Chapter 627

Why are so many people rushing to Tianjin Wei?It is because there are comfortable large passenger ships running from South Zhili to Wangjiangmen Wharf.

There are regular flights to Lushunkou, Shanhaiguan, Huxue City, Denglai, Qingzhou, Haizhou, Nantong, Songjiang, Hangzhou, Ningbo, etc. every day or every few days.

As long as the weather conditions are good, passenger transport by sea can travel day and night. The passenger ship of "Sun Moon Shipping" is fully driven by sails and manpower, and can run three knots without counting the wind force.

It takes [-] nautical miles from Tianjinwei Port to Wangjiangmen Wharf on the Yangtze River in Nanjing, which is more than [-] nautical miles according to the Ming Dynasty. Unless the weather is against the wind, the sailboat must go in zigzag to double the voyage.

Under normal circumstances, based on the average day and night speed of four to six knots, a passenger ship familiar with the route can run three hundred to five hundred miles a day.

This means that if you rush from the capital to Nanjing, you can arrive within half a month without encountering bad weather.

The mainland of the Ming Dynasty began to fall into chaos, and looters continued to appear on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Now that there is a comfortable and safe way to travel, too many officials and merchants choose to take the sea route.

Passenger ships sail along the coastline of Daming, and they will enter the port for shelter in case of bad weather.

The passenger ship did not carry a sentry ship, but there were enough life rafts and sealed buoys, even if it encountered a maritime incident, it could handle it, and at least the vast majority of people would be rescued.

Moreover, unless a wooden passenger ship suddenly encounters a wind shear and capsizes the ship instantly, the possibility of suddenly sinking to the bottom of the sea is really not very high.

The Chinese and Western passenger ships have three main sails with hard sails, and the sailors can lower the hard sails in a very short time. It is much safer to deal with occasional wind shear than the Galen ship with all soft sails.

The multi-sealed cabin design of Asian ships is widely used on passenger ships and merchant ships. Even if it hits a rock, it is difficult to make all the sealed cabins leak and the ship will sink in a short time. With time to deal with maritime incidents, casualties and property losses caused by accidents will be reduced. Greatly reduced.

Although Huang Han did not personally lead the army, the sea grain transportation of the imperial court has been contracted by "Sun and Moon Shipping". Due to the endless civil strife, the proportion of sea transportation has increased year by year.

Because the tax bank and the payment bank of the Ministry of Households go to the "Sifang Bank" more quickly and save money, and now even the distribution of military salaries is done in the "Sifang Bank", and Ming's finances have also become dependent on the "Sifang Bank".

Now, even merchants, officials, and ordinary people cannot travel without the "Sifang Express" and "Sun Moon Sea Transport". Is it possible for Huang Han to stand aside?

On the Dragon Boat Festival in May of the eighth year of Chongzhen, Shengjing, the post-gold and puppet capital, was inexplicably excited to get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and more than a hundred traitors took the opportunity to write a letter asking the Great Khan to proclaim himself emperor.

The territory of Hou Jin expanded several times, and its influence extended to the Hetao area. There were not many Mongolian tribes who surrendered, and Hong was addicted to being an emperor.

He half-pushed and agreed to proclaim himself emperor in the south, and the entire Houjin Capital began to prepare for it, discussing the name of the country, formulating etiquette, rushing to make auspicious uniforms and dragon robes for the enthronement ceremony, and finally decided to officially change the Yuan Dynasty on the first day of the first month of the tenth year of Houjin Tiancong.

In mid-July, the Marquis of Dongping, who never went to court, rarely participated in the Great Court Meeting. The two court elders Zheng Guochang and Xu Guangqi also appeared.

Huang Han played the Son of Heaven. After the unremitting efforts of more than a thousand scholar-bureaucrats and scholars, the trial version of the "Chongzhen Dictionary" has been completed and [-] copies have been published in Nanzhili and Beizhili. Feedback and improvement opinions will be absorbed in the future. A revised version will be published later.

Three years later, the original version that will be released in the world will definitely be able to withstand the critical scrutiny of any learned scholar, and will never mislead his children.

Chongzhen, who was exhausted by internal and external troubles, finally heard the good news. How many people can read the names left by more than a thousand people who participated in the compilation?

And the name of this reference book is "Chongzhen Dictionary", and it will undoubtedly be him, the current emperor, who will be famous forever.

Chongzhen read several pages of "Chongzhen Great Dictionary" carefully, and found that the handwriting of this reference book is clear and the paper has texture.

Emperor Longyan Dayue bestowed Dongping Marquis Huang Han Jinshi on the spot, and a part-time Imperial Academy Bachelor from Wupin Attendant Lecturer, which is only one step away from the regular Wupin Wenyuan Pavilion Bachelor who entered the cabinet.

This time the emperor gave Huang Han a high-profile award, but no one spoke out to object. When Huang Han kowtowed to thank him and stood up, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty congratulated Dongping Hou Jinshi for his success.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, literati look down on each other, but at this moment, none of the nobles in the Manchu Dynasty thinks that Huang Han is a lucky villain, and everyone envies and envies that Huang Han will leave his name through the ages.

Chongzhen looked at Huang Han, who was not surprised by honor or disgrace, and had mixed feelings in his heart. He followed Huang Han's suggestion to increase the deployment of troops to defend the capital, and dispatched Fang Zhenghua to supervise the troops in the capital, which was very effective.

At this time, the Huang family spent several 10 taels of silver and hundreds of thousands of shi and organized more than [-] ordinary people to build roads, build reservoirs, dig canals, and dig lakes, which greatly relieved the pressure on the Beizhili government, and more ordinary people could feel at ease. Production.

It is true that entrusting state affairs to this person can reassure the people of the world, but how can he, the emperor, be at ease?
It's better to bear it a little longer, maybe after the division of labor between Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou, the rogues will be surrounded and wiped out.

At the end of May in the eighth year of Chongzhen, the fleet led by Huang Yong came to Champa in the Han Dynasty, a place called Fafu Port in contemporary times, and ordered the Portuguese and the people of Dai Viet to come and trade.

The Ming Dynasty was a kingdom of heaven, and it had always been an existence that neighboring countries looked up to. It was not at all the sick man of East Asia and China during the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It's a pity that after Zheng He's fleet, which spread all over the world and the Atlantic Ocean, disappeared, Ming lost its status as the king of the sea.

The rising "Red Banner Army" Longwu Navy will show the world the return of the king!
Subduing others without fighting in Manila made the Spanish governor bow his head and sign a trade agreement that was more beneficial to Ming. When he came to Guangnan, he proudly issued orders to Guangnan's lord Ruan Fuyuan and the representative of the Portuguese comprador.

Liu Xiang, who is familiar with the situation in Southeast Asia, was highly motivated. He took the initiative to participate in the negotiation in person, and issued a series of lists with lower prices, all of which clearly stated the prices. Raw materials such as copper and pig iron, the prices for the Portuguese were similar to those for the Spaniards. .

The port of Feifu was not managed by the Portuguese as a country like Macau. The Portuguese only obtained the freedom of trade here. With limited armed forces, they were unable to fight against the Longwu navy at all. They honestly stocked up and waited for the transaction.

Daming bid Guangnan Kingdom to buy 40 shi for one shi of polished rice and four qian silver, and gave the Guangnan King seven days to prepare the goods.

If they refused to trade or could not produce enough goods, and the Ming army went ashore directly to grab them, who would bear the responsibility for the loss of life?

(End of this chapter)

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