Chapter 618 Inspection
It would be great if Liu Xianglai took the initiative to contact Nanhai.

After negotiating with Shen Ming, Shen Xianyi, Yang Dacheng, Huang Kezao, etc., Huang Yong decided to personally lead [-] battleships above [-] tons to escort [-] merchant ships of [-] tons to Nanyang.

Japan's trade cannot be delayed. A fleet will arrive at Nagasaki port as scheduled at the end of April. Shen Ming and Yu Fei will be assigned the escort mission, and Huang Kezao will be responsible for the trade contact.

Huang Yong was very efficient. After ten days of preparation, he set off at the end of March with enough goods at a cost of 100 million taels.

The "Red Banner Army" system trades and sells products, without any raw materials, and buys only raw materials and grain.

The goods that went to Nanyang include anti-corrosion treated canvas, cotton cloth, towels, silk, tea, porcelain, glassware, fierce oil lamps, clocks, matchlock guns, drunk immortals, generals' triumph series of liquor, and spring Xiangsui series of cosmetics.

All products have a gross profit of more than [-]%, such as cosmetics, liquor, glassware, flaming oil lamps, and clocks, whose profits are five times, ten times or even more.

Nearly half of the "Red Banner Army Longwu Navy" went to Nanyang. It is estimated that they will not be able to return in three to four months. Then there will be more than [-] people who will go to the Japanese route. It is estimated that it will take two months. .

The main force has all gone to sea for trade, and the "Red Banner Army" has more than a dozen warships under [-] tons left in the Liaohai Sea, and launching a sea war will not be considered for the time being.

After Hauge completed the task of gathering the remnants of Lin Dan Khan to surrender, he attacked Daming's pass on the Great Wall, Piantouguan Shuiquankou, in early April.

At this time, he had more than [-] soldiers from the Eight Banners and more than [-] Mongolian light cavalry. Daming was troubled by bandits in the central capital, and now it is even more chaotic. Come in.

Fortunately, Hauge got Meng Yuan’s Chuanguo Yuxi and was anxious to present this good thing to his father. He didn’t want to cause extra trouble. After they received Zu Dabi and Zu Dacheng’s men, they only robbed them for more than ten days and took 10,000+ Han people into their hands. I left customs at the end of April and went back.

The rogues beat the central plains to pieces, Jiannu once again invaded Xuanda, and Shanxi destroyed countless good homes. More civil and military generals asked Dongping Hou to lead troops to Shanxi to fight against Jiannu, but Emperor Chongzhen still did not agree.

Fortunately, Jiannu retired within a few days, and the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Daming was ravaged by bandits, Tartars, and slaves, and millions of people died. Emperor Chongzhen could not escape the blame, and he had to start self-criticism.

It is possible that his name is really not good, why is he called Zhu You "Jian"?As a result, he repeatedly issued imperial edicts to review his own mistakes. He is the emperor who has sinned the most edicts in history, as many as six times.

In history, it was the emperor who issued the first edict of guilt in October of the eighth year of Chongzhen. For some reason, this edict of guilt was a few months earlier than in history.

The edict said: "I use Liangde to inherit the great tradition, intending to renew the world, and use it to return the old ancestors. I did not expect to rely on people who are not human, so I caused rampant bandits. Husband Jianzhou originally belonged to me, and the atmosphere was originally My youngest son. If you are able to caress the emperor properly, how dare you go against my face..."

Taking Wei Zhongxian arbitrarily in one fell swoop made the young Chongzhen arrogant and conceited. It was a last resort for such a self-willed emperor to issue such a profoundly worded "edict of guilt", and he lost all face and face.

On the night when the edict of guilt was promulgated, Chongzhen knelt in front of the ancestral tablet in the Taimiao and cried so loudly.

At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he was full of ambitions and tried his best to revive the Ming Dynasty. However, with the passage of time, this great country has gone from bad to worse, and the people's livelihood has become difficult.

Chongzhen was struggling with pain and contradictions. He devoted himself to Ming Dynasty, never refused to be extravagant and lustful, trembled every day, and was almost exhausted from hard work. Why is the law of heaven so unfair?Why is the country so corrupt?

Chongzhen, who couldn't find the answer, was the only one crying in the Taimiao. Cao Huachun, Wang Chengen, Li Ruolian, Fang Zhenghua, Wang Dehua and other confidantes were worried outside and no one dared to dissuade them.

Cao Huachun sighed softly: "Oh! Your Majesty cares about saving face, so I really broke my heart today!"

Fang Zhenghua whispered: "If the emperor let Dongping Hou lead the army to suppress bandits and build slaves, our situation in Ming Dynasty would definitely not be so bad. Compared with Dongping Hou, Governor Hong's talent is absolutely inferior!"

Cao Huachun said: "Don't worry, our family reckons that the emperor will figure it out in a short time. The Ming Dynasty has been in existence for more than [-] years, and the emperor has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. We can't give up using capable people just by guessing.

Fang Dudu should not relax the defense of the capital, he can let go of his hands and feet and take down some generals who are not good at fighting and drinking blood. "

Li Ruolian said in tears: "Your Majesty is so sad for your lord's humiliation and death, but we are so helpless!"

Wang Chengen sadly said: "Our family doesn't care anymore, as long as we get the opportunity, we will speak up. Now the situation in Daming is difficult for people who don't have great wisdom. Only Marquis Dongping can overcome all opinions and turn the tide."

Fang Zhenghua said: "If that's the case, our family will strongly recommend Dongping Hou to lead the army. Our family can trust Dongping Hou as a man. He will definitely not do rebellious things to make the world feel ashamed."

Cao Huachun said: "Dongpinghou has won the praise of too many scholars and bureaucrats for teaching and educating people during this period. Now there are countless books recommending Dongpinghou to lead the army to kill the enemy. We ministers have also advised to send Dongpinghou to lead the army. I guess the emperor wants The World Safety Plan will accept it."

Fang Zhenghua, Wang Chengen, Li Ruolian, Wang Dehua, Wang Zhixin, etc. all knew Huang Han's ability well. Seeing the attitude of the supervisor of ceremonies, they all expressed their approval, and they would definitely speak up when they had the opportunity.

In the days that followed, the voices in the court became louder and louder. Without exception, Dongping Hou was invited to kill the enemy. Not only the civil servants and generals were almost unanimous, but even the internal officials were all in unison.

Huang Hanchu remained calm, teaching and educating people to compile the "Chongzhen Dictionary" every day. In May, the first draft has been formed, and it is now being proofread.

More than a thousand scholars, juren, and scholar-bureaucrats who participated in the compilation all felt that this progress was incredible, and they deeply understood the benefits of subdividing work and performing their duties.

Only then did many people know why the Marquis of Dongping was able to manage the army and the people like his own, because he not only knows how to use people well, but also has rules.

During the Dragon Boat Festival in May, the Gyeonggi area was relatively stable and peaceful, and the Yichun Courtyard was full of guests. It was Huang Han who gave all the editors a half-day holiday, and started drinking, listening to music, and singing from noon.

Nowadays, the most fashionable thing in Beijing is to order songs and sing by yourself. This is of course Huang Han's adaptation of the entertainment method of later generations who sing and fool themselves.

It's just that every time a guest asks for a song and sings by himself, the cost is very high for a small band to play the music live, which directly leads to too many old-fashioned geishas getting good jobs that can earn three or five taels of silver a month.

(End of this chapter)

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