Chapter 596 Glorious Sacrifice
Seeing that half a month has passed, it is guessed that the Goryeo servant army has exhausted the Dongjiang soldiers, and it is time to dispatch a general attack with the Han arquebus gunners as the main force.

"Marshal Du" gathered together all the traitors and Korean traitors who participated in the war, and Kong Youde was in high spirits for a while.

In the early morning of the third day of September, the day before the planned retreat of the Dongjiang soldiers, the Hou Jin army launched an unprecedented sharp attack. Ma Guangyuan, Geng Zhongming, Shi Tingzhu, Zhang Cunren and other well-known traitors led the Jiading team to participate in the trench battle.

The defenders of the main position are the three brothers of the Shang family, a well-known general in Dongjiang Town. Facing the crowds of the Houjin army, they did not flinch or retreat.

Under the fierce counterattack launched by Shang Keyi, the two sides fought all over the ground, and the two armies in the trench fought hand-to-hand. They wrestled and crawled together, and the blood and mud mixed with the body were all over the body, so that the two sides who came to the reinforcements could no longer tell the enemy from the enemy.

It was obviously a war launched by the Hou Jin Army, but Mongolian and Jurchen could not be heard on the raging battlefield, and the ears were full of Chinese shouts and Goryeo screams.

A great battle lasted until the sun was westward, and then gradually subsided, and the Jin army failed to break through the defense line of Dongjiang Town.

Shang Keyi, Shang Kexi and other generals were also unable to fight out all the Jin troops who had entered the trenches. In the trenches on the front line, the two armies were licking their wounds and ready to go.

In the middle of the night, seeing that it was only two hours before the scheduled retreat of the whole army, Mao Chenglu, who was guarding the left wing, led more than a thousand troops to meet up.

The Hou Jin army is close at hand, and running back at this time will definitely mess up and cause a rout.

In order to better complete the retreat plan, Shang Keyi, Mao Chenglu, Shang Kexi and more than a dozen generals decided to call on all active subordinates to launch a large-scale counterattack before retreating quietly.

They judged that the Jin army would definitely not be able to judge the enemy's situation in the case of a sudden night attack, and it was very possible that they would be stunned.

As soon as they said it, the Dongjiang soldiers and the Korean Volunteer Army cobbled together less than 5000 people and walked close to the enemy along the trenches to hack and chop. Two fires were ignited on the rear position and were burning.

These two fires are very particular. If they are in a straight line, even soldiers suffering from night blindness can roughly judge whether they have gone in the wrong direction by looking back at the two points forming a line of fires. When retreating, there is a fire in front of them. The guide will not get lost.

Mao Chenglu, Shang Keyi, Shang Kexi, Shang Kejin, Li Weiluan, Fan Hualong and other generals all took the lead, and all the soldiers knew how to fight and rush for an hour and then retreat slowly.

The effect of launching a surprise attack in the middle of the night was good. At least it deterred the Houjin army. Kong Youde, who didn't know what happened, ordered his subordinates to stand firm on the spot and not to move rashly, waiting for the next order at dawn.

In a scuffle, two or three thousand people were killed or injured on both sides, and the attacking side lost about a thousand soldiers. Nearly 2000 people from the Houjin Army died in the dark night of the third day of September for no apparent reason.

When the Ming army successfully escaped from the battlefield and retreated into the second line of defense held by Huanglong and Jin Sheng, they counted the troops and found that the fierce general Shang Kexi was gone, and it took nearly half an hour for more than a dozen Shang Kexi's servants to take turns to arrive with the Patriarch on their backs.

Trench warfare is not a dignified battle. It can only be divided into small teams led by generals to explore forward and form a multi-way raid.The direction of Shang Kexi's assault is the garrison of the traitor Ma Guangyuan.

In the dark night, the confidantes of the Shang family and the Ma family had a family encounter. It was like a copper pot meeting an iron brush.Shang Ke was delighted to see that when he encountered a hard idea, he fought more and more bravely. In the end, the two brothers Ma Guangyuan and Ma Guanghui and more than forty servants were all killed by the Ming army.

Nearly 20 of Shang Kexi's servants died in battle, and Shang Kexi was shot in the chest by the dying Ma Guangyuan in the dark.

Even though Shang Kexi was wearing solid armor, he couldn't withstand a close-range blow from the bird's gun to the chest. When he was snatched back by the servants, he was already dead. When he came to the second line of defense, he was already bloodied and speechless.

Shang Keyi, Shang Kejin, and Mao Chenglu saw that Shang Kexi was about to go back to the west and were helpless, because they all knew that they would basically not be able to recover from being shot by a bird gun.

In the end, Shang Kexi tried his best to say a word: "I killed the two brothers Ma Guangyuan and Ma Guanghui, the big traitors, and I deserve it!" He died gloriously and became a hero of the Ming Dynasty.

Because the generals from all walks of life planned to retreat, and Mao Chenglu, Shang Keyi, etc. launched a large-scale defensive counterattack, Kong Youde went in without knowing it, and did not strictly order his subordinates to pursue him.

When the Jin army rearranged and crossed the Yizhou defense line aggressively to attack the second line of defense, they found that the Dongjiang soldiers had run away.

When Kong Youde led 6 to [-] horses to chase to the beach, he saw a camp built with sacks of sand guarding the port from a distance. Thousands of sails were dancing on the sea, and the port was busy.

After seeing so many red flags waving in the wind, he immediately thought of Paoze who was buried in the sea, gold and silver treasures worth millions of taels of silver, and hundreds of Hongyi cannons and Fran cannons.

Kong Youde said viciously to the old department of Dongjiang Town next to him: "It's the 'Red Banner Army' doing something bad again, isn't it because enemies don't get together?"

Geng Zhongming also discovered that the "Red Banner Army" had appeared at the port, and new and old hatreds welled up in his heart. He howled and ordered the three thousand Koryo servants to march forward in a three-stage salvo with 1000 people taking turns to attack.

Just as the Koryo servant army approached the Ming army's position for eighty steps, the artillery on the sea and on the shore opened fire one after another.

The eight six-pound field guns deployed by the "Red Banner Army" on the beachhead directly aimed at the positions of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming's central army, and the 24 one-pound guns of the Francophone guns were all loaded with shotguns, and all of them sprayed out at this time.

The Goryeo servants were beaten to death by shotguns before they had time to line up to fire their guns. How could they dare to advance to the range of the guns to play three-stage shooting with the Ming army, and immediately turned around and ran away with a "Oh my god!"

Kong Youde was familiar with the performance of artillery, but he didn't expect that the range of the Ming army's artillery could surpass that of the Hongyi cannon, and the safe distance he estimated was actually shelled.

Although the eight large iron balls of about five catties did not bounce a few times on the soft sand, resulting in few casualties, the deaths and injuries of more than a dozen people also left an indelible impression on the traitors and traitors.

There is no way, they can no longer stay in place and become the target of artillery, so the "Marshal Du" had to order the whole army to retreat two miles to gather the defeated Goryeo servants and prepare for another battle.

Seeing the powerful firepower advantage of the "Red Banner Army" who came to reinforce Dongjiang Town, and seeing the heavy artillery equipped on those sea ships, all the traitors were ruined. The good mood of the past two years.

Traitor generals such as Shi Tingzhu, Zu Zerun, Zhang Cunren and the vast majority of Koryo generals suggested that they should be repaired, and they should not rush to attack the well-prepared Ming army's port defenses.

(End of this chapter)

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