Chapter 623
The rogues gave Lu Xiang the nickname "Lu Yan Wang". It's not for nothing, he is bold.

He has less than [-] troops under his command. If other civil servants and military generals lead the army, it would be difficult for him to take a defensive position. How can he take the initiative to attack?
Lu Xiangsheng is a civil servant with two Jinshi backgrounds, and his college entrance examination results are good. That year, Wen Zhenmeng was the No. [-] scholar, and Lu Xiangsheng ranked second, and he was born as Jinshi.

And Lu Xiangsheng is a different kind of literati. He is born with extraordinary strength far greater than ordinary people, and his force value is overwhelming.

He personally led the family team to rush to the place where the rogues were densely populated. Seeing the civil servants leading the army charging with their swords, how could Li Zhongzhen, Lei Shisheng, etc. be spared their lives?

Lu Xiangsheng's tactics are very simple, even if he is alone, he must attack, keep attacking, not afraid of being smashed, and only seek loyalty through the ages.

Inspired by him, all the Ming troops became excited. Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Ma Shouying, etc. who were extremely unaccustomed to this style of play chose to escape again...

At the end of April, the fleet led by Huang Yong sailed out of the East China Sea and into the South China Sea, successfully intercepting more than [-] armed merchant ships along the way.

Because of the disparity in strength, there was basically no battle. Armed merchant ships equipped with only five or six six-pound guns chose to flee with full sail when they found that they could not fight.

It is a pity that the "Red Banner Army" battleship, which is two or three times larger than the armed merchant ship, can completely catch up with the No. [-] Fuchuan in full drive mode. In order to avoid the fate of being sunk and buried in the belly of the fish, the armed merchant ship chose to surrender.

Half of the captured armed merchant ships belonged to Zheng Zhilong's pirate group. After hearing the shouts of Shi Daxuan, Shi Dajing and other original Shibazhi pirates, they learned that they would not be killed by Tucai if they surrendered, and they surrendered without firing a shot.

The South China Sea is Zheng Zhilong's territory, and the armed merchant ships that come and go have paid protection fees and been protected by the Zheng Group. Unexpectedly, there is a Deming fleet with amazing combat power that does not follow the Zheng family's banner at all, and seizes the ship as soon as it is found.

The incident happened suddenly, and when entering the Taiwan Strait, more merchant ships were found by the Longwu Navy as trophies. At this time, the Clippers had already reported the military situation of the enemy ship's invasion to Zheng Zhilong.

Knowing that the Longwu navy had actually come to the South China Sea, and knowing that the fleet had a lot of gunfire, Zheng Zhilong did not choose to organize the fleet to intercept, but sent sentry ships to monitor, and concentrated warships in Xiamen to prepare for a strict defense.

In order to show his strength, Liu Xiang personally led all the warships and armed merchant ships to nearly a hundred, and rushed to meet them. This is already all his belongings.

Liu Xiang had the idea of ​​fighting to the death with Zheng Zhilong, which is what he did in history. In the end, he and the flagship sank into the sea together at the end of May in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

After receiving the Longwu Navy, Liu Xiang was extremely excited, because he claimed to have extensive knowledge and knowledge, and found that any of the [-] warships of the "Red Banner Army" Longwu Navy was no less than the main battleship of the East India Company.

Liu Xiang tried his best to persuade Huang Yong to lead the fleet to attack Zheng Zhilong, but was rejected, because the "Red Banner Army" came here to make a fortune, not to be a thug for anyone, and he would not do business that lost money.

Besides, Zheng Zhilong is a guerrilla in the coastal defense of Ming Dynasty, and now Xiamen is ready to fight, why should he be charged with open rebellion and suffer casualties to go there to start a war?
It is entirely possible to engage in friction with Zheng Zhilong, who has the establishment of the Ming army in the open sea, but there must be no confrontation between the two armies. It is estimated that Zheng Zhilong, who has evil intentions, gathered his troops and waited in Xiamen. Daming's hat.

