The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 610 The hero is short of breath

Chapter 610 The hero is short of breath
Most of the people who marched into the Central Plains were treated as regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", including a total of 700 medical soldiers accompanying the army.

The cavalry still has two strong horses for transfer, and they can definitely launch a cavalry raid.

This puny army has more than 180 self-generated guns, of which [-] are long guns, [-] miniguns, and more than [-] self-generated short guns, which is equivalent to a full-arms army.

When Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin led their subordinates to pass through the Huang Degong defense area and cross the Yellow River, they were not interrogated by the Ming army's garrison troops.

Huang Degong, the general of the Beijing camp who wanted to get on good terms with the "Red Banner Army", was very active. He didn't even ask what these people were going to do, and even sent a general cavalry to send them across the Yellow River.

The banner guards in Sifang Express have already contacted a clan-armed Zhuangzi thirty miles away from Yingzhou. At that time, Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin's men will wait there for the best time to attack.

Not every guard in every place is as friendly as Huang Degong, and he didn't order the "Red Banner Army" not to act without authorization. Besides, Gu Rushan knew that the Patriarch was in a bad situation, so how could he give the officials a handle.

So they could only wait quietly, and when they found out that the rogues had messed up the northeast of Henan, they quietly marched to Zhuangzi they had contacted.

When they took the shot to seize Yingzhou, which had been taken by the rogues, they would not admit that these brave men were the "Red Banner Army". They would appear in the name of the "Sifang Express" bodyguards who escorted the food.

Guessing that the scholar-bureaucrats who had escaped from the dead would be happy to pretend to be confused even if they knew it well, all the scholar-bureaucrats knew the current situation of Dongpinghou, and they couldn't get the immediate rescue from Dongpinghou's command, but they would revenge?
Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan had a clear purpose, and of course they followed Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong to kill and head east to Fengyang, the central capital.

Although the "Winged Tiger" has a small number of people, but [-] are young and middle-aged, everyone has serious weapons, and half of them have iron armor and leather armor, and [-] horses. More than a hundred horse bandits were actually wearing the armor of Jiannu Zhenglan Banner.

This brave man also robs along the way, especially likes to rob horses, mules, and donkeys, but basically he refuses to kill innocent people indiscriminately. The other thieves in the camp find it strange. When they ask questions, Jin Minghu gives high-profile answers.

"'Winged Tiger' is not at the same level as you and others in playing the banner of walking for the sky. In the future, like a Liangshan hero, he will accept the imperial court's recruitment and return home with a half-time job."

It turned out that he had ideals, many thieves didn't take it seriously, and took Jin Minghu's words as a joke for a while.

The "Winged Tigers" went their own way, and their military discipline was no less than that of the regular army. They robbed all the way and managed to achieve that everyone had a mount, and at worst, there was a donkey to carry supplies for the master.

They are not many in number, but they are among the best in action. They also act in groups all day long and never abandon anyone. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and others are all impressed. Li Zicheng even wants to win Jin Minghu to join him.

Zhang Xianzhong, the most vicious murderer, had many conflicts with the "winged tiger" department, which caused the two armies to dislike each other and often developed from insulting each other to fighting each other.

In fact, Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng also looked down upon Zhang Xianzhong's vicious behavior. They believed that killing people should be a last resort, and they should not take pleasure in killing and torture people to death.

It's just that everyone is a fellow from Shaanxi, and they have engaged in the business of killing officials and rebelling together, and they are on the road of no return. We are a cooperative relationship and have no affiliation relationship, so there is no need for unpleasant troubles.

Now there is the "Winged Tiger" who is fighting against the subordinates of the Eight Great Kings, and more than a dozen leaders including Gao Yingxiang do not intervene and choose to watch a joke.

The rogues attacking east should be the most combative, as you can see from who the bandits are.

Gao Yingxiang is now the leader of the rogue bandits, Li Zicheng is the "marriage king" who buried the Ming Dynasty, and Zhang Xianzhong is the puppet Daxi Emperor who killed hundreds of millions of Huguang and Sichuan military and civilian officials.

This group of people engulfed refugees along the way, and grew to hundreds of thousands. They easily captured Gushi and Huoqiu.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan just happened to see Huoqiu County Instructor Ni Keda being captured covered in blood and refusing to kneel down, yelling and cursing. He was about to be beaten to death by Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates.

They immediately led their men to take over by force several Huoqiu magistrates who had not defected.

Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates saw that Jin Minghu was unwilling to contribute when attacking the city, and at this moment they actually snatched the official they had captured, and they were furious. Hundreds of people rushed forward to fight Jin Minghu's men.

Ni Keda, who had been scolding endlessly, was dumbfounded when he saw that the two bandits were fighting among themselves for robbing people, and forgot to continue cursing for a while.

Zhao Shisan was originally a family member of the Ming army, later a cavalryman of the "Red Banner Army", and then was promoted to an officer. Most of the guards he trained developed into banner guards. At this time, he was merciless in attacking the bandits, and he was completely dead. Zhang Xianzhong, who fought in the fight, did not get cheap.

It is common for rogues to fight and seize. After a conflict, hundreds of people can't be beaten, so they stop, and finally nothing happens.

Zhao Shisan decided to be a good man to the end, and sent the banner guards with troops to engulf the family members of Zhang Youjun, Ni Keda, and He Bingruo into the army.

Except for some long followers and servants who had already escaped, the three big families had a population of more than eighty, and they were naturally mourned endlessly when they were captured by the rogues and locked up with the head of the family.

Ni Keda, who was about to die generously, would inevitably be short of breath when he saw his wife and children, and he no longer dared to curse, lest he would provoke the bandits and bring harm to his family.

The county magistrate Zhang Youjun and his instructor He Bingruo prepared to die for their country with blood and courage. At this time, they saw the gray-haired old mother, and the babbling son completely broke down. They hugged the youngest son in their arms and cried.

At this moment, three women in military uniforms came, and the leader asked Zhang Youjun, "My lord, where is Huoqiu County Grandfather now? Has he been killed? You have been organizing Huoqiu soldiers and civilians to fight against the bandits." ?"

This woman is Han Manzhi, the leader of the banner guard, and the other two are newly developed banner guards. Because of their martial arts skills, Han Manzhi favored the two of them and stayed by his side as personal followers.

After the three Zhima officials were captured by the rogues, they still maintained their integrity. The flag guards lurking in the "Winged Tiger" team recognized their actions and rescued the three of them. name.

Han Manzhi came to negotiate terms with these three low-level scholar-bureaucrats. Those who are willing to cooperate will ensure their survival and create opportunities for them to flourish. Those who are unwilling to cooperate can only choose to abandon them and let them fend for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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