Chapter 614
Doctors such as Shen Langzhong and Ma Yuanyi, who carried out the bacterial warfare, all have official positions, and the bacterial warfare has been going on for several years.

Whenever their subordinates seized the opportunity, they would spread acne scab powder on the products exported to the Northland, because both the Jiannu and Tartars in the North were enemies of Ming Dynasty.

The promotion of vaccinia to prevent smallpox infection in the interior of the Ming Dynasty has become the norm. The plague has been effectively contained in the Ming Dynasty, so Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi, etc. do not need to worry about the large-scale outbreak of smallpox infection in the territory of the Han people, and they can let go when they do something.

At the beginning of the first lunar month, Hong Jie was overjoyed to learn that Lin Dan Khan had died on the way to Qinghai. He was particularly good at seizing the opportunity, and immediately sent Hauge to lead the Eight Banners and the Chahar cavalry who surrendered last year to the area where Lin Dan Khan had occupied for a long time to recruit and conquer Lin Danhan's old department.

This time, Jiannu dispatched [-] troops from the two Yellow Banners, and [-] troops from each of the other six banners, plus half of the Gebush Xianchao Ha camp with more than [-] troops. They brought with them [-] Mongolian light cavalry, and the total force exceeded [-]. Go west and enter the Hetao area.

Zu Dabi received a letter from the Fan family caravan. This letter was written by his elder brother Zu Dashou himself. He was able to know in advance that tens of thousands of Jiannu and Tartars would come to Xuanda, Taiyuan Town, and Yansui Town. Near the side wall.

This is a good time for rebels to go out of customs and take a detour home, and they are safe and secure.

Therefore, when Hong Chengchou mobilized Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng, and Zu Kuan, he was resisted. The trick he used was the common practice of Ming Dynasty.

At the beginning of February, the Ancestral Army mutinied and refused to leave Tongguan and enter Henan to kill the bandits. While the Yellow River was still frozen, they went north to plunder and kill all the way to Shanxi and galloped in the direction of Xuanda.

Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong and other thieves who captured Fengyang knew that they could not stay here for long, and after a few days of wreaking havoc, they split up and fled. , and won Wuwei State the next day.

On the first day of February, the bandits continued to capture the city and coerce the common people, which made his army mighty as high as 10,000+. Zhang Xianzhong, who was full of wealth and energy, led the army to besiege Qianshan County and fell down in one go.

The bandit Xian got carried away for a while, and then he was taught a lesson when he led the bandit soldiers to take advantage of the momentum to take down Anqing Prefecture.

Arranging along the river was Huang Han's established strategy. Anqing is close to the Yangtze River, and the "Sifang Bank" has already been opened in the city, which has long been known as the "Sifang Express".

Last spring, "Sun and Moon Shipping" also operated a transfer station in the city, and merchants who have a cooperative relationship with the "Red Banner Army" also opened branches in Anqing.

The "Red Banner Army" system now not only achieves river-sea combined transport, Shizhu Xuanwei Division, Kuizhou Mansion, Jingzhou Mansion, Anqing Mansion, and Nantong State have all become important starting points for land transshipment and the main ports of the Yangtze River Detachment.

Although the imperial court restored the establishment of the Longwu Navy, with Huang Yong as the main general, it is impossible for the Longwu Navy, whose home port is far away in Shanhaiguan, to get involved in the Yangtze River.

There is the commander of the Kuizhou garrison water army that Zhou Shideng, who has been promoted to the rank of Sichuan inspector, helps to operate, and the Jingzhou water army established with the support of Xu Mingyang, Lianqian, also has the banner of the Shizhu Xuanwei Division.

Zhao Kun sits in "Wangchuan Fort" on Jiangxinzhou, more than [-] miles west of Jingzhou. This is the base camp of the "Red Banner Army" Yangtze River defense line, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

When in charge of the layout of the Yangtze River, it is necessary to ensure that the cities involved cannot be breached by the enemy. The troops left in Sichuan and Huguang by the Banner Guards and the "Red Banner Army" are all working hard for this.

Dongping Hou is good at management, and his business is so big that it has been well known in all parts of Ming Dynasty, even Chongzhen knows it well.

The "Red Banner Army" system is involved in a city, and it is impossible to blatantly send troops to hold high the red flag, and they all enter through business models.

Of course the local officials knew that these were the properties of the Marquis of Dongping, and they basically dared not own them if they wanted to take a card, but Huang Han did not bully others, so the taxes that should be paid would not be less, and the benefits that should be given to officials at all levels were indispensable.

The settlement of Anqing Fucheng has been completed, and the grain depots, bank depots, and product warehouses in the system have all started to operate. If the city is destroyed, not only will the property loss be too great, but many soldiers and civilians in the system will die in battle.

Zhao Kun's task is to maintain and manage "Wangchuan Fort" well. There are already 20 mu of land here, more than 15 households and a population of more than [-].

Many factories and workshops are already in production. There are [-] Xiangyongs who are partly full-time, [-] households who are full-time Guards, and [-] general infantrymen in the "Red Banner Army".

Since all the cavalry and war horses went north to cooperate with the head of the family to enter King Qin last summer, Zhao Kun managed to get hundreds of horses and formed a new chief apprentice cavalry to train intensively.

The Yangtze River Detachment led by Yu Quanzuo used "Wangchuan Fort" as its home port. Under normal circumstances, dozens of gunboats and hundreds of sailors and gunners were stationed here.

"Wangchuan Fort" is an important link between the past and the future. It is impossible for Zhao Kun to leave here in the past two years, nor will he leave the Yangtze River, which is convenient for dispatch and support.

The rogues made a scene in Fengyang, the central capital. For safety reasons, Zhao Kun promptly dispatched Yu Quanzuo and Pei Yuanwu down the river to Anqing Mansion, which had been in operation for less than half a year.

Luo Mingshi, the general banner of the Propaganda Team, brought a small banner and eleven armed propaganda team members to Anqing Mansion to start work.

The constant traffic of gunboats on the river is a symbol of strength, and officials in Chengfu and counties along the river all agree, and they even often invite gunboats to escort them.

"Sifang Bank" must deal with local officials in order to do business with the imperial court, and the chief official of Anqing Mansion is no exception.

The rogues swept through the central capital, and too many cities fell. Scholar-bureaucrats and landlords and squires rarely escaped from the ravages of the rogues.

The rogue bandits are so cruel and inhumane that they force the landlords and bureaucrats to fight against the enemy.

Local officials in Anqing took the initiative to contact the big shopkeepers of "Sifang Bank", "Sifang Express", and "Sun Moon Shipping" who lived in Anqing Mansion.

They hoped that they could get support from the river in case the city was attacked, and more people hoped that when the city was in danger, they could escape on the gunboat of "Sun Moon Shipping".

On the day Pei Yuanwu and Yu Quanyou came to Anqing Mansion, they were treated like honored guests by the local officials.

They were not hypocritical, and expressed their willingness to lead their subordinates to assist in the defense of Anqing Fucheng. In order to justify the name, the two "Red Banner Army" brought a total of 720 infantry into local regiment training.

To be on the safe side, Yu Quanyou temporarily dismantled some of the warship artillery and dispatched naval gunners to participate in the defense of Anqingfu City.

At the same time, the investigation and killing of traitors and Anmin, and the guarantors of the major families and the training of Xiangyong were also carried out with vibrancy.

(End of this chapter)

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