Chapter 619
Each small band that plays music to the orderers has about eight or nine people and a dozen or so people, and there is a list of songs, with the songs they can play written on it.

Scholars and bureaucrats are following the fashion nowadays, not only singing tunes, but also willing to play a small tune pirated by Huang Han, such as "A Word of Love", "A Laugh from the Sea", "New Yijian Mei".

Under normal circumstances, singing is the easiest way to make people feel happy. The scholar-bureaucrats drank wine and listened to their colleagues singing, and they were all in high spirits. It didn’t take long for hundreds of scholar-bureaucrats to sing Man Jianghong together. .”

Huang Han was being watched by someone, and he was blocked by that person in the bathroom. The scene was very embarrassing.Because Huang Han was urinating, the man suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, Huang Han was startled and turned around, and inadvertently urinated on the man's face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you are really too, there is no reason to kneel and kowtow in the toilet? It's so pleasant to drink and sing in the flower hall. Why do you follow the Lord?"

He pissed all over his face, even if it wasn't intentional, Huang Han apologized a little, and blamed this official in his early thirties for being too reckless.

Who would have thought that the person who came didn't care about the urine on his face, and didn't wipe it off, and still kowtowed, saying: "Dongpinghou, help!"

It turned out that he came to ask himself something, so Huang Han could only ask: "Whose life will you save? Don't worry, get up and talk."

"My father, Yang Yipeng, was wronged! I beg the Marquis of Dongping to help me!"

It turned out that this man was a tribute student from Yueyang, named Yang Fan, the eldest son of the former Fengyang governor Yang Yipeng who was arrested and imprisoned in Zhao Prison this spring. He was looking for an opportunity to kneel down and beg Huang Han to save his father's life.

A few days ago, a protégé of his father secretly sent a message that Uncle Li Shouqi of Xiangcheng had an enmity with Yang Yipeng five years ago.

The enraged emperor might behead Yang Yipeng and abandon the market, and asked the Yang family to find a way to move quickly.

Yang Fan is a tribute student studying at the Imperial College. He participated in the compilation of the "Chongzhen Dictionary" last year. He worked in the group in charge of Liu Lishun in the compilation of the Chongzhen Imperial Academy in the seventh year of Chongzhen. He is also the leader of a group of radicals. , leading several scholar-bureaucrats and scholars.

Huang Han found a remote private room and told Yang Fan to sit down and talk slowly, and ordered Gu Jixiang to hold Ge Liuben and guard the door. After listening carefully to Yang Fan's ins and outs, he was a little embarrassed.

After Chongzhen ascended the throne, killing high-ranking and powerful ministers was like killing chickens. In history, killing officials of the third rank and above in the borderlands were:

Liaodong economic strategist Yang Gao, Minister of War Wang Qia, Liaodong economic strategist Yuan Chonghuan, Prime Minister Ji, Liao and Baoding military affairs Liu Ce, Youqian capital censor Geng Ruqi, governor of Shanxi.

Li Yangchong, governor of Du Yushi Xuanfu, Sun Yuanhua, governor of Youqian Du Shi Denglai, and Wang Yingzhi, governor of Youdu Yushi Shuntian, etc. It seems that Yang Yipeng, governor of Fengyang and part-time governor of water transportation, is among them.

Huang Han had to get rid of himself from the political situation in order to realize his goal of keeping a low profile. How could he blatantly jump out to intercede for a criminal official who couldn't beat him at all?
Seeing the embarrassment on Dongpinghou's face, Yang Fan knelt down and kowtowed again:
"Master Hou, everyone thinks that my father is very rich as the Governor of Water Transport, but I, the eldest son, can guarantee that my father has not done anything out of the ordinary.

The land and property in the family are really not much. In order to rescue my father who was in prison, the third brother of my family just sent 3 taels of silver from the sale of the property the day before yesterday.

The students ask Master Hou to take these bank notes to help clear up the relationship. The Yang family of more than a hundred will thank you for your great kindness. "

Huang Han smiled, since this dutiful son is willing to become a seller to save his father, he must not be an irresponsible person, so Huang Han gave Yang Fan a good idea.

In fact, it's nothing, just make a fuss about the edict issued by the Holy Son of Heaven, he asked Yang Fan to spend money to hire people to spread rumors in the capital to comment on the emperor's edict.

The point is to show that the common people in the capital did not see the real content of the emperor's edict of guilt, and they all argued that at the very least, the world should be amnesty. All changed to beheaded.

After receiving Huang Han's golden idea, Yang Fan was overjoyed, knelt down and kowtowed like garlic, expressing that the more than one hundred members of the Yang family would be grateful for Dongping Hou's life-saving grace, and that the brothers and nephews of the Yang family would definitely repay this kindness in the future.

This trick was really effective, because Yang Fan went all out and secretly hired many scholars to come forward to discuss government affairs publicly, and it didn't take long for the content of the street talk to reach Chongzhen's ears.

The emperor did not give amnesty to the world, but he did decree not to kill criminal officials and criminals within three years. Yang Yipeng seemed to save his life.

Yang Fan followed Zhang Chao's way of Jinyiwei's signature. Zhang Chao knew that Yang Fan was compiling the "Chongzhen Dictionary" now, which was equivalent to doing work for Dongping Hou and giving him face. bad.

Huang Han didn't expect to show Yang Fan the way to save his father, which made Daming's big injustice case——the case of Zheng Xingzhang's sister-in-law never happen.

Because the emperor decreed not to kill criminals within three years, it is impossible to deal with the enemies at this time.

Whether Zheng Xun is a good person is another matter. He must be a member of the Donglin Party, and he hated Wen Tiren, the chief assistant minister, without concealing it. In the end, he was accused of such a ridiculous crime as a "sister of the stick".

The most ridiculous thing is actually not the person being punished and the person being punished, but Emperor Chongzhen, who was so poor that he couldn't make a clear judgment when he saw the closing memorial.

Now it's good, Wen Tiren is ready to kill Zheng Xun, but who knows that the emperor ordered not to kill criminals within three years, so he quickly gave up the plan and refused to do so.

Zhu Dadian succeeds Yang Yipeng as the governor of Fengyang.

Because of his meritorious service in attacking and killing the rogue bandits and regaining the county seat, Zhu Dadian played the imperial court. He Bing, the former Huoqiu county instructor, was promoted to be a teacher, and Zhang Youjun, the county magistrate, was promoted to be a county magistrate.

Huang Rifang, the former county magistrate of Huoqiu County, played tricks and lost the county seat to Ni Keda, Zhang Youjun, etc. three days before the rogues seized the city and before Xinxian County was appointed.

Settling accounts after autumn is inevitable, and he was held accountable after Zhu Dadian found out the truth. The imperial court had already arrested Huang Zhixian to Beijing, and at the same time arrested Shi Shilin, a teacher who abandoned the city and fled.

Yingzhou officials have made great achievements in guarding the land, and there are still four or five thousand harvests. It is a certainty to increase the official status, but the actual award has not come down. The court mainly focuses on maintaining stability, and temporarily refuses to mobilize Yingzhou officials, instructing them to make persistent efforts to settle 10,000 +Hungry people.

(End of this chapter)

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