Chapter 615
The rogues are so bad, even if they only have one or two thousand old thieves, if they take down a county at random, as long as they are willing, the number will reach [-] or [-] the next day.

Then the rogues will drive the good people to attack the next target, and when they find the new vagrants who can kill and have killed people, they will absorb them as small bosses and gradually develop into the old camp's confidantes.

The thieves are vicious and murderous, and the people in Zhongdu who are coerced will be brutally tortured and killed if they resist. Under the bloody pressure, his troops are very efficient.

I don't know, nor did I expect that there are already "Red Banner Army" troops in the city of Anqing Prefecture to assist in the defense, and the streak of victories makes the thief confident at this moment.

The thief knows that the good place in Zhongdu is by the river, and that Anqing should be a rich city, and he wants to take down the beautiful girls who don't know how many good things they can grab and sleep with.

He surrounded the city of Anqing with 10,000+ refugees on all sides and launched an attack rashly.Shouting: "Anqing is rich and rich, there are countless gold and silver treasures and beautiful girls, brothers! Go in and eat his mother, sleep with his mother!"

Zhang Xianzhong's four adoptive sons Zhang Dingguo, Zhang Kewang, Zhang Wenxiu, and Zhang Nengqi immediately led their subordinates to shout in unison to boost morale. Thousands of people unanimously said: "Eat his mother, rob his mother, go to Anqing to sleep with a beautiful official girl!"

Then more rogues shouted, uttering obscenities about how to rape the ladies and wives of officials, how to make those women who used to be high above kneel naked at their feet.

How to order them to serve them hard with their white bodies and small red mouths...

The rogues and the vagrants were in a commotion, and many vagrants whose hands were bloodied had begun to show obscene eyes, and some rogues had even reacted below.

Leaders such as Xian Thief and Zhang Dingguo all know the virtues of men, and they know that when the sperm is on the brain, they will often burst into powerful combat power, so when they launch an attack, they use extreme nasty words to stimulate their subordinates.

Too many rogues and refugees were really excited. They forgot their fear at this moment, and rushed forward one after another.

Pei Yuanwu followed Huang Han for five or six years, basically fighting against Jiannu and Tartars, and he looked down on mere bandits from the bottom of his heart.

It's a pity that there were too many bandits and his manpower was too small, so he decided to use the best of the best. He concentrated the troops and artillery he brought with him at the north gate, where Zhang Xianzhong personally supervised the battle.

Because the people and horses here look much neater, not only carrying the banner of the Eight Great Kings, but also a big banner with Zhang characters.

Half of the two general infantrymen Pei Yuanwu brought used thermal weapons and self-generating blunderbuss, and more than 36 of them used miniguns. Yu Quanyou's sailor gunners brought a total of [-] one-pound Francois machine guns.

The seemingly menacing bandits and refugees rushed up screaming with all kinds of farm tools and weapons carrying shoddy ladders. In fact, most of them were hungry people without combat skills.

At the head of Anqing City, where the flags and drums had been silent, suddenly the red flags rolled up and shouts rose one after another, and Luo Mingshi, who was holding a minigun and a short blunderbuss in his waist, led eleven propaganda members to shout loudly.

"The 'Red Banner Army' killed the rogues to protect the country and the people, and those who were coerced fell down immediately."

"Folks! You can't go from being a thief to the point of no return. Hurry up and throw away your weapons and lie on the ground with your hands on your head!"

"The blunderbuss and cannons don't have eyes, folks, hurry up, if you dare to charge forward, you will die!"

"Kill the king and eight Zhang Xianzhong to reward you with 1000 taels of silver, and you will be promoted to three levels in a row! Brothers, hurry up!"

"Boom boom boom...crackling..." The rogues and refugees were swept across a large area by the scattered shells fired by dozens of Fran machine guns and various miscellaneous guns originally deployed at the head of Anqing Prefecture like cutting wheat.

"Oh my god! The cannons of the officers and soldiers are too powerful, run quickly, there is no way to fight here..."

Such is the case with the refugees, they can rise up and then disperse in a rush, and they are running back desperately at this moment.

The 36 one-pound Francophones changed the guns quickly. After three consecutive rounds, it was found that there was no need to fire again. The 2 people were frightened and ran back desperately, and now the artillery fire was out of reach.

The Thieves' Department, which had been fighting smoothly, suffered a big loss in a muddle. Pei Yuanwu killed two or three hundred old battalion troops who supervised the siege of the refugees. One or two thousand refugees fell under the city. The frustrated bandits lost their fighting spirit .

The daring Pei Yuanwu actually led two general infantrymen and [-] bodyguards of "Sifang Express", and more than [-] combat-capable guards and employees of "Sifang Bank" went out of the city to form a formation and charge.

The two thousand village braves newly trained were all locals with families, many of whom were sons and tenants of country gentry and local tyrants, and they also went to war with white wax pole spears.

More than 1000 troops are not many, but the quality is several times stronger than the mob of rogues. The key is that most of the [-] leaders are well-trained and well-equipped.

Besides, Zhang Xianzhong should be the most powerful among the rogues attacking the city, and his old battalion has only about [-] troops.

Under the cover of the three-stage attack of the musketeers marching, under the deterrence of dozens of gunmen who specialize in fighting rogue horse thieves, and under the impetus of the sword and shield players and spearmen who are packaged as iron men form a wall.

The old battalion of the Thieves was unable to command the shattered rioters to form an array, and was rushed by the fleeing bandits and refugees.

There are great difficulties. The 10,000+ refugees and rogues fight against the wind like a flash flood, which can overwhelm the Ming army who dared to stop it.

Frustrated, rumors spread all over the place, and when two 10,000+ people fled in panic, no one could stop them.

"It's the 'Red Devils' men, brothers, run!"

"Even Zijin Liang Dazhu can't beat the 'Red Devils', and the Eight Great Kings can't even beat them. If you don't want to die, run faster."

"What are you waiting for? Run! If you get hit by lead, you will die."

At this time, there was another uniform shout from far away, "Catch the king alive, eight Zhang Xianzhong, reward silver 1000 for two consecutive upgrades to three levels!"

"Folks, hurry up and seize the eight kings to offer loyalty anyway! The imperial court will not blame the past, and will give official positions to six ranks and hundreds of households, and reward 1000 taels of silver!"

This kind of shouting was of course from the propaganda team led by Luo Mingshi. After shouting a few times, the infantrymen of the "Red Banner Army" shouted loudly, and then it became unanimous.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Zhang Xianzhong, a well-trained old thief, did not want to be a chariot at all, he hit his horse and ran away, and the one or two thousand horse thieves around him immediately fled.

Immediately afterwards, the 10,000 to [-] bandits and refugees in this direction were defeated, and the [-]+ people who besieged Anqing Mansion finally disappeared without a trace.

In this battle, a lot of materials and gold and silver treasures were seized, and more than 5 rogues and refugees were beheaded. A small half of them should be rogues.

(End of this chapter)

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