Because Zheng Zhilong was waiting in front of the sea, Fujian civil servants and military generals saw that Zheng Zhilong's team was not at fault, and saw Huang Yong leading dozens of warships to kill, followed by artillery fire.

There is no need for Zheng Zhilong to write a memorial to appeal for grievances. It is estimated that all civilian and military generals in Fujian who are qualified to be the emperor will impeach the Longwu navy and bluntly say that Huang Yong rebelled against Daming.

Huang Yong looked at the eager Liu Xiang, and listened to his eloquent talk about the possible benefits of the Longwu Marine Division joining forces with him to defeat Zheng Zhilong.

Liu Xiang believes that as long as he can occupy all of Zheng Zhilong's business, it is conservatively estimated that it will not be less than 3000 to [-] million taels of silver a year.

The benefits are really attractive, but Huang Yong, who has a calm personality, is unmoved. He warns Liu Xiang, who is still bewitching Yang Dacheng, Huang Chunsheng, Shen Xianyi and other generals, saying:
"Master Liu, don't talk too much, the Longwu navy and the Fujian navy led by me are from the same root, so it is impossible to openly fight.

But intercepting smuggling ships at sea and attacking pirate ships is completely possible. As long as Zheng Zhilong dares to lead the fleet to attack the Longwu Navy in the open sea, he can be beaten as a pirate at that time.

Don't even think about going to the coastal waters of Fujian to start a war. It is impossible for me, the Longwu Navy, to give someone a handle. "

Liu Xiangdao: "My lord, Zheng Zhilong is obviously a guerrilla in the coastal defense of the Ming Dynasty, and secretly colluded with the Dutch to monopolize the Nanyang trade.

He also blatantly collected protection fees from passing merchant ships, each ship was as high as 3000 taels of silver, and this person’s annual credit accounted for tens of millions of taels of silver, if he is not killed early, let him develop for a few years, I am afraid he will be invincible all over the world . "

Shen Xianyi has been doing maritime trade for more than ten years, and he knows how much money Zheng Zhilong has to make when he has achieved such strength. He was actually moved by Liu Xiang, and suggested:
"My lord, can we consider changing to the flag of Master Liu's family to teach Zheng Zhilong a lesson? If Zheng Zhilong's dozens of warships were destroyed and captured in World War I, that guy would be greatly weakened, and our army would also gain a lot of benefits."

Huang Chunsheng also echoed: "My lord, I think we can consider attacking Zheng Zhilong's department. After all, we have fought many fleets under Zheng Zhilong's command before. Sooner or later there will be a battle, sooner rather than later."

Shi Daxuan said: "Zheng Zhilong was ruthless when he annexed other families and horses. Now his strength is increasing day by day. Several of Shibazhi's old brothers have died in his hands. At this time, our army has taken action to kill him. He was defeated and lost. He will definitely be shaken. The prestige established by Zheng Zhilong in the South China Sea."

Huang Yong stood firm, and he refused: "At this time, Ming Dynasty is in dire straits internally and externally, disasters have been happening in the interior for many years, and millions of hungry people are starving for food.

The purpose of my trip to Nanyang this time is for trade, to sell the goods produced by the workers in the system at a good price.

In order to buy back food and raw materials, accept the starving people to give them jobs that can support their families.Zheng Zhilong will not mess with us, this time we will not take the initiative to find him to start a war. "

Huang Chunsheng, Shen Xianyi and other generals saw that Huang Yong was so persistent, they immediately stopped persuading him, and bowed to salute: "I understand, and I will resolutely obey the dispatch!"

Seeing that Huang Yong insisted on going to Luzon for trading, Liu Xiang had no choice but to give up, and he also went with all the warships and armed merchant ships.

It is very important to make the right choice. Liu Xiang's intention of following Huang Yong to Luzon directly led to Zheng Zhilong's plan to wipe out his pirates in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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