The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 593: The Flame of War Ignited in Yizhou

Chapter 593: The Flame of War Ignited in Yizhou
Doduo blinked his eyes and said slyly:

"I'm just pretending. I know that if we catch up with Huang Han's men and start a fight, our two white flags may not be as strong as the inlaid blue flag in the future."

Dorgon turned his head to look at the Eight Banners boys who were struggling to dig a hole to bury their bodies on the spot, and said leisurely: "Do you still remember the look in our eyes when my mother was forced to be buried? Those brothers are sometimes more vicious than jackals." !"

After all, Duo Duo is young, only 20 years old this year, and he was silent when Duo ErGun reminded him of the sad past. He turned his head and looked at the mountains, unwilling to let people see that his eyes were blurred with tears.

Dorgon continued: "If our two brothers died together with the Ming army while chasing Huang Han, I'm afraid how many people would wake up laughing in their dreams."

Duoduo said proudly: "It's not so easy for us to die, Brother Fourteen, I will be more careful in the future."

Dorgon gritted his teeth and said, "The two of us must live. Amin and Manggurtai participated in forcing their mother to death, and now they have received retribution. One day, I will let everyone involved die unhappily."

It is obvious that the fourteenth brother meant to take revenge on the starling, but Duoduo chose to acquiesce without speaking up.

Because Dorgon and Duoduo, who were pursuing them, were passive and idle, they stationed at the intersection where the Ming army was going south, and deliberately sent messengers to contact them, waiting for the next order from Hongzhai.

Seeing the messenger sent by Dorgon, the thoughtful Hong Jie didn't know Dorgon's attitude. He knew that it was useless to count on the two white flags to chase down the Ming army, so he generously ordered Dorgon to return eastward slowly.

Seeing that his father had sent the messenger away, Hauge looked at the confidants on both sides, and said:

"Khan Ama, Uncle Fourteenth and Uncle Fifteenth deliberately slowed down the pursuit, so they should not have been sent there at that time.

If 2000 troops from the Eight Banners are deployed separately to gather [-] troops, and Gebush Xianchao oversees the Harbin battalion to gallop, he should be able to catch up. "

Hauge's insight is unique, Hong is thinking that nothing is better than successors, and he is happy, diluting a lot of unhappiness caused by Dorgon and Duoduo.

He said: "I don't know how it is possible to successfully catch up with Huang Han with this arrangement, but we can't just think about dealing with foreign enemies, it is more important to find opportunities to weaken the two white flags that have different intentions."

"The Fourteenth Uncle is very treacherous. In recent years, he has never been willing to lead the Zhengbai Banner to fight vicious battles. The Fifteenth Uncle has always followed the Fourteenth Uncle's lead. He is domineering and outspoken. He has repeatedly disrespected Ama. If it is not for the sake of the overall situation , really want to attack and kill them.”

"Unexpectedly, the arrogant Amin and the lawless Mangurtai died. These two brothers still don't know how to restrain themselves. If this continues, I will definitely not tolerate it."

Where there are crowds, there will be open and secret fighting. The old slave gave birth to dozens of sons and daughters, and sixteen sons who survived to adulthood, most of them participated in murder and arson since childhood, and most of them were cruel and easy-to-kill gangsters.

Hongxie is that the old eighth can sit on the Khan position, why can't the old second generation be kind?Can't Dorgon do it?Dodo can too!In theory, all sixteen sons can become great khans.

The slave chiefs must deal with these lawless brothers, and the methods are equally vicious.It is also because of this situation that Hongxie reuses traitors and puts effort into creating Wuzhenchaoha and Tianyoujun.

In dealing with the affairs of the Eight Banners, Hong Zhe treated them differently.

The slave chiefs deliberately divide and win over the two red flags and the two blue flags, deliberately making the elder Azig lose the power of the banner owner, and making Azig and his brothers turn against each other.

Then he favored Azig and supported him to share more Niulu from the two banner owners Dorgon and Duoduo. It's booming.

Hong Jie had always wanted to find Dorgon's fault and imprison him, but Dorgon was careful everywhere and couldn't hold the handle for a while.

This time, although people with a discerning eye could see that the two white flags were passive when they were chasing the Ming army, they did not violate the military order, so there was nothing wrong with them.

Due to the slow speed of Huang Han's returnees carrying a lot of supplies and population, as they crossed mountains and ridges, the Han people who were rescued a few days ago also led large animals and carried supplies and food to the road to Gubeikou. The army walked three or four times. God, the number of people has doubled.

In order to bring more Han people, Ge Daben and Gu Jixiang simply took the two military dogs "Ge Erben" and "Ge Liuben" to search and guide the Han people to join the army returning from the south. The effect was good and many Han people were found.

The common people took part in the march and walked on mountain roads, and they couldn't reach the speed of walking fifty miles a day. Now it is hard to keep forty miles a day.

Fortunately, there was no news that the Hou Jin army had gone south to pursue the troops.

Otherwise, the common people will not be able to stand up to the cavalry running for three to five days and chasing them at full speed for a day.

After Yang Danian deployed many secret sentries to monitor the Jin army, he, Hanzi and other generals were still thinking about good things, to see if they could kill thousands of chasing soldiers.

Unexpectedly, after watching the two hundred flags enter the three mountain camp, they did not leave. They cleaned up the massacre scene and buried the corpses of the Jin army.

Yang Danian, Hanzi, etc. did not give up because they wanted to buy more time for the Han people to retreat. They were still sleeping in the open in the mountains not far from the south of the three mountains.

After waiting for a day, I found that the pursuers camped on the spot and no longer followed south. It seemed that they planned not to pursue.

They observed patiently for another three days, until they saw with their own eyes the tens of thousands of people who had been following the Ming army heading east.

Yang Danian, who was cautious, sent someone back to report to the Patriarch that the Houjin army who followed the most closely should have embarked on the road back to Liaodong. Now that there is no pursuer, they will observe for another two days, and then slowly return south to catch up main force.

After receiving the news that there were no more pursuers, Huang Han simply dispatched a large number of cavalry squads to search the surrounding area, shouted to the mountains and forests, tried to find as many Han people who ran into the mountains a few days ago as possible, and tried to bring more people back to Daming.

Just as Huang Han was busy chasing after the Hou Jin army who had left the customs and snatched back the population and supplies, war broke out in North Korea's Uiju in the lower reaches of the Yalu River.

At the beginning of July, Dai Shan, who was staying in Shengjing, was tirelessly troubled by the constant delivery of memorials from Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others.

He had no choice but to pass on hundreds of memorials to Yujia's personal conscript Hong, who is now in Datong, Shanxi Province, from Azige, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Zhang Cunren, Zu Zerun and other generals who were in North Korea.

All memorials express the same meaning, North Korea has been largely stabilized, most of those who disobeyed have turned into corpses, it is time to seize the Uiju area occupied by Dongjiang Town, and drive all Dongjiang soldiers into the sea.

It was mid-to-late July when I received these memorials, and the Hou Jin army had snatched too many good things from Xiang Wudi in Shanxi, so Hong was in a good mood.

At this time, the great war to seize Yizhou made the Ming Dynasty care about one thing and lose another. Hong Jie immediately responded and sent a messenger to gallop to North Korea.

(End of this chapter)

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