Chapter 7 The blood is boiling
Of course, there is no shortage of forests and hills in the remaining range of Yanshan Mountain. Huang Han continued to sneak in the direction of Yongping Mansion, and still found a broken house to rest at night.

About [-] miles southeast from the place where Jiannu was attacked yesterday, Huang Han once again took a fancy to a forest through which the official road passed.

With experience, the preparations were done in an orderly manner. Just after getting familiar with the escape route, I heard people from the northwest shouting and neighing. This time the enemy came too fast, and there seemed to be a lot of people.

This is not his job at all, Huang Han is thinking about whether there is a chance to attack and kill the enemies who are behind. To meet this condition, there must first be an enemy and an enemy is far behind the big team.

Hiding behind a big tree and peeping, they found that the enemy was actually a team of Tartars, possibly a team of ten, passing through the woods with their robbery results.

These Tartars probably ransacked a village, arrested more than a hundred men, young and strong men, and four ox carts filled with unknown contents.

The women were crying and crying, and the Tartars were swearing viciously. From time to time, they reached out to touch the women on their horses, causing the women to scream and their companions to laugh.

Several Han men were furious. Even though their hands were tied, they still yelled and used their bodies to stop the Tartars from committing crimes.

"Crack, crack..." A whip fell, and the faces of several people were bloodstained.

Taking advantage of the chaos, a man broke free from the binding on his hands and shouted loudly: "Uncles and brothers, it would be better to die than to be captured by the Tartars outside the pass. Here, Lin Mi, hurry up and run separately!"

This loud cry reminded everyone that there are more than [-] Han people who are only about [-] young and middle-aged men whose hands were tied. It is not too difficult to break free with the cooperation of the teeth.

The women and the thin-looking men were all untied, and most of them walked in the procession carrying some of the things the Tartars had robbed.

The feet of more than 100 Han people are free. If you don't take advantage of this forest to escape and gamble your luck, you may not have such a good opportunity.

There are no old people here, because the purpose of the Tartars and the slaves to rob the Han people is to enslave them. What do you want the old people to do? Is it to prepare for their retirement?

Under the plunder of the barbarians, the fate of the old people was particularly miserable. They were either killed by these beasts, or burned to death.

Huang Han hid in the dark to observe the team, and found the location of the ten Tartars who drove the Han people to escort the looting supplies one by one. He was not dizzy enough to attack the Tartars.

An infantryman's attack on ten cavalrymen can only be successful unless he is possessed by a Valkyrie. Huang Han thought that he could do it by rushing out suddenly to fight off one or two Tartars.

But the possibility of getting out of the way is very small. The Tartar's riding skills are better than Jiannu's, and his archery skills are not inferior. It's better not to die in vain.

As for the common people who were taken into captivity, Huang Sheng could do nothing to help him. He knew that in this time of invasion in history, Houjin captured as many as 28 Han people, which made Houjin's national power improve by leaps and bounds.

The scene he saw now was happening in many places in Beizhili all the time. The power of one person was too small. Even if he risked his life, how many Han people could he save?

Huang Han was going to watch this messy team pass by with cold eyes, to see if he was lucky enough to wait for a laggard to try his saber.

It was really uncomfortable to watch the Tartars bullying his compatriots. Huang Han's blood surged up, and his reason forced him to endure it, but his chest was really aggrieved and uncomfortable.

At this moment, a Han man shouted, and the team of hundreds of people suddenly became chaotic. The more courageous men and women ran wildly, and the timid people fell to the ground and trembled.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." Seven or eight feathered arrows pierced the air, and several Han people fell to the ground with blood dripping from their mouths, their eyes wide open with anger full of unwillingness.

Huang Han, who was hiding not far away, completely lost his mind when he saw his unarmed compatriots being slaughtered by the Tartars right in front of his eyes. He roared like a wild beast.

The hot-blooded hero suddenly rushed out from behind the tree, he leaped like a tiger and raised his saber to slash down, the tartar who was less than ten steps away from where Huang Han was hiding did not expect to encounter a sudden attack.

He was bending his bow and nodding his arrows to shoot the Han people again. In an instant, his movements were frozen, because the head of this tartar had already flown five steps away, and his headless body was still sitting upright and immediately maintained his shooting posture. The blood of the blood is swaying towards the sky like a fountain...

Huang Han didn't look at the results of the battle at all, and charged at another Tartar ten paces away with a knife in both hands. Obviously, that Tartar didn't expect that someone here would dare to attack them.

Seeing his headless companion bleeding, this tartar was a little lost. When he found the enemy's knife pointing at him, he didn't have time to take the scimitar in panic, but directly Block with a bowed back ready to shoot an arrow in your hand.

The power of Huang Han to assassinate with all his strength is unparalleled, how can the Tartars use their backs in a hurry to resist?

The back of the bow hit the knife, but unfortunately it was only a little bit skewed. The bow broke with a "click", and the tartar saw the knife head inserted into his body from his left rib, and the cold feeling terrible.

As soon as Huang Han succeeded in the blow, he immediately drew the knife, and the tartar obviously felt the coldness leaving his body, and then he lost all strength, and immediately softened.

With a "plop", the tartar fell off the horse. At the same time, Huang Han turned on the horse, clamped the horse's belly, and charged at the position of a tartar. Unfortunately, the horse just couldn't get up to speed.

That Tartar reacted quickly, he was drawing his bow like a full moon and was about to shoot at the fleeing common people, at this moment, he immediately shifted his target and aimed at Huang Han's face and shot an arrow, Huang Han drew a sword and shot down the feather Arrows, directly drive the horse to hit the enemy.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the tartar turned around and ran away. At this time, all the tartars knew that they were attacked, and they came to kill them yelling, and several feathered arrows "swish" flew towards them.

Huang Han became the target of public criticism, and many Han people naturally got a chance to escape. Not only did they run away, but some people also took away the fruits of the Tartars' looting.

How can we love to fight when we are outnumbered?Escaping is the wisest choice.

Huang Han took off the leather shield equipped by the Tartars to protect his body, and crawled on the horseback into the woods. The Tartars who had suffered a loss would not give up chasing them. They all controlled the horse with their legs and held the bow with both hands. Nocking arrows and playing rapid shooting,

Fortunately, Huang Han was lying on the horse's back and covered with a leather shield. In a short while, more than a dozen feather arrows were nailed to the leather shield. There is no need to drive madness forward.

Huang Han was very worried whether this desperate stupid horse would crash into a big tree and die. Fortunately, he gradually opened up the distance from the pursuers. The horse might be tired from running, or the blood was gone all the way. Strength gradually slowed down, the woods here are getting denser, and riding a horse will no longer have a speed advantage.

Huang Han got off the horse resolutely, touched the back of the former rider's girdle and hurried to the depths of the forest. He didn't have time to collect the horse's supplies carefully, and he didn't think that the Tartars could have any good things.

Because he had already held the leather shield equipped by the Tartars in his hand and played a great role, and saw with his own eyes that the bow he wanted the most was smashed into pieces on his saber.

With a shield, a knife, and a three-layer cotton armor that doesn't affect his dexterity, Huang Han is really not afraid of those Tartars chasing into the depths of the dense forest. It should be interesting to play hide-and-seek with them.

These Tartars are only equipped with leather armor. This kind of protection is not good, not as good as three-layer cotton armor. Besides, these bow-legged people can't run fast at all. Their combat effectiveness in the forest may not reach [-]% of their usual combat effectiveness. It is very possible for Huang Han to lure them away and kill them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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