Chapter 606
Ge Daben and Gu Kui, Yan Congyou, He Yongqing, and Lei Mingchun, the five personal guards, have no cultural background at all, and they can only know two to three hundred characters so far.

They don't understand the crooked Chinese pinyin at all, and of course they are not interested in participating in the study every day. Huang Han is not eager to drive ducks to the shelves, and the five of them become idle.

The head of the family in the capital is not only protected by Jin Yiwei, but the banner guards under Huang Sifang's command are almost completely covered in order to ensure the safety of the head of the family.

The five warriors Gu Kui and Ge Daben were really bored, they were unwilling to find trouble for themselves, Man Jingshi was looking for good dogs, and during this period of time they actually collected dozens of dogs for training.

The sons of Xungui, who like eagles and dogs, have discovered that the hunting dogs of the Huang family are different. After too many people came to ask for one and were rejected, they could only take the second place and asked Ge Daben to help train their hunting dogs.

Now the five families of Marquis Dongping will be well-known in the noble circle of the capital. When hunting with the son and grandson, there is almost a response. Too many honorable family members recognize Gu Kui and Ge Daben as the eldest brothers.

Ge Erben gave birth to another litter of five puppies in early October, making the Ge family dog ​​family ranked Ge Shishi.

Huang Han's favorite is Ge Liuben, and he often leads it for walks. Now this dog is quietly crawling at Gu Jixiang's feet, watching Huang Han teach hundreds of people.

Dongping Hou not only gave high monthly salaries to everyone who participated in the compilation, but also arranged a free lunch at noon, which was served in turn by famous chefs from the eight restaurants in the city that never sleeps.

Although they don’t eat delicacies from mountains and seas, there are also meat and vegetables with color, fragrance and nutrition. The standard of food is much better than that of most Qingliu’s families, so that they came to Yichun Academy for half a month to edit, and many poor officials said they were Put on weight.

At the beginning, Xu Guangqi, Zheng Guochang, Liu Zhilun, etc. had to come forward to contact and invite. Many people couldn't save face, so a hundred or two hundred scholar-bureaucrats came to set up the structure of the editorial department.

More than ten days have passed, and during this time, scholar-bureaucrats have come to my door every day to ask for this decent job that will last forever.

Some even Juren and Scholars from Shandong, Shanxi, and Henan came here in a hurry when they got the news. The top students of the Imperial College followed Liu Zhilun and got the approval of Dongping Hou, and more than 100 people also participated in the work.

It is said that within a few days, hundreds of people will come from Nanzhili. Without exception, these people actively express their willingness to participate after receiving letters from friends who are already compiling or letters from the same year.

The vast majority of editors are scholar-bureaucrats, and the Imperial Academy scholars who came to Yichun Academy to participate in the compilation are under great pressure.

They cherished the opportunity to earn five taels of silver a month and to work with elders and many superiors. Everyone worked hard, and they were afraid that Dongpinghou would dismiss them as low-educated supervisors if they came to the scholar-bureaucrats again.

More people are easier to handle. The current management model has been formed. Characters are searched according to strokes, radicals and Chinese pinyin. People perform their duties.

Xu Guangqi is the editor-in-chief of stroke checking. He has dozens of second-level editors responsible for a single stroke, and each second-level editor has more than a dozen responsible for editing dozens of Chinese character annotations.

Zheng Guochang, the editor-in-chief, is divided into second-level editors according to the radicals, and then arranges a dozen editors under the second-level editors to be responsible for the school team and annotations of dozens of characters.

Compiling a dictionary is a group work that requires cooperation, including the Hanyu Pinyin check in charge of Huang Han. The three groups must brainstorm and decompose Chinese characters.

Every scholar-bureaucrat is worried that explaining wrong Chinese characters will make people laugh and be generous. They often organize group discussions to define a certain word. The effect is good and the accuracy rate is greatly improved.

Huang Han never thought that he was very talented. He only used his expertise in Chinese pinyin to be responsible for the phonetic notation of Chinese characters, and the free translation was completely in charge of the team of Xu Guangqi and Zheng Guochang.

Dongpinghou didn't go to work, but opened a school in the Peony Pavilion of Yichunyuan to teach Chinese Pinyin publicly, and organized nearly a thousand scholar-bureaucrats to compile the "Chongzhen Dictionary". The monthly salary, food money, accommodation money, paper, pen and ink money probably cost 1 More than ten thousand taels of silver.

Chongzhen cared about Huang Han all the time, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang would of course report Huang Han's every move to the emperor.

At the beginning of October, when Chongzhen learned that Huang Han was going to spend money to compile a reference book called "Chongzhen Dictionary", he couldn't help laughing.

It is true that Huang Han is quite talented, but in the final analysis he is still a military general, and he has never heard of a military general leading hundreds of thousands of scholars to compile books instead of practicing soldiers and horses.

The emperor strictly ordered Jin Yiwei and Dongchang not to interfere with his work as long as they ensured Dongpinghou's personal safety.After all, Jianu hated him to the bone, and if he sent someone to assassinate him, it would be too late.

A month has passed, and more civil servants who were born as Jinshi in the second list rushed to Yichun Yuan to take a second job as soon as they came to court. More than half of them were not for the monthly salary of five taels of silver, but for leaving themselves in the dictionary. name.

Chongzhen changed from being amused at the beginning to almost dropping his jaw, and it is said that due to the large number of participants and the rapid progress, some latecomers are already reviewing some of the finished drafts for further discussions and revisions.

The participating literati and bureaucrats often argued and even quarreled, but no one denied that the "Chongzhen Dictionary" would become the most valuable reference book of Ming Dynasty once it was published.

Chongzhen, who was reviewing the memorials in the Imperial Study Room, took the time to listen to the joint report of Wang Dehua and Li Ruolian. After learning that nearly a thousand scholar-bureaucrats had given very positive comments to the "Chongzhen Dictionary" being compiled, he was a little dazed.

Li Ruolian's character is really good, he didn't know that the reason why the emperor left Huang Han in the capital as the prince of Xiaoyao was out of fear, so if he had the opportunity to meet the emperor at this time, of course he would choose something good to say.

He said: "Your Majesty, Marquis Dongping is more knowledgeable than most scholar-bureaucrats in teaching and educating people, writing books and writing biographies. I think that Marquis Dongping can be given an official position in the Imperial Academy, so that Marquis Dongping can become a civil official in the future."

Li Ruolian believed that the emperor was worried that Huang Han, a general, had strong soldiers under his command, so he refused to let him go back to western Liaoning. If Huang Han changed his career and became a civil servant, he could of course go to Ningyuan to fight against Jiannu as a Liaodong economic strategy.

Chongzhen is becoming more and more honest, and he is not so easy to be fooled.

He believes that civil servants and military generals are not important. Even if Huang Han becomes a civil servant, the "Red Banner Army" will follow his lead. Only by not letting him leave the capital can the monarch and his ministers live in peace.

Chongzhen smiled, and said: "The Marquis of Dongping has both civil and military skills. He is a rare talent in the world. When the 'Chongzhen Dictionary' comes out in the future, I will definitely appoint him as a Jinshi and rank. At that time, there will be no dissatisfaction."

The imperial examination system of the Ming Dynasty was very particular. The top three in the palace examination were the Jinshi and the next ones were born as Jinshi, and those who were born with Jinshi. Chongzhen's statement shows that he is very satisfied with Huang Han's attitude of not participating in politics.

(End of this chapter)

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