Chapter 622
Jin Guofeng's eldest son was killed while defending the city, and only more than [-] people under the command of defending Songshan and refusing to surrender to the enemy survived, and half of them were injured.

Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" was fully prepared. Guo Xiao and a dozen other medical officers with rich experience in battlefield rescue were there to save lives and heal the wounded in Tashan Fort.

After emergency rescue and the use of blood transfusion technology that has just undergone clinical trials, Jin Guofeng's life was finally saved, but the general will definitely lose his combat effectiveness, and whether he can stand up and walk independently in the future depends on his recovery.

Jin Guofeng's second son was overwhelmed with gratitude when he saw the medical officer of the "Red Banner Army" doing his best to save his father. He respected the magic of blood transfusion to save his life, and made up his mind to serve the "Red Banner Army" from now on.

When Zu Dashou broke with Daming, Huang Yizhou pushed the battle line to the front line of Tashan Fort. At this time, the infantry and soldiers and guards were tens of thousands of people who were busy repairing the trenches.

The Shanhaiguan cavalry was dispatched as soon as they received the news. Han Zi personally led the troops galloping, and 1 cavalry came that day, and there were [-] infantry behind who could reach the front line within two days.

Yang Danian, who was stationed in Jizhen, had raised [-] troops to enter Shanhaiguan. He was not in a hurry to rush to the front line of Tashan, and stayed in Shanhaiguan to prevent any accidents, because it was an established strategy to ensure that the capital city would not be persecuted again by bandits and slaves.
In case the Great Wall pass in Jizhen is attacked by Jianshou, the 5000 troops left behind in Jizhen will be reinforced in time, and Yang Danian's 1 troops stationed in Shanhaiguan must also rush to the battlefield in time.

Huang Yizhou didn't know that Zu Dashou's rebellion would inevitably implicate the Huang family, so he asked soldiers to prepare Taoism, and Kong Wenshi's poems were played to the court truthfully.

Kong Wenshi, a civil servant, could tell the difference between good and evil. He already understood the cause and effect, and had long talks with many soldiers brought back by Jin Guofeng, and visited Jin Guofeng who was seriously injured and lying in bed many times.

After all, the civil servant has a lot of minds, so he played down the whole story of Zu Dashou's rebellion in the memorial and emphasized the achievements of the "Red Banner Army".

It describes that Huang Yizhou, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan, sent troops to advance the front line to Jinzhou for [-] miles, completely occupied the [-] fortresses in Tashan, connected west to Bijia Mountain by the sea, and connected to Mopanshan Fort [-] miles west of Daxing Fort in the east. .

He also wrote a special letter that the "Red Banner Army" successfully received more than [-] Ming troops who refused to follow Zu Dashou to join the enemy and returned to Daming.

The person Kong Wenshi sent to the capital to present the memorial was Jin Guofeng's second son, Jin Zhongbang, presumably the emperor might summon him.

His elder brother was killed in battle and his father was seriously injured. All these were caused by Zu Dashou who defected to the enemy. Jin Zhongbang hated Zu Dashou to the bone, and his words were of course beneficial to the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han, who was far away in the capital, was not shocked by the news that Zu Dashou had finally become a traitor. He knew that what should come would eventually come. Zu Dashou's surrender and slavery would benefit the "Red Banner Army". own sphere of influence.

In the next few years, the Liao pay of the Ming Dynasty will no longer support the white-eyed wolves, the executioners who participated in the massacre of the Han people in history.

Huang Han was a scholar in the capital, and he was busy teaching and compiling books in public every day, and hundreds of scholar-bureaucrats watched him.

At this time, he chose to keep a low profile and take a step back, which was well reflected. Although many civil servants and generals believed that Zu Dashou's betrayal of Dongping Hou was hard to blame, no one held on to it.

Many scholars and bureaucrats of the Qing Dynasty still had plausible words. They avoided the important point and emphasized that after Zu Dashou's rebellion, the soldiers and horses of Ningyuan were not passive and lost no time to push the defense line eastward for thirty or forty miles.

