Chapter 598
The emperor who received the report was very anxious. He learned that three or four days after Huang Han left the customs, the army of slaves left the customs one after another. Obviously, the enemy should be chasing the "red flag army".

Chongzhen was really worried that Daming would lose this team that could fight against Jiannu, and worried that Huang Han, Yang Dalang, Fang Zhenghua and others would not come back.

There was no news of Huang Han for more than ten days. Yu Shi and Ge Shizhong originally impeached Huang Han for fear of war, but now changed the regulations to start impeaching Huang Han for his audacity and disobedience, which put more than [-] elite kings in danger.

Because the situation is obvious, after the "Red Banner Army" did not attack and was still declaring a great looting, after the Jin army left the customs, Jiannu hurried out of the customs within a few days.

Huang Han seems to have succeeded in attracting the invading enemy, so it's really hard to criticize him.

Therefore, the speech officials, who are used to being picky, began to impeach Huang Hanbing again.

The father-in-law Zheng Guochang and his mentor Xu Guangqi were worried about Huang Han's safety, but when they saw these officials who were standing and talking without pain in their backs, the two elders had no choice but to argue with them.

Sometimes Xu Guangqi would think of Huang Han's threat to beat up those officials who heard the news in the court. Looking at those censors and officials who were full of spit, he really wished he could knock out all their teeth with a punch.

This period of time was very difficult, and most of the staff in the city that never sleeps couldn't laugh, because they were the first group of people who knew about the big and small things that happened in the court.

Without him, civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty would be happy to come to the city that never sleeps. It is inevitable that they would not talk about the affairs of the court when they go to the sauna, swim, drink, listen to music and watch dramas.

Many banner guards used their identities as waiters to cover up and collect this information, and more real waiters spread the news that the Patriarch chased and killed Jian Nu and ran out of Zhangjiakou into the prairie and has not been heard from since then.

The [-] to [-] jobs provided by the city that never sleeps can make thousands of households have no worries about food and clothing. The jobs here are not only high wages, but also not afraid of the wind and rain, and the people in the capital are flocking to them.

The employees of Nightless City all know that the reason they can work with peace of mind is all thanks to the Patriarch and the "Red Banner Army".

Knowing that the Patriarch lost contact during the battle outside the Great Wall, most of the employees of the Nightless City were very worried.

Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu were even more frightened, often waking up in a sweat from nightmares. They urgently needed to know the exact official news, so they simply went to the Forbidden City.

Unexpectedly, the queen and concubines were also anxious for the emperor, so they asked Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu if there was any news about Marquis Dongping. The six-year-old Princess Kunxing was even more anxious, seeing Chu Chu always pulling her to ask questions.

On September [-]th, the victory report jointly signed by Huang Han, Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, Yang Dalang, Yang Danian, and Gao Youmou was delivered to the capital. Everyone was relieved, even those officials who hated Huang Han were glad to be out The Ming army was able to return home safely.

Coincidentally, after being escorted by Baoan Prefecture, the team of Jin Army prisoners of war also just entered the city, and the result was very bad. Shen Sixiao and more than 100 people under his command, including Li Shisheng and a dozen subordinates, were thrown covered in mud and rotten vegetables by the excited people of the capital. leaf……

The good news spread to every corner of the capital, even the Forbidden City, on the day the good news was delivered to the capital. What the empress and concubines heard the most was Princess Kunxing's silver bell-like laughter.

The city that never sleeps is very lively, because it is also the place where the victory parade started.

Not only the employees of Everbright City actively participated, but also Jinyiwei, Wucheng Bingmasi, the left-behind soldiers of the Beijing Camp, and even Dongchang fanzi all came to have fun.

That's because the Jinyiwei and Jingying soldiers once again proved themselves. Those soldiers who lamented their bad luck and did not participate in the war took to the streets one after another while envious, and they vented their depression with hoarse shouts.

The parade was unprecedentedly grand. The total number probably exceeded [-]. More than [-] slaves and Tartars were escorted around the inner city and outer city. Everyone's noses and faces were swollen.

At the great court meeting, the emperor felt like a spring breeze. This was of course the effect of Huang Han's success story.

After more than a month in the battle of leaving customs, the Ming army rescued 10,000+ Han people who were kidnapped by Jiannu and Tartars, and beheaded far more than [-] people.

The officials collectively shut up, and the ministers unanimously agreed that Huang Han and all the generals who left the customs would be promoted.

The emperor ordered Huang Han to re-enter the capital to accept the reward. Chongzhen secretly made up his mind to give Huang Han the hereditary title of no replacement.

In order for the monarch and ministers to start well and end well, he will be left to serve in the capital from now on, and he will never be sent back to Liaoxi, Liaonan or Henan to directly lead the army.

After Huang Han received the imperial edict, he set off for the capital immediately. He only selected a hundred young cavalry and musketeers who had been with him for two years to stay, and the rest of the young men were scattered to the grassroots for internship.

In the first month of next year, there will be more than [-] educated youngsters who will become recruits at the age of fifteen, and the hundreds of youngsters who have followed the Patriarch for two years will be promoted to military officers, at least they must be small banner officers.

Huang Han took eleven personal guards and a hundred selected young cavalry musketeers to go to the capital together with the triumphant Jinyiwei and the Jingying troops. The rest of the "Red Banner Army" troops all went to Jizhen, Shanhaiguan, and Ningyuan for repairs.

There are Yang Danian, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang, Yuan Siming, Liu Fenyong and other generals, and Zheng Xiaozhang and Zheng Xiaoli, two civil officials who have been promoted to the seventh-rank supervisory censor due to their military exploits, have established relationships.

With the support of Liaodong Jinglue Gaodi, who was about to stand on the last shift, and on the premise that Sanyong Governor Yang Sichang was called to Beijing for another appointment, it was a matter of course to spend a few months to evacuate or squeeze out disobedient generals to completely control Shanhaiguan.

This time, over ten thousand beheaded in the battle against Jiannu, it is only natural that the generals who participated in the battle were rewarded. At this time, Zhang Yang, Sang Yu, Liu Fenyong and other generals who already have high false titles will definitely be awarded the lieutenant general, guerrilla, garrison, and participating general.

According to the imperial court's reward system, there may be more than one hundred generals of the "Red Banner Army" who can be awarded by the defense superiors in terms of merit. "One family.

Up to now, Huang Han already has the strength to aspire to the world, but he will not choose to rebel when it is not a last resort, but chooses to improve the relationship with Chongzhen as much as possible.

He even fantasized about whether the shogunate system could be implemented like the current Japanese state. The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty couldn't afford to play with the Ming Dynasty anymore. It was time for the warriors to play a game and establish a military management organization above the imperial power.

At that time, Chongzhen will be given some dignity, and the position of emperor will be the same as those kings and queens that still exist in European capitalist countries in later generations.

(End of this chapter)

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