up like a mountain, and they screamed with excitement.

As the raid kicked off, Huang Han wanted to take the lead in the charge and was unable to do so. He was surrounded by a group of young musketeer cavalry and nine guards including Yan Congyou, He Yongqing, Gu Jixiang, and Ge Daben.

Fang Zhenghua laughed and led his subordinates, such as Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, Sun Yingyuan, etc., to the Houjin army camp and slashed and slashed until the blood mist rose from the killing.

The Jiannu and Tartars never expected to be attacked in the hinterland of the prairie. Their camp was not closed at all like the settlements of Mongolian tribes, and they were rushed to pieces by more than [-] cavalry.

Many Tartars and Jiannu saw the red flags flying high, and saw the Ming army knights who were like dragons and horses like tigers. There were thousands of troops and horses and horses, and they chose to flee in all directions without exception.

The defender of the Houjin army here is well-known, and his name is Wu Nage. He was the first scum among the Mongols to be a slave of Nurhachi, and he was one of the top executioners of the Houjin army.

In the sixth year of the Apocalypse, he led more than [-] Tartars and slave-building coalition forces to attack Juehua Island. Dozens of Ming generals Yao Fumin, Du Si Wang Xifu, and Ji Shideng died for their country, and more than [-] Ming soldiers, civilians, and merchants were massacred.

The barbarians also burned more than [-] warships, merchant ships, and fishing boats frozen in the port, and burned down the Tunliang City on Juehua Island.

(End of this chapter)

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