Chapter 617
Li Zhongzi, Wu Youxing, Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, Ye Zifan and other famous doctors with official positions in the Ming Dynasty gained a deep understanding of infectious diseases through study and research.

They have confirmed the transmission route of the virus, and of course publicized that extermination of rats, flies, mosquitoes, and fleas can effectively curb the plague.

For more than a month, the city's sanitation mobilization has been mobilized, and the streets are full of propaganda slogans, "The capital is my family's sanitation depends on everyone" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Now not only is the city of Beijing clean and tidy, it has also led other cities in the Gyeonggi region to follow suit, and the city has begun to become clean.

However, disasters never come singly in Daming, where natural disasters continue. Because of the unavoidable military disaster, the Tartars in the northwest border stopped for two months, and Jiannu came again.

The Hou Jin army took advantage of Lin Dan Khan's death to snatch the inheritance of the Khan, the last gold family in Mongolia. The effect was great, and even most of Lin Dan Khan's women were inherited by Jiannu.

Hauge, the leader of the army, not only won the surrender of many former Lin Dan Khan's men and horses, but also got the Lin Dan Khan's woman and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

In mid-March, Huang Yong, who was training sailors in Qingniwa, welcomed some unexpected guests. These people were the leaders of the great pirate Liu Xiang.

They found Shi Daxuan who used to do business with no capital at sea together, and were recommended by Shi Daxuan who had already been in charge of the fourth-rank Longwu Navy.

An enemy's enemy is a friend. Zheng Zhilong surrendered to Daming in name, but in fact he changed his name. He is still a great pirate, and an ambitious pirate at that.

He was not acquainted with the Dutch. After defeating the armed merchant fleet of the East India Company in the Liaowan naval battle and proved his strength, "There are no permanent friends, only eternal interests." This sentence has been confirmed.

The Dutch abandoned Liu Xiang, one of the original Eighteen Pirates, and cooperated with Zheng Zhilong, an official merchant and pirate, who became the comprador representative of the East India Company.

Of course, Liu Xiang, who was abandoned by the Dutch, would not sit still, let alone be marginalized.

He looked for partners again and joined forces with Spain and Portugal, which had already declined.

The sea is turbulent and cloudy, and it is impossible to talk about who is right and who is wrong. It really comprehends the saying "everything in the world is for profit". Zheng Zhilong does not represent justice, and Liu Xiang is not the embodiment of evil.

The comments of later generations are unfair. Zheng Zhilong, who is partial to Zheng Chenggong, gave a high opinion of this pirate leader in official clothes and a big traitor who voluntarily surrendered and became a slave.

If we want to judge Liu Xiang and Zheng Zhilong simply as good guys and bad guys, we can use common people's words to say that these two are bad guys who deserve a thousand knives.

The reason why Liu Xiang sent people to look for the Longwu navy was because Zheng Zhilong's fleet in Japan had often disappeared in recent years, and Liu Xiang was repeatedly beaten by Zheng Zhilong's fleet in Fujian and Guangdong coasts.

Both Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang could not tell which family was responsible for killing people and stealing money near the Wa Kingdom, or whether they learned about the re-emergence of the Longwu Navy in Liaohai from the Ming Dynasty's residence newspaper last year.

The rank of the commander of the Longwu Navy is higher than that of Zheng Zhilong, because Huang Yong is a member of the commander-in-chief, and Zheng Zhilong is just a guerrilla in coastal defense. Besides, the background of the Longwu Navy is very strong, and it is the invincible "red flag" under Dongpinghou military".

Zheng Zhilong lost dozens of ships, including goods, worth as much as 300 million taels of silver on the route of the Japanese country. It is obvious that the Longwu Navy should be the one who started the attack.

He thought about asking Xiong Wencan to come forward and introduce him to Dongping Hou, to see if he could negotiate with the Longwu Marine Division to divide the sphere of influence at sea, and try to prevent each other from attacking each other in the future, and let everyone join hands to make a fortune.

It's a pity that Xiong Wencan is the governor of Fujian, the censor of the capital of Youqian, and he didn't do things like Zheng Zhilong just ordered.

Xiong Wencan happily accepted Zheng Zhilong's generous gift and promised to find an opportunity to make peace with Dongpinghou, but nothing happened for several months.

Liu Xiang has also done a lot of secret work in Fujian, and many officials and businessmen are in two boats. While cooperating with Zheng Zhilong, they are still secretly colluding with Liu Xiang.

The secret agents had already found out that Shi Daxuan's family had gone to the north. Liu Xiang judged that there was something wrong here, and guessed that this former ally should have changed his employer, and it was very likely that he had voted for the Longwu Navy.

Zheng Zhilong became a coastal defense guerrilla after accepting the imperial court's recruitment. Not only was he able to use the power of the Daming Navy, but he was also able to get supplements from warships and sailors.

Liu Xiang regretted that she had made a wrong choice at the beginning, and was not willing to discuss the conditions of recruitment with the envoy sent by Xiong Wencan in detail, and directly killed people.

Now Liu Xiang, who was beaten badly by Zheng Zhilong, learned from the painful experience, and decided to seek cooperation with Daming, and sent three confidants into the Liaohai Sea in a fast boat to look for Daming Longwu Navy, and sure enough, he found his former ally Shi Daxuan.

Thinking back then, Shibazhi just elected Zheng Zhilong as the leader. Fast forward nearly ten years, less than half of Shibazhi’s warships were controlled by Zheng’s family. Those who didn’t want to bow their heads were forced to go to Nanyang or become Zheng Zhilong. The ghost under the knife.

Shi Daxuan has joined the "Red Banner Army" for more than three years. During this time, he has been deeply aware of the vitality in the system.

He is now the leader of the "Liaoyang" and has more than [-] sailors, gunners, and marines under his command.

"Liaoyang" is a first-class battleship with a displacement of nearly 77 tons. It is equipped with 32 guns of different calibers, and the largest caliber gun reaches [-] pounds.

Shi Daxuan has been on the sea for a long time, and knows the strength of many Western Yi countries, and knows that many so-called Franji powers own a territory that is not as large as the area actually controlled by the "Red Banner Army".

It is obvious that Huang Han, the head of the family, has the strength to crack the earth and become a king, and his future with the "Red Banner Army" is limitless.

Shi Daxuan met the confidant sent by Liu Xiang, the old brother of Shibazhi in the past, and was very interested in learning that Liu Xiang intended to cooperate with the Longwu Navy to develop the business of Dai Viet and Luzon and break Zheng Zhilong's monopoly on Nanyang.

He has followed the Wa country for three consecutive years, and he knows that the trade volume there has come to an end. To make more profits, the market must be redeveloped. The Southeast Asian countries are the first choice.

However, if you want to go to Nanyang, you can't avoid the Fujian coast where Zheng Zhilong is entrenched, and you will inevitably have a showdown with the Dutch East India Company. With Liu Xiang, who was forced by Zheng Zhilong to face difficulties in Nanyang, he took the initiative to join forces.

Shi Daxuan brought along Liu Xiang's envoy, Huang Yong, the chief general of the Longwu Navy, Yang Dacheng, Shen Xianyi, Huang Chunsheng, An Xiaole, Shen Ming, Yu Fei, Lin Minghai, and Huang Kezao, the head of the "Sun Moon Shipping" Yang Jian and Shao Juncai met each other.

Based on the Liaohai Sea, encroaching on the East China Sea, and competing for the South China Sea to face the Atlantic Ocean is the only way for the development of the Longwu Navy. It is the ultimate goal to strive to make the Han Chinese fleet unimpeded and free trade around the world.

(End of this chapter)

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