Chapter 628
Four coins and one stone of polished rice?This is not a joke, is it?The Guangnan Guochao Hall was fried, and everyone couldn't believe it.

The price offered by Daming was ridiculously high, which made the civil servants, generals and king Ruan Fuyuan of Guangnan Kingdom suspect that they had heard it wrong, because the price of a stone of polished rice in Guangnan Kingdom had never exceeded three renminbi.

This is not surprising. In the era of Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, four stones of polished rice in the south of the Yangtze River were only worth one tael of silver.

Guangnan has a tropical climate and can be used for three crops. The cost of rice cultivation is much lower than that of Daming Jiangnan, so the current price of rice is less than three renminbi a stone.

Huang Yong didn't know that the price of rice in Guangnan country was based on the fact that the price of polished rice purchased from Japan was reduced by a half, which was a joke.

The ministers of Guangnan Kingdom have been overwhelmed by the Ming fleet with too many cannons. They only hope that the Ming army will leave as soon as possible. In order not to give the Ming army an excuse to go ashore to rob, even if the Ming army does not give money.

The mobilization force of the Dai Viet Kingdom was not bad, and the officials and the army hurriedly organized people to transport rice to Feifu Port.

What surprised the soldiers and civilians of the Guangnan Kingdom was that Daming was very trustworthy. After inspecting the rice, he used a bucket to measure it, and paid for it on the spot.

After the news spread, the road to Feifu Port was full of rice transport teams carrying shoulders, carts, and large animals. More than half of them were not officially organized by Guangnan Kingdom, but voluntary actions of merchants and landlords.

It took seven days for Huang Yong to actually purchase 40 shi of rice. It is impossible to buy any more, because Guangnan does not have such a large surplus of grain, and he did not expect the rice to be sold abroad.

This time, 40 shi of rice was suddenly bought. I don’t know how many ordinary people have to eat wild vegetables and insects to satisfy their hunger. However, as long as the farmers here plant seeds quickly, new rice will be on the market again after four or five months.

Huang Yong imitated his elder brother Huang Han's style in the Wa Kingdom, and wrote an agreement ordering the minister in charge of contacting Guangnan Kingdom to hand it over to the king to use the seal.

The quantity must not be less than 40 shi, and Daming left [-]% of the deposit. If it is not satisfied before the end of May every year, Guangnan Kingdom will pay ten times the deposit.

After receiving this trade agreement imposed on Guangnan Kingdom, the hands of the Minister of Guangnan Kingdom were shaking. It was not because of grief and humiliation that made him so, but because of the excitement in his heart that made him tremble all over.

The price given by Daming means that the manager can get [-]% of the net profit, which means tens of thousands of taels of snowflake silver. In the poor Guangnan country, having such a profitable business is incomparably rich!
Not only was the minister contacted very excited, but when he came back with a deposit of 2000 taels of silver, all the civil and military officials of Guangnan Kingdom were stunned.

Ruan Fuyuan passed away not long afterwards. Before he died, he held his son's hand tightly and told him to get along with Daming, the kingdom of heaven, and try to make the trade of Guangnan's specialty rice last for a long time.

After Prince Nguyen Phuc Lan succeeded to the throne and became the fourth Quang Nam ruler, he immediately issued a decree to increase the sown area and increase the rice production capacity.

It is still a principle that the returning Longwu navy fleet sails north along the coastline of Dai Viet, as long as it is a merchant ship or a warship, it will be turned into a trophy.

After sailing for four days, we arrived at Jiaozhi Port in the Han and Tang Dynasties. Now it is an important port in the Houli Dynasty of the Dayue Kingdom. A hundred miles to the west is the former city of Jiaozhou, the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Now it has been occupied by rebels for more than 220 years. It became the "Tokyo" city of the Later Li Dynasty.

At this time, it was not yet time to eliminate the rebels and restore the chief envoy of Da Ming Jiaozhi, Huang Yong still adopted the model of paying money to buy rice to do business with Dai Viet.

The Hou Li Dynasty is now the fourth-generation leader of the Zheng regime. Zheng Bing coerced the emperor to order the princes. He has been fighting with Nguyen Phuc Yuan in the south. How could he dare to provoke Ming Dynasty at this juncture?
The Zheng family did not dare to slack off on Huang Yong's conditions. The fleet also purchased 40 shi of rice, and also paid a deposit to negotiate the minimum transaction volume for next year.

The [-] Lumi guns collected after the robbery and dozens of six-pound Hongyi cannons dismantled from captured armed merchant ships became commodities, and the Zheng family bought them at a high price.

In mid-June, more than [-] warships and merchant ships that were nearly fully loaded returned home. Liu Xiang led his team to the east. He made a fortune this time and got a lot of ships. lair.

When Huang Yong went south, he had a hundred warships and merchant ships. Now the number has doubled, but the tonnage has not doubled, and it has only increased by [-] to [-]%.

Because the merchant ships going south for trade are all new ships built in the past few years. They are all old lock ships produced by the Huang family.

Only a dozen or so Galen ships were larger than the captured ships, and three of them had a displacement of [-] to [-] tons. The displacement of other types of merchant ships and warships was generally around [-] tons.

At the end of July, Huang Yong's fleet unloaded 30 shi of purchased rice in Nantong Prefecture and continued northward, returning to southern Liaoning in early August.

After going to sea for more than four months, they signed trade agreements with the Spaniards in Manila, the Portuguese in Pfeiffer, and the Hou Lechao of Dai Viet in Cochin.

In the future, such a business trip will be completed every year, and the goods carried will exceed 200 million taels of silver, and the net profit earned will not be less than 500 million taels of silver.

According to the agreement, a total of 100 shi of rice can be bought back, and the price of each shi is four silver coins. The transaction price of copper ingots and other mineral products has been negotiated. Without exception, they are delivered at the port, and the Ming caravan picks them up.

The Portuguese and the Spaniards will buy a large number of copper ingots from the South American colonies, and the Ming caravan will buy as many as they like.

Piracy is rampant at sea, and the risk of transportation is uncontrollable. The Xiyi compradors in Manila and Port of Fafe can deliver goods on the spot, without having to bear the risk of delivery, and the price is lower.

After all, the copper mines in South America are rich mines, easy to mine, and the cost of copper ingots obtained after rough processing by slaves is low. Selling the mineral products in exchange for silk, tea, porcelain and other Daming products that are best-selling in Europe is profitable.

The trip to Nanyang was pleasant both physically and mentally. The profit was more than 700 million taels of silver. I bought back 87 shi of rice, 3000 million jin of copper ingots, 2000 million jin of pig iron, 1000 million jin of lead and many other mineral products. .

Buying copper ingots from the Japanese people is also delivered at the port. Daming picks them up at the price of one tael and seventeen catties of silver.

The cost of copper has dropped by nearly half. In the future, the thickness of the nickel-nickel-nickel copper plates below the waterline of the battleships of the "Red Banner Army" will increase a lot, and the service life and life of the ships will be doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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