Sure enough, there are two official words, and what is said above is justified, and what is said below is also justified. The key is whether the person being said has "propriety"?It is obvious that Marquis Dongping has been courteous and thoughtful in the past few months, and too many officials are willing to compromise.

Emperor Chongzhen immediately summoned Jin Zhongbang to inquire carefully about the whole story of Zu Dashou's surrender. In order to commend the Jin family who were loyal to Daming, the emperor gave Jin Guofeng the honorary retirement of Jin Guofeng, the governor, and Zhixuan, and let Jin Zhongbang take over his father's official position as Jinzhou Candidate. Will.

Now that the situation in western Liaoning is deteriorating, Jiannu soldiers are stationed in the cities of Jinzhou, Songshan, and Xingshan. The "Red Banner Army" has become the mainstay of resisting the invasion of the Jin army.

Kong Wenshi and Liaodong Jinglue both reported to the imperial court to ask for more troops and Liao pay to prevent the later Jin army from launching large-scale attacks.

The "Red Banner Army" is still insufficient to defend western Liaoning. How can it be transferred to Henan, Shanshan and Shanxi to fight bandits at this time?

The emperor kept Gaodi and Kong Wenshi's memorials requesting more troops and food and pay, but took 80 taels of silver from Liao's pay to suppress bandits in the interior.

Chongzhen's thinking also made sense. After all, Zu Dashou surrendered, and Liaoxi lost [-] to [-] Ming troops.

However, the imperial court owed the soldiers too much food and pay, and the Ming army who suppressed the bandits continued to mutiny due to lack of food and pay, and finally something happened.

Sichuan military officer Deng Qi guarded Fancheng to prevent the rogues from breaking through the natural danger of the Han River. It stands to reason that this task is not worth mentioning for a veteran of many battles like Deng Qi.

But it happened at this time that something serious happened. Five or six thousand of Deng Qi's Sichuan Army had been fighting in Shanshan and Henan for more than two years, and people wanted to return.

However, Deng Qi was not sympathetic to the soldiers, and deducted the military salary more severely. The general Wang Yuncheng made a noise by refusing the salary, and immediately responded to the whole camp.

Daming lost thousands of troops and gained thousands of bandits with certain fighting skills.It is estimated that it is also because Fancheng is not far from Sichuan, and too many rebellious Sichuan troops have crossed mountains and ridges to the east of Sichuan.

What followed was a series of bad news. Cao Wenzhao, the commander in chief who was most capable of fighting rogues, was ambushed by rogues headed by Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Ma Shouying because of his aggressive advance in Qiutou Town, southeast of Zhengning County, Shaanxi.

Cao Wenzhao led more than a thousand cavalry to kill the thief, but he was unable to recover. When he was exhausted, he refused to be captured, humiliated and committed suicide.

In the Ming Dynasty, two well-known military officers and more than a dozen generals were defeated. The guerrilla made the court shake, and too many civilian and military generals felt that the situation of suppressing bandits was serious.

The officials were angry, and they wrote letters to impeach Hong Chengchou for his command, which led to the death of many generals, the loss of tens of thousands of troops in Ming Dynasty, and the looting of dozens of towns by rogues.

This time, the spokesperson did not hear the rumors, but the evidence was conclusive.

But Chongzhen didn't know why, he was extraordinarily generous to Hong Chengchou, he didn't send Tiqi to arrest him, he just issued an order to reprimand him.

Chongzhen took a fancy to Lu Xiangsheng, and ordered him to be the prime minister of military affairs in Jiangbei, Henan, Shandong, Huguang, and Sichuan, and also the governor of Huguang.

Hong Chengchou, who failed to suppress bandits, was divided into powers. He is now in charge of suppressing bandits in the northwest, and Lu Xiangsheng is in charge of the southeast.

Lu Xiangsheng was trusted by the emperor to hold Shangfang's sword. After he was appointed, he led a hundred confidant cavalry to enter Ruzhou on horseback day and night.

At this time, there were more than 30 rogues, battling for hundreds of miles. At night, when you climbed high and looked far away, the bonfires in the rogue camp were lit like stars in the sky, and the timid ones would never forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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