Chapter 599 Insanity
In the future, the emperor will only have symbolic significance, engage in diplomacy, preside over some important ceremonies, and so on.

The royal family's honorary support and money are sufficient, so that Chongzhen and the whole family live better than when the imperial power was in hand.

Huang Han didn't need to be too demanding about being able to personally lead the army. The crumbling Ming Dynasty was going from bad to worse, while the "Red Banner Army" system was flourishing. This year, the population would increase by hundreds of thousands again. He was already able to completely control Shanhaiguan and affect Yongping Prefecture.

In the future, Ming Dynasty will face the dilemma of not inviting Huang Han to fight against slaves and exterminate bandits, and the country will lose its power. At that time, in order to understand the urgent need, Chongzhen, who cares about his head, will naturally let Huang Han out of the capital to lead the army.

On the day Huang Han arrived at Gubeikou, he got two good news and one bad news.

The first good news is that nearly [-] infantrymen, guard troops, and military service members in Kuizhou Mansion have returned to Huxue City. They have been training for seven days and are ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

The second piece of good news is that Qin Yuyi gave birth to a daughter who was five catties and 14 taels in the Ming Dynasty. Qin Liangyu, who had been entrusted by Huang Han long ago, gave the child a nice name-Huang Yichuan, and her baby name was Chuanchuan or Chuan'er.

The bad news is that Chen Qiyu got into trouble. He listened to the advice of the generals who had received large bribes from the bandits, and wrote to the imperial court to appease the [-] to [-] bandits trapped in the carriage gorge.

Chen Qiyu, the governor of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan military affairs, fainted. Although he refused to corrupt and woo, it was of no avail.

The cronies and servants around him secretly received the rare treasures from the bandits, and the value might not be less than tens of thousands of taels of silver.

In order to escape from the world, the hard-core bad guys in the chariot gorge promised to give 50 taels of silver to each recruited person for private distribution by the besieged officials and soldiers. Based on the calculation of 200 rogues, wouldn't it be as high as [-] million taels of silver?

It can be seen that five or six years of robbery have harmed the five provinces of Ming Dynasty. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Ma Shouying, Zhang Xianzhong, etc. have all accumulated countless gold and silver treasures.

Chen Qiyu himself did not take bribes. With his shrewdness, he could see that the people around him and the generals from all walks of life had made a lot of money. How could he insist on going his own way?
Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!Of course he chose to go with the flow!

Chongzhen was suffering from being beaten by Jiannu and lacking major generals. When he saw Chen Qiyu's request to recruit the rogues, he gave a high-profile reply, "Kou is also my own son, and he should be caressed without killing him!"

I really don't know what stuff is in Emperor Chongzhen's head, is he insane?How could the murderous rogues become innocents, and they were given the generosity to let the past go.

If Chongzhen was really a generous person, why did Xu Guangqi, the elder of the Pavilion, begged for the life of Sun Yuanhua, who was captured by Kong Youde and refused to defect, why did the Emperor Chongzhen firmly refuse, and must kill him soon?
The real history of the late Ming Dynasty is somewhat incomprehensible, which is enough to prove that Chongzhen, a young emperor who killed ministers like a chicken, did things too casually and had no rules.

Those who should be killed live well, and those who should not be killed are dead. Loyal generals such as Cao Wenzhao, Ma Xianglin, Zhou Yuji, etc. become weaker and weaker as they fight, and finally become powerless to kill thieves.

Stealing, raping, playing tricks and playing tricks, the Ming generals, high-ranking officials, Houlu, beat more and more people, such as the thief general Zuo Liangyu, the inhuman Zu Dashou, the big traitors Wu Sangui and Liu Liangzuo who are good at escaping.

In the end, the men and horses of these warlordized generals became the capital for them to surrender and build slaves to obtain high officials and generous salaries, and became accomplices in the massacre of Han people.

After the naive Chongzhen agreed to appease the bandits, most of the officers and soldiers involved in the siege received the imperial edict to go to Shanxi to resist the establishment of slavery, and the Ming army who was still near the Chexiang Gorge also relaxed.

At the end of August, as soon as the rogue bandits came out of the Chariot Gap, they raised their flags and rebelled again. Thousands of officers and soldiers responsible for recruiting and escorting the rogue bandits back to their original places were decapitated. He Renlong, Zhang Tianli and other Ming troops were defeated. thousands of miles.

The military forces of Gongchang, Pingliang, Lintao, Fengxiang and other prefectures and counties in Shaanxi Province were empty and easily breached by the rogues, and within a few days the rogues regained their vitality and grew to hundreds of thousands again.

The explosive growth of bandits this time is entirely due to the blessing of Jiannu, because Jiannu not only created millions of proletarians, but also attracted 10,000+ main forces of the Ming army to the direction of Xuanda.

Chongzhen was tricked by the bandits, and was blinded by the civil servants and military generals who suppressed the bandits. He, the final decision-maker, did not learn from the pain, but vented his anger on others.

Chen Qiyu, a civil servant who had no soldiers in his hands, was arrested and imprisoned by Tiqi. Those military generals in charge were the culprits, but none of them were questioned because they had soldiers in their hands.

The situation in Shanxi, Shanxi and Henan has taken a turn for the worse, and Chongzhen has no good solution, so continue to mobilize soldiers and platoons to fight the rogues!
Fortunately, the failure of the Ming army to defeat the Jiannu does not mean that it cannot defeat the rogues. Too many generals of the mainland battalions have made great progress when they were fighting live battles with the rogues. Bigger and bigger, the representative figure is Zuo Liangyu.

Seeing that the rogues were making trouble again, many generals of the Ming army began to follow the rogues to make a fortune.

Because Jiannu deliberately created millions of proletarians, the rogue bandits made a comeback and entered Shaanxi and Shanxi with rapid development.

And because Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng, etc. found that their men and horses had been suspected by the court, they did not work hard, and the rogues once swept across most of Shaanxi, Henan and a small half of Shanxi.

The anti-corruption situation that had turned better was interrupted by Jiannu, and was completely ruined by Chongzhen's words. Millions of displaced and hungry people took risks in the face of starving to death. The chaotic Ming Dynasty fell into cannibalism dilemma.

The wheat in Liaodong was ripe, and Jinzhou's ancestor Dashou hadn't seen the imperial court's food and salary for more than half a year.

At this time, the western Liaoning has entered the autumn harvest, and near Ningyuan is Xingcheng City of later generations. The land has various types and good soil quality, which is suitable for plant growth.

Later generations of Xingcheng City have nearly 900 million mu of arable land, not only planting peanuts, sorghum, corn, millet, and wheat, but also a large number of rice fields. Today’s development is not as good as later generations, with only more than [-] million mu of arable land, most of which are wheat fields , there is not an acre of rice fields.

The amount of arable land held by the "Red Banner Army" system outside the customs has exceeded 700 million mu. In addition to the fertile land in Yongping, Luanzhou, Funing, Zhangde, Henan, Kuizhou, Sichuan, and Jingzhou, Huguang, the total amount has exceeded [-] million mu. Tens of millions of acres, about five acres of arable land per capita.

It is conservatively estimated that the "Red Banner Army" system will harvest 300 million shi of grain this fall.

Of course, wheat has the largest planting area, and the average yield per mu can reach one stone, followed by millet and yellow millet, which are not far behind wheat.

The second is high-yielding new crops such as potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes. Rice has the least sown area, most of which are in Sichuan and Huguang. Currently, only Kaiping Town and Funing in the north have 10,000+ mu of rice fields. This year, the yield per mu is close to [-] shi.

(End of this chapter)

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