The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 609 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

Chapter 609 Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest

Jin Minghu, Zhao Shisan and other leaders also led 500 people across the frozen Yellow River to participate in the Xingyang Conference.

Because there are [-] to [-] small families from the "Winged Tiger" department in the Taihang Mountains who have settled in reclamation, leaving half of the troops in the old nest to prevent accidents.

When all the thieves gathered together, dozens of banner guards lurking in the "Winged Tiger" team under the cover of big and small leaders were carefully watching these rebellious boys, trying to give their physical characteristics to majors who study Western painting in the future. student description.

Cao Cao Luo Rucai was the leader who introduced Jin Minghu. This person is an important core figure in the rogue camp. He is extremely lustful and has a strategic vision. He is good at mediating the relationship between various ministries, so everyone is willing to cooperate with him.

He coordinated the disputes among the chieftains of the rogues many times. The most typical example is that after Li Zicheng was defeated, he defected to Zhang Xianzhong and almost died.

Later, after Zhang Xianzhong was defeated, he defected to Li Zicheng, and he was almost calculated. It was Luo Rucai who sent him 500 troops privately and released Zhang Xianzhong.

The "Winged Tiger" department is an alternative among the rogues, because they have the best discipline and have their own lair in the Taihang Mountains, so many rogue leaders are willing to get close to Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan.

The rogues don't know that they are all rootless duckweeds, and they don't know when they will be beaten by the officers and soldiers with nowhere to go. It is best to have friends in the Taihang Mountains to go to.

Before coming to the Xingyang League, the reputation of the "Winged Tiger" spread far and wide, and many rogues were afraid of it.

Because no matter whether it is the official army or other rogue camp leaders, as long as they enter the Taihang Mountains and reach the [-]-mile radius of the Pingshun County that is actually controlled by the "Winged Tiger", they will be defeated.

The "Winged Tiger" department also works on the principle that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Licheng, Huguan, Pingshun and other county towns never harass them, and they often help the common people in the territory.

Zhao Shisan and Jin Minghu took a fancy to a cottage occupied by old bandits the year before last, and managed this easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack place as a lair, adopting the policy of accumulating grain and building high walls to concentrate on development.

The "Red Banner Army" defeated tens of thousands of bandits in Pingshun County the year before and saved this crumbling city. Although Xu Mingyang went to Jingzhou to take up his post after being promoted, many low-level officials are still there.

These people have a very good relationship with the "Red Banner Army" now, and the people left behind in Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fort" three hundred miles away are the support of the newly appointed magistrate.

Xinzhi County is actually an old man from Pingshun County. He was originally the eighth-rank teacher of the county school, and was promoted because of his contribution to defending the city.

Of course, this is also because this place is too poor in the depths of the Taihang Mountains, and now it has become rampant with bandits and gangsters. Well-connected scholar-bureaucrats are simply unwilling to come here to be officials, so the Ministry of Officials promoted the county magistrate on the spot.

Under normal circumstances, the Ming Dynasty adopted the consistent thinking that the people do not raise officials and do not investigate. The "Winged Tiger" Department established a base centered on Pingshun County and lived in harmony with the people and local officials. Everyone lived in peace, so no officers and soldiers were idle. The egg hurts and comes to the mountains to find trouble.

Although the land in the Taihang Mountains is barren and basically mountainous, as long as the harvest is not harmed by bandits, the harvest can still feed the people whose population is one-third smaller than that in the early years of Chongzhen.

He Shouxin often brought armed propaganda team members to the mountains for publicity. They brought corn and potatoes to teach the mountain people to plant, and they also gave money to buy mountain products such as mushrooms, fungus, and medicinal materials.

The effect of maize planting in mountainous areas is good. A dozen plants or dozens of plants can be planted in small plots in the corners of the mountains with soil, which is equivalent to an increase of [-]% in the sowing area.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the people in the mountains are very simple, and they don’t forget the well diggers when they drink water. They have just talked about the benefits of Dongpinghou after they have reached the standard of living that is [-]% full of eating two meals a day.

Now the "Red Banner Army" is well-known in the Taihang Mountains, and the local officials in the mountainous area are willing to establish a relationship with Dongping Hou. Many people from Zhao Shisan and Pei Daneng's developing banner guards have mixed into the official positions of inspection and local regiment training.

The "Winged Tigers" sneaked into the mouth of Zhubo and fought with Jiannu and got a lot of confiscations. What satisfied Jin Minghu most was the capture of more than [-] Mongolian war horses.

On the way back to the teacher, they also took in more than [-] ordinary people, among whom [-] young and middle-aged people willingly joined this team of doing justice for the sky.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan had secretly met with Pei Daneng who had returned to "Fort of Loyalty", and knew that the next task of the banner guards was to cooperate with the left-behind troops from the mainland to build a fortress in Yingzhou, which is under the jurisdiction of Fengyang Prefecture in the central capital.

The way of thinking of the banner guards is completely different from that of the regular army. They all know that no matter whether they are civilians, generals or ordinary people, they will not cry when they see the coffin.

After a good negotiation, it is difficult to buy acres even if money is spent, and it is also difficult to get support from officials at all levels for armed forces that exist in the name of township bravery.

Zhao Shisan, Pei Daneng and other banner guard leaders studied and discussed how the patriarch shared the post-war benefits with the local officials in Kuizhou Mansion, and finally came to a conclusion.

The leaders of the banner guards all know that it is just right to attack the bandits, and it is best to start when the bandits have captured a certain city and are just about to burn, kill and loot.

Only those scholar-bureaucrats who saw their decapitated bodies felt the real life-saving grace. It would be even better if the officials who had escaped or surrendered were saved. These sinners of the Ming Dynasty would be controlled by the flag guards if they wanted to get rid of their crimes and continue to serve as officials. puppet.

Gu Rushan, Pei Daneng, and Ma Fulin personally lead the team, while He Shouxin still stays at the "Fort of Loyalty". These brave men and horses have already crossed the Yellow River and waited for Zhao Shisan to deliver the news in a clan armed village.

Due to the duty of guarding the land, there must be a lot of people staying in the "Loyalty Fort", and because the three or four thousand township warriors who have been trained are eager to guard their new homeland, they may not have the enthusiasm for expeditions.

Volunteering is very important for the "Red Banner Army". After He Shouxin's propaganda and agitation, half of the rural braves signed up. These people have trained for more than a year and have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

In the end, Gu Rushan led two cavalry commanders and Ma Fulin led a cavalry commander. Six hundred young and middle-aged men were recruited from volunteers to join the battle.

Last fall, the imperial court strengthened the defense of Gyeonggi. During this period of time, there were no bandits around "Loyalty Fortress". Since there was no need to carry out raids, there were more than [-] left-behind personnel plus Xiangyong, and only a dozen horses.

The production of self-generated guns in the system is already sufficient to meet large-scale equipment. He Shouxin favored more than a thousand volunteers who were not selected. to train.

There are more than [-] people left behind, half of them use thermal weapons, and half of them use white wax pole spears. Although they don't have the ability to make surprise attacks, they are more than enough to guard "Loyalty Fort" and Houjiazhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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