The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 620 How can there be any eggs under the nest

Chapter 620 How can there be any eggs under the nest
The two retired ministers of the Zhang family in Yingzhou did not escape when the bandits attacked the city, and when they were caught by the bandits, they cursed and died tragically.

After Zhu Dadian reported these deeds to the court, the two heads of the Zhang family received posthumous gifts from Chongzhen.

The Zhang family has become a model of loyalty, and the imperial court not only honors the dead, but also gives the living the opportunity to become officials.

The head of the house, Sun Zhang Dezheng, has already passed the examination, and this time he immediately got a real vacancy, and was appointed as the magistrate of Qianshan County under the jurisdiction of Anqing Mansion.

The Zhang family is one of the most aristocratic families in Yingzhou, and they have a lot of land under their name. In order to thank them for saving their lives, they agreed to lease [-] mu of land to Gu Rushan to organize manual reclamation.

The bandits ravaged the territory of Yingzhou, and almost every household had their relatives killed, which frightened many landlords, wealthy and scholar-bureaucrats. While thanking the "Red Banner Army" for their timely rescue, they all sincerely hoped that these brave men who dared to fight without disturbing the people would stay.

Zhizhou Yin Mengao, Zhao Shikuan and other Yingzhou officials not only did not stop Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin from taking the unowned land, but also tried their best to help them legalize the obtained land.

They also took the initiative to negotiate with major landowners, and adopted methods of replacement, lease, and purchase to allow the "Red Banner Army" to garrison land in a row, so as to facilitate the management of small watersheds.

Yingzhou area is rich in groundwater resources, and a [-]-meter irrigation well can be dug to obtain a steady stream of groundwater. One irrigation well is enough to meet the drought resistance needs of [-] to [-] mu of land.

Huoqiu County and Yingzhou City are both large plains that are difficult to defend, and only cities can rely on them. Therefore, although there are as many as 2000 million mu of land here, it is impossible to cultivate too much with the "Red Banner Army" with hundreds of troops.

Now only more than one million mu has been replanted with wheat, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and maize in time. Due to the abnormal death of a large number of people in the central capital, land conflicts have become less prominent, and many lands are not cultivated at all.

Gu Rushan has already organized one or two thousand Xiangyong armed forces to practice stabbing with white wax spears, and many of them can ride horses and have martial arts skills.

In order to gain the loyalty of these people, each of the rural brave families participating in the training has no less than [-] acres of land, and the "Red Banner Army" announced in a high-profile manner that only half of the output will be collected and all the exorbitant taxes will be contracted.

The fields in Zhongdu can be double-cropped. The common people know that as long as they plant the land under their name with peace of mind, they can leave 35 shi for free when they harvest [-] shi of grain, and their enthusiasm is unprecedented.

The regiment training is naturally to select people from innocent families who are skilled in martial arts or who can ride horses. Now there are 600 people training part-time.

Without exception, these people are families with more than two males. They only need to participate in the labor during the busy farming season and basically do not affect the farming at home.

After being baptized by the flames of war, the common people and country gentry in this area of ​​Yingzhou were educated by the rogues and raised a lot of awareness. They finally knew the truth that there is no egg under a nest. destroyed.

No one restrained the "Red Banner Army" from organizing group training and mobilizing supplies, and the Xiangyong who participated in the training were also proactive.

Zhizhou Yin Mengao and a group of officials from Yingzhou, who escaped from the dead, saw with their own eyes the amazing ability of the "Red Banner Army" to calm the people and train soldiers. They didn't care whether the court suspected Dongping Hou, and were willing to cooperate with the "Red Banner Army" to guard this vast area. plain.

There were too many refugees and too little food, and the officials in Yingzhou were helpless. Seeing the increasing number of hungry people, "Sun Moon Shipping" and Sifang Express jointly shipped 10,000+ shi of food.

It was Shen Ming, Huang Kezao, etc. who went to Japan to trade smoothly. It took more than a month to return safely because they were familiar with everything. They shipped back 50 shi of Japanese polished rice. Now the system has enough food and can fully support the mainland.

In order to prevent hungry people from gathering in the mountains and forests to loot their homes and destroy the situation that was finally stabilized, the "Red Banner Army" spent money and food to organize a large-scale project of building fortifications.

There is no good way to guard the plains. The only way is to dig trenches to save time, effort and cost. Using natural rivers as barriers, digging trenches and earth walls in a wide area requires a lot of labor.

The "Red Banner Army" provides three meals a month for every strong laborer who participates in labor and gives five buckets of miscellaneous grains a month to gather [-] young and middle-aged men. As long as these people are managed well, it can ensure that tens of millions of hungry people will not take risks.

Relatively speaking, it is relatively easier to manage the Anqing Mansion near the Yangtze River, and irrigation is more convenient. Pei Yuanwu, Luo Mingshi, etc. organized refugees to carry out spring plowing in time after Zhang Xianzhong was beaten away.

Pei Yuanwu led a group of trainee cavalrymen that had just been formed to patrol around Anqing Mansion for a hundred miles without interruption.

The prefectures and counties along the Yangtze River have beautiful land and water, and most of them can keep their harvest in drought and flood, so how can they be reckless?Luo Mingshi took the refugees to take the land no matter who it was, and first planted crops during the farming season, and then talked about renting and buying when the owner came forward to ask for it.

The He family in Tongcheng County, eighty miles northeast of Anqing Prefecture, is also a prominent family with two Jinshi. He Rushen and He Ruchong brothers are from the same list of Jinshi, and the second best Jinshi in the same rank, which is really rare.

The elder brother, He Rushen, was appointed as the head of the household department at the beginning, and was promoted to the prefect of the state. He sought to participate in politics and guard Jiahu.

His younger brother, He Ruchong, was even more terrible. Official Shaobao, Hubu Shangshu, and a scholar of the Wuyingdian University. In the sixth year of Chongzhen, Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant, was dismissed by Wen Tirenshu, and the emperor called He Ruchong to take over as the chief assistant.

However, He Ruchong Su knew that Wen Tiren was insidious and cunning, and disdained to fight with him because he was entrusted by the emperor. When he traveled to Huai'an, he resolutely resigned six times. Chongzhen saw him so and had to give up.

The He family brothers have a good official reputation, and they belong to high-level officials with integrity. The country is so corrupt, and the rogues have all attacked Nanzhili and Fengyang Mansion, the land of Longxing. The two retired high officials are also very worried.

The common people in the four villages and eight lands have been spreading rumors that the "Red Banner Army" of the Marquis of Dongping assisted in the defense of the Anqing Mansion and defeated more than 10,000 bandits and bandits in one fell swoop, so as to keep the side safe. Now they have organized [-]+ ordinary people with food. Busy with spring plowing.

He Ruchong and He Rushen took a few family members to visit secretly for a month, and saw what the "Red Banner Army" did. Although they had never met Dongpinghou, they had already developed too much goodwill at this time.

They also hoped that the "Red Banner Army" would take root in Anqing Prefecture, so He Ruchong directly used his old connections to recommend Luo Mingshi as the inspector of Tongcheng County.

Many landlords who fled the army and returned to their hometowns found that their fields had been planted with crops by others, which naturally caused many disputes. Brother He Ruchong took the initiative to help resolve them, and often everyone was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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