Chapter 6 The Duck Flying

oh!God!He didn't even cut off the horse's leg, and a guillotine barely cut the horse's foot!It doesn't matter, the effect is the same!
The horse whose hoof had been cut off let out a mournful hiss, and fell to its knees with a "rumble".

Ge Ergua realized that it was too late to abandon the horse, and was thrown out by inertia, and the saber in his hand flew five steps away from him and landed on the ground with a crisp sound of "Dang Lang Lang".

How could Huang Han, who had been defeated by the enemy so much, let him go? He leaped up, aimed at Jiannu with both hands and slashed vigorously.

Ge Ergua, who was thrown to pieces, was struggling to get up, when he heard a "click", and then there was no more.

This knife was really ruthless, with a real oblique shoulder shovel, the guillotine slashed obliquely into Geergua's body from the socket of his right shoulder to a depth of two feet, almost severing him in two.

The blood splashed wildly on Huang Han's head and face, and the warm blood even splashed into Huang Han's mouth. It was salty and fishy, ​​full of the smell of the battlefield.

Without the slightest hesitation, Huang Han immediately drew out the knife, but he didn't pull out the guillotine even with the enemy's corpse, and he didn't know if the round hole was stuck by a bone.

Huang Han suddenly found the weapon dropped by the enemy in front of him, he cheered and no longer ignored the guillotine, and jumped over to pick up the horse-chopping knife like an old friend.

Although this is not the one I used before, what does it matter? With this knife in hand, Huang Han's combat effectiveness will at least increase by [-]%.

Just a few seconds ago, Huang Han's scalp suddenly felt numb, because he clearly heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the direction where Jiannu came, and it was obvious that there was more than one horse riding, so he quickly grabbed something and ran away without delay.

At this time, it may be too late to pick off the enemy's armor. Besides, the fine iron armor worn by Jiannu who was hacked to death is in terrible condition. It cannot be worn at all without major repairs. Huang Han gave up searching for the enemy's body and ran to the horse decisively. It is to untie the girdle and the bow and arrow carried by the enemy immediately.

The horse is so innocent, it has one of its hooves cut off and is whining on the ground, Huang Han is going to give it a knife to end the pain of the horse, because a horse without a horseshoe has no reason to live.

The war horse seemed to realize that its life was about to end. The instinct of survival made it jump up, and ran back with a limp on three legs.

Huang Han was about to catch up with the beheading horses in three steps and two steps, and found that Jiannu had already appeared, and there were more than five riders. It was obvious that the enemy had discovered the situation here, and horses came flying one by one.

"Damn it! The duck I got flew away." Huang Han cursed, not daring to waste time trying to capture the bow and arrow, and ran into the woods in a hurry.

The chasing soldier is good at riding. He can maintain the speed of the horse just by using his legs to control the horse, and he can shoot the bow and release the arrow on the horse. Huang Han, who was running desperately, almost heard the feather arrow coming through the air. No matter how hard he tried to speed up, he Knowing that the only way to escape is to get into the depths of the dense forest.

In just a few moments, the seven chasing slaves shot a total of thirty feathered arrows. Huang Han only felt that his back was hit twice. He knew that he must have been hit by an arrow, but he didn't slow down at all. He didn't even think about checking to see if he was injured, but just ran wildly towards the escape route he had checked.

Jiannu chased into the woods, and the speed became slower and slower, and soon they couldn't ride. They started to exit the woods after chattering in a language that Huang Han couldn't understand.

It was Aldai who ordered his men not to chase. He told everyone that the man who escaped would not survive, because two arrows hit the man in the back of the heart, and it didn't matter whether the body was found or not.

These slave cavalry are good hunters. They all saw the enemy who was still running deep into the woods after being shot by the arrow. They knew that the wild boar that was shot by the arrow would not die for a while, and they had to follow the trail or blood to get the prey , Sometimes it may take a day and a night.

This large piece of forest is very dense, the ghost knows when it will follow the enemy until he dies, is it necessary?

The post-Golden army did not have a system of exchanging military merits with their heads. They only cared about the efficiency of robbery. Obviously, the rags and rags of the enemy who fled would not seem to have captured anything.

After Ardai and the others returned to the official road and saw the scene of the death of the vest Ge Ergua who was acting as a vanguard, they believed in their own judgment even more.

Because the person who launched the attack didn't even have a real weapon, he used a guillotine, presumably some guy whose relatives were killed by the Dajin Army came to seek revenge.

The Jiannu lamented how unfortunate Ge Ergua was, and how unjust he died at the hands of a common Han Chinese.

Aldai was also extremely depressed. He reminded his subordinates again that this is the hinterland of Daming, and dangers are everywhere. In the future, we must take this as a warning and be more careful when entering deep mountains and dense forests.

Huang Han was relieved that the Jiannus were not looking for the attacker's body. When he realized that there was no Jiannu chasing after him, he finally stopped running and leaned on a big tree to pant.

After running sweating profusely, the back pain relieved a lot, and there was no tingling sensation caused by the sweat flowing into the wound. The experienced Huang Han thought that the two arrows thrown by Jiannu should not be able to penetrate the three layers of cotton. First.

After resting for a while, he listened carefully to the surroundings again, only the sound of his own heavy breathing could be clearly discerned.

Huang Han was finally relieved, he couldn't reach the feather arrow on his back, so he simply started to take off the cotton armor, and took off the three layers of cotton armor together, and there was no tearing pain from his back, which made him feel more relieved. Looking at the two feathered arrows that hit the back of the heart, it turned out that they had penetrated two layers of cotton armor and were unable to penetrate the third layer.

In order to reduce the hole in the cotton armor, Huang Han broke off the feathered arrow, so as not to damage the cotton armor again when pulling out the feathered arrow. If he didn't have three layers of cotton armor today, Huang Han would have been shot to death by Jiannu on the spot. It can be seen that equipment is particularly important in cold weapon warfare.

No wonder the Manchus have been clamoring for the thirteen pairs of wild boar armor to rise up against the Ming, instead of emphasizing how many soldiers Nurhachi brought to rebel. A well-equipped cavalry may easily kill many warriors who are equal in strength to him but without armor .

Huang Han cherished these three cotton armors that saved his life even more, but it was a pity that he could not mend the arrow holes that had been shot without a needle and thread. He could only pray that the next time he was shot by the enemy, he would not accidentally shoot into these two holes again.

Huang Han, who was putting on his cotton armor again, suddenly burst out laughing. It seemed that he successfully attacked and killed a Jiannu vest and captured a saber, and retreated completely under the pursuit of six or seven Jiannu cavalry.

It can be seen from this that it is feasible to adopt the tactic of ambush and jump out suddenly to attack and kill the single enemy, but it is a pity that the horse was not grabbed, and there is not enough time to get the spoils.

This time, the inexperienced weapon is not in hand, and the time difference in the calculation is also biased. It will not be the next time. With the saber in hand, I have summed up the experience and lessons, and I will turn him into a white-armored soldier when I meet Jiannuba Yala .

With one successful experience, Huang Han gained a lot of courage. He was annoyed that the plan was not carried out firmly enough, and he was very dissatisfied that he only captured a saber. There is no medicine for regret in the world, and there is still a chance. I just started all over again.

(End of this chapter)

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