Chapter 597 The Return
The traitors brainstormed and finally decided to take advantage of the softness of the seaside beach to approach the beachhead of the Ming army by digging trenches.

In this way, the range advantage of the Ming army's artillery can't be brought into play. When it is within fifty steps, it is not the quality and efficiency of the gunner, but the absolute quantity.

Obviously, the Jin army had close to 3000 musketeers to dispatch, and the Ming army probably didn't even have [-].

Originally, Kong Youde was planning to confuse everyone to launch a large-scale night attack like Dongjiang soldiers to seize the beachhead of the Ming army.

He believes that as long as they fall into a melee, the "Red Banner Army" that wiped out more than half of the beachheads can completely do it under the absolute superiority of its own troops.

Unexpectedly, things backfired, and the other generals became frightened when they saw the red flag fluttering. At this time, no general would follow the dangerous move, and now they can only choose to follow the steps.

Three days later, the Ming army voluntarily gave up and boarded the ship and left. Since then, the Jin army has taken all the Korean peninsula.

Azig is a soldier, and he has a good impression of those who can fight in his heart.

He has inspected the layers of corpses in Yizhou's defense line, and has seen with his own eyes the tragic death of the two brothers Ma Guangyuan and Ma Guanghui and dozens of servants after fierce fighting.

He wrote to Mynah to fairly explain how hard the battle in Yizhou was fought, to praise Kong Youde and others, and to ask for compensation and posthumous gifts for the Ma brothers.

On the third day of September, a cavalry team of about six to seven hundred people came out from the direction of Gubeikou Pass to find the Patriarch.

These brave men and horses are the cavalry soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". They fell behind on the thousands of miles galloping from Kuizhou Mansion to the capital because of an accident.

After they gathered at Sunliuzhuang, they got the news from the banner guards, and then, under the leadership of Pei Daneng, they rushed to Gubeikou at the end of August, where Li Ruolian had already brought a general Jinyi guard to participate in the garrison.

Knowing that the Patriarch's plan was to return to the army from the mountain road outside the Gubeikou Pass, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" would not sit and wait. They unanimously requested to go out to meet the Patriarch, and Li Ruolian let him go.

In a few days, they encountered a large army, which made the team that followed Huang Han home [-] more war horses and draft horses to participate in the transportation of supplies. the war horse.

After seeing the Patriarch, Pei Daneng gave a detailed report of his business in the Central Plains during this period.

Jiannu retreated from Xuanda, Yan Shengdou, the magistrate of Baoan Prefecture, and many officials reciprocated the favor, and they recommended Shen Sixiao, a warrior of the "Red Banner Army" who had a false title from the sixth rank test to a hundred households, to be promoted to three ranks in a row.

Judge Li Shisheng led the team, and Shen Sixiao led his 36 cavalry and 53 infantry to escort [-] captured Tartar slaves to the capital to offer prisoners.

The officials of Baoan Prefecture have made great achievements in guarding the land and captured dozens of prisoners from the Houjin Army. It is impossible for the Ministry of War to reject Shen Sixiao as the fifth-rank garrison battalion.

Jiannu retired, and the focus of the next work was to deal with the ravages of bandits. Gu Rushan, who was in charge of ensuring the harvest in the Central Plains, led the troops to leave Zhubokou and return to Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fort" at the end of August.

The autumn harvest is going on in the farmland of Zhangde Prefecture, and it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse.

Although the farming in the Central Plains has only reached the middle and lower ages, since 50 mu of potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and 50 mu of wheat, millet, etc. have been planted, it is estimated that the harvested grain can feed 10 people.

Soldiers without knowledge are stupid. To prevent the Han people from being conquered by barbarians, it is necessary to build an army with culture and insight.

For this reason, Huang Han spared no effort to strengthen education, and often called generals to study and hold meetings to discuss the current situation in Ming Dynasty. Every general must teach his subordinates and organize discussions.

The formation of the rogue bandits is now well understood by all the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". It is the consensus of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" that the rogue bandits cannot be wiped out after a decisive battle.

As long as there are still a large number of hungry people who are on the verge of death, the bandits will revive.

The successful experience accumulated in running the "Zhongyi Fort" village in Zhangde Prefecture, Henan Province made all the soldiers know that the first element of exterminating the vagrants was to eliminate hunger, so that the refugees could settle down to farm and earn their own living, and as far as possible, those who cultivated could have their own land.

Pei Daneng, head of the Banner Guard's Henan Military Intelligence Department, knew the five-year plan of the "Red Banner Army" to deploy bases along the Yangtze River, and had already learned that Anqing Mansion on the north bank of the Yangtze River would be operated as a fortress city.

He took the initiative to ask Ying to choose a place between the "Loyalty Fortress" that was already at his fingertips and the new fortress Anqing Fucheng that he opened up.

With food, land, a population of 10,000+, and strong military support, Gu Rushan already has strength in "Fort of Loyalty", and Pei Daneng's banner guard has also been developed. It is imperative to cross the Yellow River and connect to the Yangtze River.

The "Red Banner Army" may continue to enter the Central Plains to suppress the bandits in the future, where the people will be repeatedly ravaged by the bandits, and the officers and soldiers will also face the big problem of starvation when they enter the hinterland of the Central Plains.

It is very important to plan ahead. Deviate from the famous and big cities such as Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Luzhou, choose a city with abundant land resources to get involved, run it there to hoard food, and organize refugees to farm for good.

After discussing together with Huang Han, Pei Daneng and Huang Han fell in love with Yingzhou, a state city belonging to Fengyang Mansion in the central capital. It is more than [-] miles away from Anqing Mansion and more than [-] miles away from Zhangde Mansion, which is just right.

On September [-]th, Huang Han led the main force to enter Gubeikou, and ordinary people would arrive one after another. After the end, Hanzi and Yang Danian were not in a hurry to enter the customs. They would wait until there were no groups of Han people still found. The post-break mission will end.

Gao Youmou is really shrewd now, he got the news that the slaves left the pass within a few days after he stayed in Juyongguan.

Later, all the Jin troops withdrew from outside the pass, and Neishan Pass was safe and sound. Gao Youmou immediately left Juyongguan and rushed to Gubeikou. The purpose of course was to wait for Huang Han to return and get some credit.

Sure enough, the main force returned with a full load within a few days, and Gao Youmou, the highest-ranking civil servant, naturally became the person in charge of counting and reporting military exploits.

For a whole month before and after the battle of leaving the pass, there were six to seven thousand Jin troops after beheading, including [-] real slaves, more than [-] Tartars, and nearly [-] bannermen and coated slaves.

Captured Wu Nage, the culprit of the Juehua Island massacre, and captured more than [-] horses and large animals.

These are not enough to praise the merits. The key is to rescue 10,000+ Han people and bring them back to the customs.

The main reason is that Huang Han led a team into Shanxi to fight against the invasion of the Jin army, and this brave man went his own way. After the victory in Baoanzhou and the establishment of slaves, he left Zhangjiakou without a sound, and there has been no news since then.

How can there be any reason to let the Jiannu in the pass not fight, and run out of the pass without a trace?In the hall of the Ming Dynasty, civil servants and generals were in an uproar!
(End of this chapter)

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