Chapter 607
Wang Dehua, the admiral of Dongchang, and Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, had just left when the new officials took office. Wang Chengen came in to ask the emperor for instructions.

It was Chu Chu who came to visit the Forbidden City this afternoon, met Princess Kunxin, and happily told her that Dongping Hou kept his promise and was going to pick her up to live in the Hou's mansion for a few days. Then Dongping Hou would take her to the pedestrian street again to play in the playground .

Excited by the news, Xiao Kunxing immediately asked his mother for permission.

The queen agreed in principle that Chu Chu would come to pick up Princess Kun tomorrow, and specially sent someone to ask the emperor for instructions.

At that time, the leaders of Dongchang and Jinyiwei were discussing matters in the imperial study, Wang Chengen wrote down the words, and reported back and forth at this time.

Seeing that the Huang family wanted to take their daughter out of the palace to play again, the emperor who thought it was inappropriate felt that the refusal at this time might hurt Dongpinghou's goodwill, so he had to agree.

Princess Kunxin left the Forbidden City surrounded by a group of people and lived in the Hou's Mansion. Huang Han took the time to bring a large family to play with her for two full afternoons.

Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu have gone shopping with her husband many times, although they are happy but not necessarily excited, Xu Miaoru, the youngest concubine who has not yet consummated her concubine, is so happy that she is playing hide-and-seek with Kun Xing along the way.

Later, Kun Xingle Zizi, accompanied by Chu Chu, went to the Peony Pavilion University Hall to learn Chinese Pinyin.

The child is just at the age of learning, Princess Kunxing is extremely intelligent, and there are two sisters Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru sitting next to her, who are cooking small stoves. Kunxing learned to spell in less than a month.

She liked Huang Han's teaching method, liked to listen to stories and read new books, and refused to go back to the Forbidden City immediately. It was not until the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month that Queen Mother sent Wang Chengen to pick the princess back to the palace, and Xiao Kunxing reluctantly left.

During this period of time, I was with sister Xu Miaoyan day and night, and the two sisters took care of the food and daily life personally. Kunxing and sister Hua had tears in their eyes when they parted with each other. They must go to the palace often to see.

Huang Han gave Kunxing a set of new textbooks that had just added Chinese Pinyin and many good things. Huang Han even wanted to make a small bicycle out of Goldfinger for her to play with.

Time flies and in the blink of an eye it is a new year. With many generals of the "Red Banner Army" receiving practical awards, Hanzi finally completed the elimination of dissidents in Shanhaiguan.

Now the Qibing Battalion, the Reinforcement Battalion, the Ranger Battalion, the two garrison battalions, and the Longwu Navy are completely composed of "Red Banner Army" troops, with [-] troops fully filled.

The soldiers from Ningyuan in Huangyi Prefecture plus the Jizhen Reinforcement Battalion and Ranger Battalion in the assisted defense had a total of [-] soldiers, while the Jinzhou troops reported by Song Pengfei, Wang Zhanpeng and others were only [-] soldiers, but with the addition of The actual number of naval forces has exceeded [-].

The "Red Banner Army" battleship was built bigger and bigger, and the current flagship is the "Jiulitai" with a hundred guns and a displacement of [-] tons.

There are still seven battleships with a displacement of more than 6000 tons to [-] tons. Such a large ship has more than [-] crew members such as sailors, gunners, and marines. This means that there are [-] people on eight battleships.

There are now more than 50 medium-sized battleships with a crew of three to four hundred, two to three hundred, and a displacement of 150 to [-] tons. There are as many as five hundred small warships with a crew of less than [-] and a displacement of no more than [-] tons.

Half of the small-tonnage warships performed patrol and escort missions in the Yangtze River, and they also entered Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake many times to catch water thieves.

The number of soldiers in Jizhen under the actual control of the "Red Banner Army" is only 1, which is still more than [-] for the navy.

Even if the imperial court verifies the existing number of troops, it is impossible to recognize it, and it will also expose the strength hidden in Jinzhou, Qingniwa, and Lushunkou. Therefore, nearly [-] regular soldiers rely on the military salary provided by the system, which is completely in line with the imperial court. irrelevant.

Huang Han now has to pay the [-] soldiers, and also subsidize at least [-]% of the rations of the [-] soldiers under the command of Shanhaiguan, Jizhen, and Ningyuan, as well as the equipment and subsidies of up to [-] guards. The fee requires silver.

A year's expenses require military pay not less than 380 million taels of snowflake silver, and food needs of about 90 shi.

Fortunately, the sea trade plus the fight against rogues and the Golden Army have had good income in the past two years, and the revenue of all walks of life in the system is also better than expected. The tax revenue is almost doubled every year, which can fully support it.

The benefits of the virtuous circle are immediate. The population in the system has reached more than 10,000 million, and there are three [-]+ households, with an average of five acres of land per capita.

On average, one family in three families has brothers and nephews who are soldiers of the "Red Banner Army".

This family not only gets enough income from reclamation or work to support the family, but also has an extra income of 50 taels of military pay and military merit rewards every year, which is evident in the economic conditions.

The purchasing power in the system is strong, so the business is prosperous, which creates a large number of job opportunities, and the tertiary industry has been well developed.

Huang Han led the compilation of the "Chongzhen Great Dictionary" in the capital and gained a great reputation. Many censors who were originally tit for tat stopped in the matter, because these people were worried about being scolded by scholars.

Without him, Hou Dongping invested a huge amount of money to compile books to benefit scholars all over the world. To pour dirty water on Hou Dongping at this time is not to openly challenge the entire scholarly community.

Besides, since he came to the capital, Huang Han gave up his military power and became a free and unrestrained Marquis with peace of mind, teaching and educating people all day long. At this time, he is going against the Marquis of Dongping who has made great contributions to the country. Is it crazy?
It seems that the compilation of the "Chongzhen Dictionary" has greatly improved the relationship between Huang Han and the civil official group.

Officials such as Wen Zhenmeng, Wen Tiren, Qian Shisheng, Zhang Fengyi, Hou Xun, Xue Guoguan, Liu Yuliang, Kong Zhenyun, etc. often came to Yichun Yuan to check on the progress and express condolences to the busy scholar-bureaucrats and officials.

These civil servants in important positions will stay for dinner without exception when they come to Yichun Courtyard, and they will chat with Dongping Hou Tiannanhaibei, the purpose is naturally to enhance understanding.

At the end of the year, Chongzhen specially sent Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun to visit Dongpinghou and gave them many rewards. The emperor's attitude and all the ministers understood that as long as Dongpinghou no longer led the army, prosperity and favor would be indispensable.

Cao Huachun was worried during this time. Jin Yiwei, who was lurking in Jinzhou, sent back information, saying that Zu Dashou was ready to offer Jinzhou to surrender and build a slave.

How could Cao Huachun dare to specialize in such a major matter, and immediately reported to the emperor, but Chongzhen first frowned, then sighed, and did not give instructions, it seemed that the emperor was helpless.

No wonder, beyond reach!Tiaozu Dashou returned to the capital and has issued an edict three times, but people have ignored it.

Send troops to encircle and suppress?Who to send?Who dares to go?The imperial court could not afford to send tens of thousands of horses to besiege Jinzhou.

Besides, since Zu Dashou committed treason and turned to the enemy, why would Jiannu sit back and watch the Ming people come to Jinzhou to put down the rebellion?

In the end, the Ancestral Army that became Jinzhou united and the Jin Army fought the Ming Army that came to Jinzhou to suppress the rebellion. I am afraid that there may be more than 10 horses, and it may not be able to stand being attacked by the Ancestral Army and Jiannu.

(End of this chapter)

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