Chapter 591
Huang Han is always thinking about Hong, and the slave chief can't forget Huang Han all the time.

But when Tan Ma delivered the news that Huang Han led the troops out of Zhangjiakou, Hong Jie, who was eating, was so surprised that his mouth was wide open, and he didn't even know that the meat in his mouth had fallen off.

"What? That guy Huang Han actually left the customs?"

Nu Chief suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted, and obviously lost another move in the battle of wits and courage with Huang Han. He really didn't expect that Huang Han would break the situation like this when he was in a stalemate.

"Damn it, it's so hateful! That guy actually let the 10,000+ enemy troops in the pass not attack, and ran outside the pass. Isn't he responsible for guarding the land?

Wouldn't the emperor of the Ming Dynasty settle accounts after the fall?That guy is too lawless, how can he be so unruly, it's shameless! "

Seeing that Ama's face was flushed with anger, and his nosebleeds were dripping down, Haug quickly covered Ama's nose with a snatched towel and helped him to lie down, comforting him:
"Khan Ama, it doesn't matter if Huang Han leaves Zhangjiakou, at least we don't need to guard against that kid's sneak attack all the time these few days."

Hong Zhe said weakly: "More than a dozen groups of people were escorted and seized and the population left the customs. There is a small group of more than a thousand armored men. How can they survive if they are chased by Huang Han?

It doesn't matter if my Dajin loses those property and population, it is not ours, but my Dajin has too few armored people, even if I lose a Eight Banners boy, it will make my heart ache! "

Huang Han's move was too insidious, too unexpected, most of those Hou Jin soldiers who wholeheartedly brought many good things home would die on the way for no reason.

It's no wonder that the slave chief got angry, and the team of Han people who drove the carts carrying grain on their shoulders could hardly walk forty miles a day.

After the Jin army entered the customs and plundered, they gained huge gains. They robbed too many people, large animals, and food. Only after July [-] did teams with full loads begin to leave the customs one after another.

Hong Xie thinks that the only team that goes home is the first to leave the customs and establish a transfer point.

Because there are less than [-] Mongolian light cavalry and hundreds of Eight Banners from the Wunage tribe there, they should have built camps that can be defended on the three mountains.

But what the slave chief didn't expect was that Wunage was in a mood. He didn't dig trenches, set up horses, cut down trees and build a strong camp. Instead, he was as chaotic as the Mongolian tribal settlements, and was directly rushed by the Ming army cavalry. Into hacking and chopping.

Seeing that his father was so anxious and unable to comfort him, Hauge said honestly: "But our army has at least four or five days away from Huang Han who left the customs. At this time, if we raise troops to chase, I am afraid that we will not be able to catch up. Huang Han led All the cavalry also have dual mounts."

Hong Zhe let out a long sigh, lost interest, and said: "Oh! I know, but what if we don't mention the pursuit of soldiers, that guy really has the courage to chase and fight all the way to Liaodong.

They don't even need supplies, because as long as they can chase the transport team of our Great Jin Army along the way, food, horse feed, and labor are all ready-made. "

Seeing his father getting angry in such a hurry, the son of course has to share his father's worries and problems, Hauge said: "Khan Ama, my son please order to lead two yellow banners to chase Huang Han."

"Pursuing is necessary, but you can't do it recklessly. It's very possible that you will be ambushed by Huang Han if you go too few people. Order the generals to discuss matters. Our strategic goal of the Golden Army has been achieved. It's time to go back."

The situation was urgent, and Hong Jie still fantasized that Wunage led three to four thousand troops and one or two thousand coated slaves to use the strong camp to fight against Huang Han's cavalry for a few days, so as to gain precious time for the Eight Banners who followed and pursued them.

After gathering generals, he didn't waste time in discussion mode, and directly issued an order to withdraw troops.

Led by Jierharang, led by Degelei, Dudu, Abatai, Wakda, etc., they drove the 10,000+ Han people captured and coerced, and drove the carts of cattle and horses slowly northward and eastward.

Duoduo and Dorgon led two white flags and [-] Mongolian cavalry on the left and right wings to chase the Ming cavalry who had left the pass at a speed of no less than [-] miles a day, trying to catch up with and entangle the enemy.

Hong Jie and Haoge led two yellow banner troops to escort the Han people and captured them in the middle. After receiving the news from the forwards Dorgon and Duoduo that they had successfully captured the Ming army, they would dispatch Gebush Xianchaoha and the [-] Eight Banner cavalry to gallop reinforce.

This arrangement seems to be well-organized, but it is actually intended to make the brothers Dorgon and Duoduo suffer, because they did not bring the supplies and population back, and the benefits distributed in the end are those that the banners handed over to the public.

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, and all banners will make small calculations. Of course, it is impossible to hand over all the results of looting to the public, and it would be good to give one third.

Therefore, the two white flags being red is bad luck. Compared with the two yellow flags, the population and wealth obtained by looting Daming this time must not reach half.

It was obvious that Starling was going to weaken himself again. Although Dorgon was angry, his face still showed obedience, but he made up his mind, and he only ran two hundred miles a day in a quick march, and he didn't do anything more than one mile.

Originally, the income was reduced by more than half. If it really got involved with the Ming army whose strength was similar to the one he brought, the consequences would be disastrous.

Dorgon instinctively thought that even if Hong Gui rushed to the battlefield in time with his troops, he would definitely sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

When he and Duoduo's two white banner troops were almost exhausted, and the Ming army was exhausted and suffered heavy casualties, Hong would lead the troops to strike at this time.

Dorgon will also do reverse thinking. If he is in a red and evil position, he will definitely do this. Therefore, he must avoid huge losses. Don't encounter Huang Han's men.

The cavalrymen of the Ming army who left the pass killed the most during this period, but the cavalrymen of Juyongguan and the former servants of Chen Hongfan. It was not that they were so powerful that they killed the Jiannu and Tartar cavalry, but that the women and children of the Tartar tribe died in all likelihood. hand.

Huang Han needs manpower to do dirty work. He only strictly ordered the "Red Banner Army" to respect the law of the grassland and not kill women, but he did not require Jinyiwei, Jingying and Juyongguan cavalry to do so.

Fang Zhenghua is a eunuch, bloodthirsty, he kills anyone he sees when he rushes to kill, he doesn't care about men, women, old or young, and he doesn't restrain his subordinates at all, which directly leads to thousands of troops who have lost their military discipline.

After Huang Han camped overnight in the three mountain camps established by the Hou Jin army, the main force did not set out early the next morning, but sent Wang Zhicheng to lead a general cavalry to explore the way first, and they sent messengers to deliver news to the rear in time, explaining that road conditions.

The main force had to be scattered on the rough mountain roads, and they could only go on the road in batches in the way of a hundred troops managing more than two thousand Han people and monitoring two or three hundred surrendered slaves.

(End of this chapter)

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