Chapter 611
Zhang Youjun didn't know what the visitor meant by such words, he tentatively said:
"The original county magistrate left three days ago when his term of office expired. The new magistrate has not yet arrived. The soldiers, civilians, and officials in the city spontaneously organize to defend the city, and this official is also one of them."

Han Manzhi said: "If the city is defended, the officials who participated in the defense of the city will gain great achievements in defending the land. Unfortunately, your limited talents made a fairly strong city lost overnight, causing nearly [-] ordinary people who hid in the city to be harmed by bandits. .

When you die when the city is broken, you will be done. If you are alive, the court will surely question your crimes, and I am afraid that it will be unavoidable to be sent to the army. "

This is not Han Manzhi's nonsense, but the provisions of the Great Ming Law. Magistrates have the duty of guarding the land. If the city is lost, the people will be massacred, and the surviving magistrates will be beheaded by the court in all likelihood. Being sentenced to exile is already an extrajudicial favor.

Zhang Youjun heard something in the words, and heard Han Manzhi say that the rogues were very strange, and they were rescued by the "Winged Tigers" again, and realized that this brave man was different.

He asked: "I don't know what the meaning of the female general is? Aren't you rogues?
"I'm not a female general, let alone a bandit. I'm just a helpless person rescued by the Marquis of Dongping in the spring of the third year of Chongzhen."

"Marquis Dongping? Is the female general a member of the 'Red Banner Army'?"

"That's right. The Marquis of Dongping entered Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan to suppress the bandits the year before last. He realized from a high position that the bandits would come back again, so he left a lot of people to collect information on the bandits and break into them to persuade some bandit leaders to surrender."

Zhang Youjun was overjoyed and said: "No wonder you risked fighting with other rogues to help out today. I thank the female general for saving my life. Thank you for saving the lives of twenty or so members of my Zhang family."

Han Manzhi has a bitter hatred and deep hatred. In fact, she hates high-ranking officials and nobles in her heart. She asked coldly: "The Marquis of Dongping is in the Houjiazhuang of Zhangde Mansion to calm the people. In this way, the number of hungry people will be reduced and the spread of bandits will be curbed. I wonder if Mr. Zhang knows? "

"This was reported in the imperial palace newspaper the year before last, and of course the lower officials know about it."

Han Manzhi asked scoldingly: "Since we know that Marquis Dongping's method of calming the people is effective, why doesn't Huoqiu County follow suit? If the people here are as close as a family to you and other officials, it is impossible for the county to be breached by rogues in an instant?"

Zhang Youjun said with a face full of shame: "The interests of the local government are intricate and complicated. The lower official is just a small county magistrate. How can a person who speaks lightly have the courage of Dongping Hou? Even if he wants to make a difference, he can't put it into action."

Han Manzhi paused, suppressed the anger in his heart by the way, and said as calmly as possible:
"If we save you and find a way to make you a magistrate of Huoqiu or a certain place, do you have the confidence to farm the fields and train the townspeople to guard the city under our jurisdiction with our secret support?"

The factions in the officialdom are so complicated. A small official like Zhang Youjun is just a passerby, and he can't figure out the way to join a certain force.

Knowing that taking refuge in Dongpinghou can not only guarantee the safety of the family, but also avoid the court's accountability, and can continue to be an official or even a bigger official, Zhang Youjun did not hesitate, and made a high-profile statement:

"It's my wish to be an official to keep the land and the people and benefit one side. After I get off the official post, I will be a man of Dongping Hou. I will do my best to emulate Dongping Hou to comfort the people and raise soldiers."

Han Manzhi then had a long talk with Ni Keda, the content was similar, but Ni Keda, who was eager to make contributions, reacted more strongly.

Not only was he willing to secure the people, train troops, and defend the land with the secret support of the "Red Banner Army", he also asked Han Manzhi to take his daughter by his side for training, and asked Han Manzhi to recommend his third son Ni Benchun, who had turned 15, to join the "Red Banner Army".

Ni Keda's daughter, Ni Gu, just turned 14 this year, and she was almost harmed by a few bandits today. Fortunately, the "winged tiger" appeared in time, and it was also because the bandits wore a lot of clothes in the winter succeed.

I saw the ferocity of the bandits with my own eyes, and saw many neighbors who were killed.

She even saw her neighbor's sister bumping her head against the stone drum in front of the door after being bullied, her snow-white body was bloody red, and the little girl who was alive and kicking the day before yesterday disappeared, which deeply stimulated Gu Ni.

Knowing that Han Manzhi is a member of the "Red Banner Army", Ni Gu hopes to follow her to practice killing skills and one day become a female soldier of the "Red Banner Army" to kill all the rogues who abused the sisters.

Han Manzhi suffers from his lack of literacy, and can only write simple words. He often makes typos and typos, and the women around him are not as good as her. Sometimes he can't find anyone to ask for a few new words. I am overjoyed with a good handwriting.

Nowadays, among the female banner guards, there is no shortage of people who have deep hatred with Jiannu and bandits, but there is a shortage of women with a strong cultural background. It is rare that Ni Gu did not bind her feet. Han Manzhi decided to train this little girl himself in the future, and strive to train her Be the leader.

Han Manzhi accepted Ni Keda's son and daughter. From now on, Qiwei will deliberately create opportunities for Ni Keda who wants to make a difference.

The next day, Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng also thought that Zhang Xianzhong was too cruel and inhuman, so they deliberately led their troops to attack Shouzhou, ignoring the dispute between the Eight Great Kings and the "Winged Tiger".

On the 10,000th day of the first lunar month, the Eight Great Kings, Sweeping King, Padihu, Kuo Tianfei, etc. led [-]+ bandits and refugees to surround Yingzhou and launched an attack. After notifying Gu Rushan and Pei Daneng in time, the "Winged Tiger" department also participated in the seizure city.

Local officials such as Yin Mengao, the magistrate of Yingzhou, and Zhao Shikuan, the general judge, did not abandon the city and fled. They organized military and civilian officials to rise up to resist.

However, the relationship between Yingzhou officials and ordinary people is usually tense. How can it be possible that they need people to work hard at this time?

It is not known whether it was because of the bandits or the green skins and beggars who took advantage of the fire and looted the city. The common people guarding the city head dispersed in a rush. Yin Mengao, the prefect, knelt down and begged the common people to stay and guard the city, but no one responded.

Yin Mengao was quite staunch, he was still fighting alone, he held a steel knife and killed more than a dozen rogues who rushed to the top of the city, and finally couldn't do what he wanted, so he jumped directly from the city wall into the lake called Black Dragon Pool outside the city to commit suicide.

Thousands of rogues broke through the city and entered the city. They were busy robbing and killing the sleeping official lady. The "Red Banner Army" who had been notified by Zhao Shisan long ago arrived in time.

Just when Zhang Xianzhong's troops rushed to resist, Jin Minghu's troops, who learned that the "Red Banner Army" had already attacked, suddenly attacked Zhang Xianzhong's horse thieves directly.

Under the attack from two sides, Zhang Xianzhong's troops were defeated in a short time, and the gangsters such as Sweeping King, Padihu, Kuo Tianfei and others ran away without knowing the situation.

The eighth king, who was at the home of Zhang Heming, the retired Minister of the Ministry of War, arrested Zhang's eldest son, Zhang Datong, and tortured the two 80-year-olds. He was shocked and ran out of Zhang's mansion in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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