Chapter 621
He Ruchong verified with his own eyes the method of Dongping Hou Anmin's report to Dongping Hou Anmin the previous year, and believed that only in this way can hunger be curbed and the spread of bandits be slowed down.

He directly wrote to the imperial court, bluntly asking the emperor to appoint Dongpinghou to enter Nanzhili to suppress the bandits, and suggested that the imperial court vigorously promote Dongpinghou's once effective strategy of calming the people.

Chongzhen was suffering from the fact that no one could use him. After seeing He Ruchong's memorabilia, he read it carefully and thought that there were many insights in it.

The rogues have all invaded Zhongdu, and the country is at the point of life and death. At this time, there is no responsibility to push back and forth. He Ruchong readily accepts the order to thank him. He plans to go to Beijing soon after investigating the actual losses caused by the rogues in Central Capital.

Luo Mingshi, the new inspector of Tongcheng County, personally led two hundred musketeers to provide protection for him. He Ruchong provided protection. These two hundred musketeers were all good at riding without exception, and they would definitely be able to defeat small bandits. enemy.

The tragic scene in Zhongdu is vivid, and it is not uncommon to change children and eat, which deeply stimulates He Ruchong.

When I passed through Huoqiu County and Yingzhou, I found two places that were completely different from the surrounding areas. I asked the farmers who were working, and only then did I know that this place was also dedicated by the people of Dongpinghou in obscurity.

10,000+ people received relief from the "Red Banner Army", not only survived, but also busy producing and saving themselves. They found that the court officials came to understand the people's sentiments, and of course they all praised Dongpinghou's good deeds in unison. very deep.

In May, the situation in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty still did not improve. Chongzhen began to discuss whether it was possible to dispatch troops from Shanhaiguan, Jizhen, and Ningyuan to Shanshan and Shaanxi to suppress bandits.

At this time, an accident happened in Jinzhou. In order to gain Jin Guofeng's trust, Qi Wei led his men and horses to join the "Red Banner Army" as soon as possible.

They cooperated with Jin Guofeng's two sons and successfully captured several traitors. They not only searched the letters of Zu Dashou's affair with Jian Nu, but also tortured the traitors to obtain confessions.

With all the witnesses and material evidence, Jin Guofeng finally believed that Zu Dashou intended to betray the country and surrender to the enemy.

He immediately made preparations. This general was overconfident. He judged others by himself, thinking that Zu Dashou would not get too many Ming soldiers to follow him.

No matter how much the banner guards persuaded them, they refused to give up Songshan City and return to Ningyuan. Instead, they prepared to stick to Songshan and ask the "Red Banner Army" from Tashan South Fort to attack Tashan and Xingshan defense lines and take Jinzhou, which might have broken out in civil strife.

Zu Dashou was not a vegetarian, and he made it public immediately after learning that the messenger who contacted him was arrested by Jin Guofeng's department.

He personally led the Jinzhou troops and the returned cavalry of Zu Dabi to launch an attack. At the same time, the [-] Jiannu and Tartars in Sanchahe were also killed under the leadership of Abatai.

Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng, Zu Kuan and other generals accompanied the slaves in Xuanda and Shanxi to do evil, looting many people, livestock, grain, gold and silver treasures, and killing many Ming soldiers and Han people.

Nu Chief received a report from his son Hauge, and was overjoyed to learn that Zu Dabi's tribe had destroyed the customs after the Shanxi rebellion. He was more relieved, thinking that Zu Dashou could not turn back.

Hauge, who was instructed by Lao Tzu, led the team back to the army. He generously asked Zu Dabi to lead his troops and looted goods, food, people, and livestock back to Jinzhou, and Hauge led the rest of the troops back to Shengjing to present the legacy State Jade Seal.

The Ancestral Army’s cavalry in the Hebing Division had less than [-], leaving a few thousand to guard Jinzhou. In addition, Abate’s cavalry dispatched [-]. Zu Dashou also brought [-] infantry to participate in the siege of Songshan City. .

Zu Dashou arranged nearly [-] Ming troops stationed in forts and cities such as Xingshan, Daxing Fort, Tashan Fort, Tashan North Fort, etc. Most of these people followed Zu Dashou's lead.

The "Red Banner Army" needs to garrison Ningyuan, Qiantunwei, and Gaotaibao to control the various trails from Yanshan to the Liaoxi Corridor. It is impossible to concentrate all the horses in the South Fort of Tashan.

The total strength of the confrontation with Jinzhou is no more than [-], and the cavalry is only [-]. With these troops holding the line of defense, around [-] soldiers can be guaranteed to defend.

But to cross the line of defense to attack the ancestral and post-Jin coalition forces with nearly [-] cavalry and more than [-] infantry is completely courting death.

Knowing that Songshan guard Jin Guofeng was surrounded, generals of the "Red Banner Army" such as Huang Yizhou and Yang Guowei came to the front to command in person.

On the same day, more than [-] infantry from the Ningyuan side relied on the mountains to attack the Tashan forts actually controlled by the Jinzhou side.

The Ningyuan Ming Army's intentions are very clear, try to contain and attract the Ancestral Army and Jiannu to fight for positions in the mountains.

If they dare to turn a deaf ear, the "Red Banner Army" may extend the line of defense all the way to the forts in Xingshan.

The targets chosen by the "Red Banner Army" were all battalions whose hearts were unstable. Sure enough, after learning that Zu Dashou openly rebelled against Ming Dynasty and surrendered to become a slave, many Ming soldiers turned back and defected to the "Red Banner Army".

Something happened inside the enemy army, which made it difficult to fight for the trenches and fortresses. The situation was overwhelming. The main fortress of Tashan was occupied by the "Red Banner Army" in just one day.

Jin Guofeng's wish came to nothing. Zu Dashou did not get his name in vain. Not only did the Jinzhou garrison have no internal strife, but they all shaved their hair and became traitors.

The old general tried his best to persuade the old robes to return from the lost way at the top of Songshan City, and not to betray the Lord and seek glory for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, the shameless Zu Dashou came to persuade Jin Guofeng to surrender himself, promising that if Jin Guofeng was willing to surrender to the Dajin Kingdom, he would definitely recommend Jin Guofeng to be promoted to three ranks in a row.

The enraged Jin Guofeng had no illusions, and finally ordered to fire. The next step was naturally fighting in the same room. Not only were the two sides on the same level, but they also knew the basics.

After holding on to Songshan for three days, Jin Guofeng found that there were too many enemies and it was difficult to hold on for a long time. He chose to lead the whole army to break through at night and retreat towards Tashan. .

In fact, this was caused by Zu Dashou's intentional release of water, not because Zu Dashou had good thoughts in his heart, but because he knew what it means to return to a teacher and not hide it?Why jump over the wall in a hurry?
During the three-day siege, Zu Dashou felt distressed, because nearly two thousand people loyal to the ancestors died in battle.

After surrendering and becoming a slave, there will never be a large number of supplementary soldiers. The troops in hand now are the guarantee of the status of the ancestors.

But without capturing Songshan City, Jinzhou and Dalinghe would not be able to join together, nor would they be able to face the new master's accountability. Zu Dashou had to grit his teeth and fight against Jin Guofeng's troops.

When it was discovered that the Jin Guofeng tribe broke out in the dark, the ancestors' horses were loudly clamoring, but they acted cautiously. Their primary purpose was to protect themselves, and they didn't mind that Songshan's men and horses ran away.

Therefore, Jin Guofeng, who was seriously injured when defending the city, was able to run to Tashan under the protection of his second son.

(End of this chapter)

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