Chapter 616
Anqing local officials and local tyrants and country gentry were fortunate enough to see the combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army". For their own safety and to reach a consensus to preserve their family business, they tried every means to keep these troops.

It is well known that the Marquis of Dongping does not lead the army. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Pei Yuanwu became the chief officer of the local regiment training. This young man is not in the Ministry of War to make records, and of course he will not receive the food and salary issued by the Ministry of Households. burden.

Four or five nearby cities were devastated by bandits, and Xian Bandit was the most ruthless gangster among the bandits. In the prefectures and counties he looted, none of the high-ranking officials, nobles, landlords, and riches could survive. Of course, all the property in the family disappeared. Without exception, the house was reduced to scorched earth.

Lessons learned from the past, Anqing government officials and wealthy people dare not worry about gains and losses at this time. They pledged donations under the leadership of the prefect, and it became a consensus to provide enough money and food to support a regiment of more than [-] people to train soldiers and horses.

Pei Yuanwu agreed to stay in Anqing Mansion to train regiments in places that could not be recognized by the imperial court. All local officials said that when the time was right, they would report to the imperial court and fight for him to be the commander-in-chief of regiment training.

He doesn't care whether there is a court rank, because the "Red Banner Army" recognizes the rank of every general who is stationed in the mainland for official duties, and the generals who have made contributions will not be rewarded by the court, and will be made up within the system.

For the sake of long-term peace and stability, Pei Yuanwu, Luo Mingshi and other "Red Banner Army" generals led their subordinates to screen out the captured rogues and refugees, beheaded one or two thousand bloody and debt-ridden people, and then transported more than [-] young and middle-aged rogues sentenced to labor camps to Ningyuan by boat.

The currently seized food and materials can still cope with 10,000+ hungry people who are starving for food, but it is impossible to maintain the winter wheat harvest anyway.

Here in Anqing will become a transfer station, transporting out hungry people and bringing in food. It is estimated that transporting tens of thousands of people and bringing in 10,000+ stones of food will stabilize this place.

Just because the bandit ran away didn't mean he was defeated. Three days later, he was taught a lesson after gathering the broken soldiers and refugees.

He realized that it was more dangerous along the river. It was the territory of the "Red Devils", and it was impossible to tolerate anyone burning, killing and looting.

If you can't provoke us, we can afford to hide. Daming is very big, and it's a big deal not to go to the riverside. After thinking about it, the thief went north and his luck got better. He even went down to Taihu and Susong, and then attacked all the way. He, Huoshan, Lu'an and Bozhou were captured.

The Thieves' Department regained their self-confidence after capturing Susong, and even conquered Xuzhou and Yucheng, Shangqiu, Runing, Zhenyang, and Xincai, trying to open the channel to enter Shaanxi through Henan and north.

It was hard to leave their homeland, and the main part of the old battalion of bandit soldiers were Qin people. When they learned that Hong Chengchou had dispatched a large number of troops out of Tongguan, Shaanxi was empty, and they all clamored to fight back to their hometown.

Hong Chengchou was a talented general, so how could he easily let the bandits go back to his hometown, and dispatched Cao Wenzhao and Deng Qi to intercept them. After encountering obstacles, more than a dozen bandits turned southward.

On the ninth day of February, Zhang Kewang and Zhang Dingguo, sons of the bandits who split up the attack, led a group of troops to capture Luotian and open the gateway to Huguang.

Three days later, Zhang Xianzhong, who got the news, led thousands of old thieves and horses, threw away 10,000+ refugees who couldn't run, and followed them into Huguang with [-] to [-] young and strong rogues.

There were too many refugees and the burden was too heavy, and there was no food to eat. For a little food, Zhang Xianzhong often fought with his own people. Zhang Xianzhong only selected some young men and left all the others behind.

At this time, there was a shortage of spring, and the food of the refugees was robbed by thieves, their homes were burned, and food could not be found for dozens of miles. I do not know how many people who refused to eat people would be eaten.

People in Henan, Shanshan, and Huguang were cannibals, and the Ming court, which had great difficulty in getting food for the officers and soldiers who suppressed the bandits, could do nothing to help them.

On March [-]th, Zhang Xianzhong, the eight great kings who were running around, joined forces with old Huihui Ma Shouying and Guotianxing Huideng again, and they jointly captured Qiangzhou and marched westward.

Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Huihui and other thieves who were on their way home threw away a large number of refugees and led 8 people from the old road of Yunyang, and returned to Shaanxi via Shangzhou. The Shaanxi rogues suddenly became invincible.

Shaanxi was raging with flames, and Hong Chengchou, who had just led his troops out of Tongguan not long ago, obviously failed, and had no choice but to start all over again.

On April [-], Hong Chengchou summoned the generals in Ruzhou to adjust their deployment, and ordered Deng Qi, You Zhaiwen and other generals to lead their troops into Fancheng and stick to the Han River.

Tune Zuo Liangyu and Tang Jiuzhou to lead the headquarters to control Wucun and Wawu, and guard the main road of Zhejiang River; order You Shiwei, Chen Shifu, and Xu Laichao to station in Yongning and Lushi Mountains to curb the danger of Luonan and Zhuyang .

Hong Chengchou personally commanded the army, and together with Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao, Liu Honglie, Ai Wannian, Liu Guozhen, Wu Zimian, You Shilu and other generals, re-entered Tongguan to suppress.

The job of a speech officer is to listen to the wind and play things. Hong Chengchou didn't fight well and he ignored the other. Of course, he was criticized. Too many officials compared Hong Chengchou with Huang Han. Not far.

In the spring of the previous year, Dongping Hou entered Henan to suppress bandits and at the same time completed production and self-rescue. Not only Zhangde Mansion and Weihui Mansion were stabilized, but the entire territory of Henan, Shandong, and Beizhili north of the Yellow River benefited.

Now is the eventful spring again, and the civil servants and military generals once again hope that Dongpinghou will bring surprises to the court.

However, hundreds of memorials were submitted, and the face-to-face memorials were rejected by the emperor on the spot during the court meeting, and many ministers inevitably slandered.

The marginalized Huang Han can bear with himself, he is not negative and still spares no effort to do his best for this country.

At the beginning of spring, the Evernight City Guards and Jinyiwei, which has grown to 500 people, launched a vigorous patriotic health campaign.

Now that the plague of today's flowers has been successfully contained, this common and epidemic disease has become an occasional case in Gyeonggi.

Huang Han believed that it was far from enough to simply contain smallpox, and that more efforts should be made to tackle key problems in medical technology, to overcome the second most infectious disease, malaria, and to effectively prevent the plague that could kill the entire population of a city.

Both of the above two infectious diseases are related to rats, and the way of transmission is that fleas and lice on rats suck blood and transmit viruses on humans.

Because the owner has always paid attention to urban sanitation, the "Red Banner Army" system has achieved landfill, no cesspit in the open air, no drinking raw water, and encourages every household to raise cats to prevent rodents.

This time, a patriotic sanitation campaign was launched in the capital. The guards of the city that never sleeps mobilized 10,000+ women and children in the capital to beat mice and dig up fly pupae at a price of one penny for one mouse tail and one penny for ten fly pupae.

Zheng Xiu'e, who has been taking in beggars and refugees, also issued an order that all employees of the city that never sleeps must have a cat in their homes, which was well implemented.

(End of this chapter)

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