Chapter 600
The ancients did not have chemical fertilizers for farming. In order to ensure the yield and prevent the land from degrading, several crops must be interplanted, so there are many kinds of food.

The breeding industry within the system is booming. Chicken, duck, and goose farming in the mountains and hills of the Yanshan Mountains in the west of the Liaoxi Corridor have become the main business of many families, and there are also countless professional households raising pigs, sheep, cattle and horses.

A small half of the harvested grain will be converted into poultry eggs, meat, and wine. After deducting the necessary rations and 100 million shi of grain reserves, it should be possible to export about 100 million shi of grain.

Not only can it sell grain to stabilize food prices, but it can also sell a large amount of liquor, canned sea fish, poultry eggs, and meat. Daming's production of more of these foods will definitely save more than a million people from starving to death.

Huang Han has achieved territory, food, thousands of troops, access to the sea, and a powerful navy, and his strength is enough to dominate the world.

The next step is to give Jiannu some color in Liaodong and North Korea. The first goal is to gain a foothold on the Korean Peninsula and establish a kingly paradise that is completely under his control.

It's just that Chongzhen's attitude is not clear. I'm afraid he may not be able to return to Liaoxi in time after going to the capital. Huang Han already has a countermeasure in mind.

This time after entering the capital according to the order, if he was left in the capital, he had to use tricks to escape, and he had to learn to behave in the future, and he could not enter the capital again and put himself in a dangerous situation.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were many generals who did not obey the order. First, Zuo Liangyu, Wu Sangui, etc., after Zuo Liangyu's birthday, the emperor had nothing to do with them.

After Huang Hanquan took over North Korea, the population and territory would expand several times, which is equivalent to owning a kingdom independent of Ming Dynasty. If he chooses not to enter Beijing, he can bargain with Daming and seek to split the soil and become king.

Some of the Tartars from the foreign vassals in the Later Jin Army led their troops back to their tribal locations. When the Red Army returned to Liaodong, there were still less than 10 horses.

They deliberately came to show off their power outside Jinzhou City. In order to express their goodwill, Hong Xie ordered everyone not to trample on the wheat fields that were about to be harvested, and those who disobeyed the order would be beheaded.

Next, the Jin army set up camp ten miles away from Jinzhou, and Hongxie sent Wu Xiang to accompany Gao Hongzhong into Jinzhou City to contact Zu Dashou.

Seeing Jiannu soldiers approaching the city again, Zu Dashou and Gao Qiqian, who were thinking about surrendering the city, were not at all nervous.

Wu Xiang, who came to meet Wu Xiang, thought that his brother-in-law, who had the demeanor of a general, would not change his face after the collapse of Mount Tai. How could he know that Zu Dashou was actually a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Zu Dashou was not surprised when the Jin army came to the city, and it was completely unexpected to see his brother-in-law Wu Xiang again.

Zu Dashou saw that they had already sat down to drink tea, so he quickly asked Wu Xiang, "Your brother is safe and well, why did you come to Jinzhou with Lord Gao? Where is San Guizi? Is he okay?"

Wu Xiang sighed and said, "Brother, it's hard to describe these two years. Sanguizi and I are fine, and now we are the commander-in-chief of the Dajin Kingdom, with one or two thousand cavalry under our command."

Next, Wu Xiang told the story of what happened in Datong, which caused Zu Dashou to sigh.

Gao Hongzhong said with a smile: "Zu Taibao, more than half of your ancestors have worked for my Dajin, my master depends on your attitude."

Seeing that the brother-in-law who can make the most money has already surrendered and became a slave, Zu Dashou is full of bitterness, sitting in the sad city of Jinzhou, I am afraid that there is really no future, and the unwilling Zu Dashou feels lost.

Wu Xiang didn't know the reason why he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Of course, he knew that his ancestors really surrendered to the Dajin Kingdom, and the days of his ancestors' birthdays would definitely be difficult in the future.

There are many fierce fighters among Jiannu, but due to their small population, they don't have many soldiers under the Eight Banners. It is impossible to tolerate Zu Dashou, who is still capable of fighting, with thousands of troops.

Perhaps other former generals of the Guanning Army may not have suffered too much damage to their vital interests after surrendering, but the leading brother Zu Dashou's response in Jinzhou will definitely become a thing of the past.

Wu Xiang is not good at fighting, and his ability to analyze interpersonal relationships is one of the best in the old Guanning Army.

He himself didn't want to surrender to Jiannu at all, but the heavens made such a trick that if he didn't choose to surrender, his father and son would die.

He didn't know that his uncle's refusal to surrender was not out of loyalty to Daming, but because of his own vested interests.

He persuaded: "Is there anything else that can be done now, can big brother have the ability to break through the Ningyuan line of defense set up by Huang Han and open up the road to Shanhaiguan?
My brother hasn't walked that part of the road in the past few years. When I walked the year before last, I found that there were no more than [-] fighters who could fight and dare to fight.

Two years have passed now, what does it mean for the 'Red Banner Army' to have two more years, brother, do you know? "

Zu Dashou has been in Jinzhou City for the past few years, and rarely even goes to Songshan, Tashan, and Xingshan. He doesn't know what the status of the "Red Banner Army" is now, and his thinking has long been outdated.

Zu Dashou lost his aggressiveness. Historically, he adopted a passive and conservative model to dawdle and spend most of his time living a luxurious and voluptuous life in a luxurious mansion in Jinzhou.

If there are 5 to [-] people under his command, not only will there be no development in three years, but there will be thousands less.

Seeing that his brother-in-law spoke seriously, Zu Dashou asked, "What happened to Liaoxi in the past two years?"

"Alas! Several shopkeepers of mine often go to Tiger Cave City, the home of the 'Red Banner Army', and some servants have been to Lushunkou and Gaotaibao.

It is said that there are now no less than 70 villagers in the Liaoxi Corridor, and more than [-] guards and township soldiers participated in the training. The piers and waiting platforms built by Sun Dushi have basically been restored there, and the defense system has been improved.

The fortress may be a deadly place in the hands of other Ming troops, but the "Red Banner Army" who dared to fight must have doubled in two years. These troops rely on the castle to fight. I can't imagine how many troops can ensure victory in the battle. . "

hiss!Not only did Zu Dashou feel toothache, but even Gao Hongzhong gasped.

Wu Xiang continued: "The master of the Dajin Kingdom is waiting outside the city to wait for his elder brother to show his attitude, otherwise he will order to cut the wheat. Jinzhou lost the harvest of the 10,000+ mu of wheat fields, 4 people plus [-] to [-] family members I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the winter!"

Gao Hongzhong smiled and said: "Khan is benevolent and righteous. When marching, he issued a military order not to trample on the wheat fields. He knew that Zu Taibao relied on these wheat to support his soldiers and people!

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and the matter has come to an end. Our Dajin army only needs to destroy the upcoming harvest outside Jinzhou City and dig trenches and siege like Dalinghe City. Zu Taibao's troops will soon die because there is no food in the city. Cannibalism.

The Dajin army can use such a poisonous plan to seize the city, and it will not hesitate to let the people in Jinzhou city die.

But Da Khan refused to do so, and continued to persuade him to surrender calmly. This time, he waited outside the city for news. "

(End of this chapter)

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