Chapter 592 Horrible
The reason why Huang Han arranged this was because there were so many good things that he was reluctant to discard.

The three mountains are more than [-] miles away from Gubeikou. They are narrow, rugged, difficult to walk, and prone to congestion. The best way is to pass through in echelons.

In less than half an hour, there will be a group of people who have packed up their supplies and left the camp. The number of people is about [-]. They have been proceeding step by step until the afternoon, and basically all the people have embarked on the long journey home.

[-] to [-] Han people carried the seized materials on their shoulders, and staggered along pushing hundreds of seized wheelbarrows. It was unrealistic for animal-drawn carts to travel the mountain roads.

When Huang Han set off, except for Hanzi, Sang Yu, and Zhang Yang who were waiting for Yang Danian's troops to join up, less than a thousand cavalry led by two cavalry, the rest of the cavalry had already dismounted and walked.

The war horses and three or five spare horses are fully loaded, including gold and silver treasures, food, silk, tea, wheat, etc. Even so, there are tens of thousands of shi of food that cannot be taken away, and can only be carried with horse carts and ox carts. The frame of the car was burned together.

At noon on the second day after Huang Han led the troops to turn south to Gubeikou, Yang Danian, who had already learned that the main force was returning to the south, came to the three mountain camps to join forces with Hanzi, Sang Yu, and Zhang Yang who had been waiting for a long time.

Yang Danian set fires along the way according to the instructions, and the fire starters were ready-made. It was the only way to be set aside when the main force burned the wasteland. There were many arson points on the road for Yang Danian's troops to retreat and set fire to block the pursuers.

The [-] cavalry who joined the division and were about to break up were all non-commissioned officers of the "Red Banner Army". Everyone had at least two self-generated short guns, and half of them carried miniguns on their backs. Nigerian gun.

They were not in a hurry to retreat at all, because they knew that the team returning to the south was huge, with tens of thousands of people and thousands of cattle, the speed would not be fast at all.

It is known that the mountain roads are difficult to walk, and even the cavalry has many areas where not only cannot gallop, but also have to lead the horse on foot, such terrain is actually a dead end for the cavalry.

Hanzi, Yang Danian, Sang Yu, etc. are all daring masters. They used to fight guerrillas to survive in the cracks without fear of the golden army, but now they are well-equipped and sharp with firearms, and they are even less afraid of those bastards.

Although they set fire to the three mountain camps of the Golden Army after they withdrew, they did not go far, and they still camped hidden behind a mountain bag.

There were more than [-] people lurking in the dense forest hills near the Sanchakou. Yang Danian was still leading the team. They watched the Jin army after spying, and found that the enemy dared to go on the small road and continue to pursue them, and would block them in a dangerous area that had been observed.

If the Hou Jin army dared to enter the dangerous place rashly, it is estimated that under the attack of Mini guns and self-generated short guns, layers of war horses and the corpses of Jiannu and Tartars would block the rugged mountain road.

The two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo were not in a high mood at first, but now they are in a terrible situation.

Originally, they were only willing to march [-] miles a day, and it took them two days to get out of the customs. But after another three days, the situation became complicated.

This sudden situation directly caused the two brothers to hurry and hurry so tired that they were able to run two hundred miles a day, only completing the minimum marching standard stipulated by mynah.

Two days after Huang Han had already headed south with the main force, Dorgon and Duoduo led their troops to the three mountain camps that had been burned to scorched earth.

Half of the more than [-] headless corpses had been gnawed to pieces by jackals, tigers, leopards, and wild dogs that smelled blood coming out of the mountains.

Although the tens of thousands of troops led by Dorgon and Duduo marched at a constant speed of [-] miles a day, it was completely different from when they attacked Lindan Khan.

Because at that time the Ming army did not deliberately set fires, no one threw headless corpses into wells and rivers, and the grasslands were full of spring.

What does it mean to follow someone's ass and eat ashes? After thousands of years, the Golden Army has staged a reality version. Now everyone is ashamed, and some people even have their hair and eyebrows burned.

It's okay to be exhausted all the way, the key is that it is extremely difficult to drink water, and you have to send someone to the mountain to find the spring.

Duoduo had never been wronged like this before, and seeing the scene of being massacred by the Ming army was horrible, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "The Huang Han dog thief bullies people too much, I must catch up with him and tear him to pieces."

Dorgon was not angry, his heart was calm, and he didn't say yes or no when he saw that Duoduo wanted to pursue him.

He sent a team of messengers and said: "You rush to the Chinese army to ask for instructions from the Great Khan. The Ming army has deviated from our army's retreat route and went south. There are high mountains, dense forests, dense forests and rough roads, which is not conducive to cavalry running. Will our troops continue to pursue it?" Khan instructed."

Duoduo looked at the courier who was leaving in the dust and said doubtfully: "I'm afraid two or three days will be gone once the courier goes back and forth. Brother Fourteen actually doesn't want to chase Huang Han at all, does he?"

Dorgon is confident that he can catch up with the Ming cavalry, but he does not have the confidence to win.

He even thought that when he was really close to Huang Han's men, he couldn't be sure that the other party would use some insidious tricks to deal with his pursuers. If they were caught in an ambush, maybe the two brothers would never go back.

His Zhengbai flag and Duoduo's inlaid white flag were originally the two yellow flags of the old slaves' era. With more people and horses equipped, they were the elite of the Eight Banners. Later, mynah became a profuse khan.

At that time, Dorgon, who was young and inexperienced, didn't know how to preserve his strength. He always led his subordinates to charge and break through the formation regardless of losses. Before he was 16 years old, he was awarded the title of Daiqing of Morgan for his great achievements in conquering the Chahar tribe of Mongolia.

This is not the result of Dorgon's bravery and skill in fighting, but the elites left by those old slaves who lost more than a thousand people and made him with blood.

Times have changed, and the 22-year-old Dorgon is no longer an ignorant boy, and has calmed down a lot. Knowing that a false name is like a floating cloud, strength can overwhelm everything, and he will no longer lead his subordinates to be the vanguard of starlings.

Fortunately, he knows the current affairs, if he really doesn't care about coming to the mountain road, I'm afraid there will be thousands of people under his command who die for no reason. In the end, it is really possible that you will not be able to escape.

Dorgon looked at the vast mountains and said: "Fifth brother, you are too young to understand many things. Do you know why the starling sent us to lead our troops and Mongolian left and right wings to chase Huang Han?"

Duoduo said: "Brother Fourteen, I'm not stupid, I understand, it's because Huang Han's men are hard to beat, use our men to play the front line to go all out, and then two yellow flags to pick peaches."

Dorgon rolled his eyes and said, "Then why are you clamoring to chase south!"

(End of this chapter)

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