Chapter 612
"Bastard bastard, just a bastard! Brothers chop that guy!"

"Catch the king's eighth Zhang Xianzhong and peel them alive. Go!"

"Catch Zhang Xianzhong, eunuch that guy and send him to the secret door to be a rabbit master! Hahaha, brothers, hurry up!"

It seems that the entire city of Huoqiu is screaming for beatings and killings, and the spearhead is directed at Zhang Xianzhong. Xianzhong is extremely depressed, and he is not the only one who robbed houses. Why do they have to name and clamor to arrest him?
As expected of a veteran bandit, Zhang Xianzhong felt that the situation was not good and worried that he would be caught by the Ming army in the city, so he immediately ran away.

Jin Minghu's troops had been displeased with the Eight Great Kings for many days, and the banner guards were leading the attack. Therefore, when the battle started, the "Winged Tiger" department completely regarded Zhang Xianzhong's department as the enemy, and attacked fiercely.

Zhang Xianzhong's troops were really at a disadvantage. Not only was their will to fight weak, but they also couldn't let go of their hands and feet.

After the "winged tiger" department completed the task of raiding Zhang Xianzhong and cooperating with the "Red Banner Army" to recapture Yingzhou City, they did not pursue and kill them at all, and quietly retreated from the west gate.

It was Zhao Shisan and Pei Daneng who took the lead and received instructions for the next step. In order to preserve their strength, the "winged tiger" department could no longer follow the bandits to rob houses in the Zhongdu area, and had to retreat across the Yellow River and enter the Taihang Mountains in time.

This time the rogues played too much, and dared to attack the old Zhu family's prosperous land, which caused the emperor to be furious.

Afterwards, the generals from all walks of life no longer dared to obey and disobey, and soon the imperial army would form a siege, and many rogues were killed.

At that time, the surviving bandits will fight hard to break through the siege and flee to Shaanxi. At this time, the "Winged Tiger" department will take advantage of the Ming army to take a step before the siege is too much.

Not only can you grab a lot of money and food along the way, but you can also avoid unnecessary losses in the war with the Ming army. You can also go north and return to the Taihang Mountain base to wait for opportunities before the Yellow River thaws.

Jin Minghu led his troops to suddenly attack Zhang Xianzhong's men, beheaded more than a thousand old bandits and seized a lot of weapons and armor, and also got five or six hundred miscellaneous horses. Don't worry about retaliation, it is common for bandits to rob each other.

What's more, the "Winged Tiger" department will keep a low profile and firmly refuse to admit that they attacked the Eight Kings' men.

He insisted that it was the "Red Banner Army" who came to kill him, and many brothers took the opportunity to turn against the water and intend to make meritorious service, and then joined the "Red Banner Army" to eat the royal rations, and won the opportunity to fight the army and seal their wives and sons.

There is no reason to talk among the rogues. They rely entirely on their strength. If they have the ability, they will come to the Taihang Mountains to fight against the "Winged Tiger" team.

Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan took their horses on the road, and the 500 people did not lose too much. During this period, hundreds of people were recruited to join.

Now the number has reached [-], and everyone owns a horse. They did not bring a farm ox. If they get a farm ox, they will often exchange horses with other battalion leaders.

The rogues didn't have the awareness to prepare for farming. They robbed the farm cattle and killed them to eat beef. Of course, they were happy to exchange draft horses, mules, and donkeys for better meat quality and a higher meat yield.

There were more than [-] mules and donkeys in the retreating "Winged Tigers". All the animals were carrying the proceeds of the robbery. Most people were reluctant to ride horses, because horses also needed to carry supplies back to their lairs.

Yin Mengao, who committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake, was lucky. When he swung a knife to kill the enemy at the top of the city, he was spotted by the flag guards. He jumped into the lake and was rescued when he was about to sink to the bottom. At the same time, Tong Tong from Yingzhou was also rescued. Sentenced to Zhao Shikuan.

At the north gate of Yingzhou, there were more than a dozen scholars and Juren led more than a hundred family members and Zhao Shikuan with several long followers to fight bloody battles.

Seeing that less than [-] resisters were about to be massacred, Gu Rushan led the troops to kill them in time, and finally more than [-] defenders covered with scars were rescued, including Zhao Shikuan.

Gu Rushan only brought more than [-] troops, dozens of people more than when he set out, because there were too many men in the two clan armed villages used for concealment, who were deeply attached to the "Red Banner Army". Longing for it.

Gu Rushan, Pei Daneng and other military officers were so entangled by the patriarchs and elders that they had no choice but to recruit dozens of young and middle-aged men who were skilled in bows and horses to become auxiliary soldiers.

The "Red Banner Army" was too small to have the ability to chase and kill Zhang Xianzhong to expand the results of the battle. When they found that the bandits had abandoned Yingzhou and fled, Gu Rushan and others immediately divided up and occupied the four gates and stood firm.

Yin Mengao, Zhao Shikuan, Ni Keda, Zhang Youjun, and He Bing each have a hundred generals "Red Banner Army" guarding the city to identify rogues and select young men to participate in the defense of the city.

The Zhang family in Yingzhou is amazing. There are two Jinshi in one school. The eldest brother Zhang Heming retired after becoming the second-rank minister of the Ministry of War. The second brother Zhang Heteng became the fourth-rank official inspector.

It took only a day for tens of thousands of rogues to enter Yingzhou, and the damage caused was incalculable. More than half of the Zhang family of Yingzhou's prominent family was destroyed. Zhang Heming, 85, was hanged upside down on a tree by Zhang Xianzhong and tortured to death.

Zhang Heteng, a retired official in his [-]s, had a good official reputation when he was in office. He insisted on giving free consultations to the common people for more than ten years after returning to his hometown, and wrote two medical books that have been passed down to the world. Hacked.

The Zhang family is a big family in Yingzhou, with so many nephews and dozens of them were killed by bandits.

Zhang Heming's third brother and eldest son Zhang Datong were also brutally murdered by bandits. Zhang Heming's eldest grandson, Zhang Dezheng, knelt in front of the corpses of his father and three grandfathers, weeping uncontrollably.

The members of the Zhang family were outraged. Dozens of young and middle-aged men knelt in front of the coffins of the tragically killed patriarchs, bit their fingers and swore that from now on they would be at odds with the bandits and would avenge the patriarchs.

The military and civilians in Yingzhou City fought fiercely against the bandits. After the city was broken, more than 150 officials, gentry and common people were killed, and dozens of women were martyred.

Zhang Dezheng, who hastily collected the corpses of the victims of the Zhang family that day, organized nearly a hundred young and middle-aged people from his tribe to participate in the defense of the city.

After the bandits broke through the city, they burned, killed, raped and committed all kinds of crimes, which aroused their insensitivity, and led to the common hatred between the army and the people of Yingzhou.

This time the personnel organization is very efficient, and there are many families who are willing to donate money and food.

The next day, Pei Daneng, Ma Fulin, and Gu Rushan saw that there were seven or eight thousand people from the "Red Banner Army" guarding Yingzhou. Qiu County.

Pei Daneng and Gu Rushan stayed to restore order in Yingzhou. Ma Fulin led a group of cavalrymen and [-] infantry who could gallop on horseback to Zhang Youjun, Ni Keda, He Bingruo, Zhang Dezheng, and less than [-] of them. The servant galloped to Huoqiu County.

Zhang Dezheng's fourth uncle, Zhang Heteng's eldest son, Zhang Dayu, and dozens of members of Zhang's family and servants led nearly 2000 people to attack Huoqiu County on foot.

(End of this chapter)

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