Chapter 590

Wu Nage, a vulgar butcher, caused Daming more than 2000 million taels of direct damage in silver, which is roughly equivalent to destroying the Daming Longwu Navy and Juehua Island, the largest logistics supply point outside the customs.

This kid has been unsatisfactory since the death of the inhuman butcher Nurhachi, because the high-ranking Hong is trying to establish the image of a savior and severely punish the massacre. Even Erbeile Amin was imprisoned.

In the battle of conquering Chahar and attacking Mongolian tribes the year before last, Wu Nage massacred all the [-] or hundreds of Chahar men who had surrendered.

A few days after entering the customs this time, the slave chief found that Wu Nage's men and horses still did not change their nature of deliberate massacre.

Hong Xie simply dispatched him to lead the headquarters to cooperate with a dissatisfied Jiala to go out to build a supply area at the intersection of the three mountains.

When the Hou Jin army sent troops to attack Chahar in the spring, they once camped there. Hong Jie had seen the terrain and thought that a material hoarding point should be established in this place more than a thousand miles away from Shengjing to allow the captured Han people to rest for a day. Can reduce mortality.

Now that the land of the Dajin Kingdom is getting bigger and bigger, there are countless fertile fields that no one cultivates. Hongjie is well aware of the importance of population, and wants to bring as many Han people back to Liaodong to farm for the children of the Eight Banners.

Wu Nage is not stupid, so he doesn't know that he is not welcomed by his new master. When he was stationed in the camp, he had nothing to do. He was so angry that he drank and beat and scolded the soldiers all day long. tortured to death.

When the Ming army raided, Wunage was very unfortunate. He just drank 13 taels of good wine "General Triumph" and passed out, still in a coma.

The chief general was a thug, a general who was pushed out and had no ambitions, and he often beat and scolded the soldiers, so he was naturally unpopular.

When the catastrophe was imminent, none of the tartars went to wake Wunage to flee, so when the Ming army appeared in Wunage's yurt, Wunage was still snoring like thunder.

This time, more than 3000 Tartars and slaves were encircled, which is three or four times the number of people trapped in the encirclement by the Jin army after the campaign was launched a few days ago.

In the camp there were no less than [-] wolves-ridden bannermen and coated slaves. Because the Tartars refused to fight and fled immediately, they really slipped away by hundreds of horses.

In fact, the main reason is that not all of the Biaoming army is the "Red Banner Army" that is as ruthless as it can be. The Tartars were not paying much attention to fleeing.

Fleeing hundreds of people is harmless, and the harvest has become a burden. Originally, Huang Han was ready to stop chasing and killing the transportation team of the Houjin Army in the east. He didn't need to be wary of the news that the transportation team of the Houjin Army in front got the news. run away.

Most of the Han Chinese who were kidnapped were from Shanxi. Without exception, they had heard of the most capable "Red Banner Army" in Ming Dynasty. When they found out that the cavalry with fluttering red flags chased thousands of miles away from the side wall, everyone was moved to tears. Crossflow.

When Huang Han appeared, all the Han people knelt down and kowtowed devoutly, shouting: "Grass people, little ones, villains, thank Dongping Hou for his kindness."

There are too many Jin Yiwei and eunuchs present, how can he promote himself like this?

Huang Han jumped off his horse to help the worshiping people, and said loudly: "Followers, please hurry up, I am ordered to go out to rescue the people of Ming Dynasty, you should thank the emperor for his kindness."

The third younger brother Huang Yi, who has been training with the army during this period, has gradually matured. He knows that the strength of the Huang family has become so strong that people hate him.

He took the lead in shouting: "My emperor loves the people like a son, we are so lucky, the Ming Dynasty is all victorious! The Holy Son of Heaven is all victorious!"

The Han people are particularly good at shouting slogans, and suddenly the shouts of "Daming Wansheng! Shengtianzi Wansheng!" echoed among the mountains...

At this time, Fangzheng Hua Le ran to Huang Han's side and shouted, "Dongping Marquis, great joy! Do you know who our army has captured?"

Huang Han was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Could it be that Baylor or Beizi, who built a slave, was captured alive?"

"Our family thinks that the person captured is more meaningful than Jiannu Beizi. This kid is called Wu Nage and is the chief general here. Do you know that this person is the culprit who caused the massacre on Juehua Island?"

This was an unexpected joy. When Huang Han followed Fang Zhenghua to the yurt, Jin Yiwei had already loosened Wunage's muscles and bones. Those who attacked were all master beaters, and they guaranteed that the beaten person would die in pain. no.

Jinyiwei and Dongchang have countless school lieutenants and fans with special skills. If they fall into their hands, life is guaranteed to be worse than death.

Wu Nage had already sobered up a long time ago, and was tortured by several Jinyiwei whose relatives died on Juehua Island, so that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Seeing that the gang of Ming soldiers who abused him saluted Huang Han respectfully, he immediately realized that the person who came should be the leader of the Ming army.

Wu Nage wailed: "Master, spare your life, this slave is willing to surrender, and is willing to be loyal to the master from now on." This bastard can speak Chinese fluently, and he may have been in the Ming army before.

Huang Han ignored this scum at all, smiled and said to the guards in Jinyi: "Take it easy, let the Holy Son of Heaven see a living person, maybe my emperor is kind enough to take him in and give him an official position, I don't know."

Only people with hope can have strong vitality. Huang Han deliberately said such words to give Wu Nage hope that he can survive the torture of Jin Yiwei, so that he can kill this thief at Caishikou in the capital.

Wu Nage understood it, and he regained his spirit immediately. He kowtowed and said, "This servant is familiar with the deployment of the Dajin Kingdom. Daming will definitely need this servant. Please restrain your subordinates and stop fighting, otherwise this servant will be beaten to death!"

Huang Han said: "It's okay to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, but you must honestly explain what the Jinyiwei brothers ask."

Wu Nage quickly flattered: "The slave must know everything and talk about everything."

Collecting information on the Jiannu-controlled area is also a military achievement. Jin Yiwei certainly spared no effort. With Wu Nage, a scum who wants to survive and even get an official position in the Ming Dynasty, the effect must be good.

Huang Han ignored how Jin Yiwei repaired Wu Nage, and began to arrange manpower to screen out traitors, clean them up and seize them.

Yang Danian, who was on the west side of the main force to guard the pursuers of the Hou Jin army, would send someone to contact him every three hours. The news just sent back indicated that there was no formed Hou Jin army within [-] miles.

From this, it can be seen that the pursuers of the Red Army have not yet arrived, and our army has plenty of time. Huang Han ordered the army to use the ready-made camp of the Houjin Army to camp.

Order the young musketeers to identify the more than [-] banner men and coat slaves who surrendered. If there is no bloody case, their lives can be spared. Let these people carry the captured supplies on their shoulders and retreat to Gubeikou with the rescued Han people early tomorrow morning. .

(End of this chapter)

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