Chapter 629
After seeing Huang Yong's report, Huang Han was overjoyed to learn that three new trade routes had been opened up to buy nearly 100 million shi of rice.

I also learned that I paid 100 million taels of silver in advance to prepare the goods to go to sea. When I came back, the ship was not only full of goods, but also brought back more than one million taels of silver, and I was even happier with 10,000+ taels of gold.

It is not surprising that there is so much gold in Xiyi, because copper mines and gold mines coexisted, and colonists plundered resources around the world. Spaniards could also get gold when they mined copper in South America and Little Luzon.

It's just that the value of gold in the late Ming Dynasty was not high, and the ratio to silver has been hovering between eight and ten to one.

Such lucrative sea trade profits have further inspired the military and civilians in the system to yearn for the sea. Huang Han wrote to Huang Yong, Song Pengfei, Huang Kezao, Shen Cunli, Peng Jiawang, Wang Yuqi and other military and civil officials.

Let them not rest on their laurels, spend gold and silver, build a large number of warships and merchant ships, spare no effort to produce large-caliber artillery to equip warships, expand the production line of self-generated guns, increase hydraulic and animal power drilling machines, and strive to double the output of Miniguns.

The bases operating along the Yangtze River have received a large number of war refugees and transferred them to southern Liaoning and western Liaoning. The land resources and the demand for farming cannot meet the surging population. All major factories are expanding to try to digest the surplus labor force.

Many refugees got enough food, clothing and health. Many people envied the treatment of the "Red Banner Army".

There are more and more soldiers, and the overall quality has been improving. Not only the guard army has expanded a lot, but the "Red Banner Army" is also steadily increasing by [-] to [-] percent a year.

Every year, a quarter of those who perform well in the Guards Army have a chance to become a full-time member, which further stimulates their enthusiasm for practicing literature and martial arts, and there are many active trainers.

Qingniwakou is undergoing massive construction work, consuming a huge amount of steel, cement, bricks and tiles, and as many as [-] to [-] laborers involved in the construction. This place with a pleasant climate will be built into a livable city.

The government's infrastructure construction project is a good way to solve the employment crisis. Of course, Huang Han, who has too much capital, spared no effort, not only to build Qingniwakou, but also to construct grain depots and warehouses in Haizhou and Nantong.

Stimulating construction will lead to the vigorous development of countless downstream industries. Not only will hundreds of thousands of construction workers get jobs, but there will be millions of actual jobs.

The "Red Banner Army" system has faced the dilemma of more people and less farmland in just one or two years. It is believed that when the North Korean business is captured, more than 500 million immigrants can guarantee that one household will be given [-] to [-] mu of good land to cultivate.

Huang Han also drew several blueprints and sent them back to southern Liaoning. He ordered Peng Jiawang to take charge, and Qin Jiaji, Chen Keda, Li Gui and three people formed a research and development team to study the making of gold, silver and copper coins.

Seeing that the system is developing well, the "Sifang Bank" has been opened in two capitals and thirteen provinces, and its credibility is well-known. It is time to launch gold, silver, and copper coins that have both the actual value of precious metals and the credit value of the "Red Flag Army" system.

Huang Han thought it over, as long as he leaves the capital and returns to southern Liaoning to lead the army, it is absolutely impossible to put himself in a dangerous place without thousands of troops by his side. The capital can come, but he will lead thousands of troops Stationed outside Guangqumen.

Therefore, once they leave the capital, the system will start to use their own currency, and then it will be imposed on Daming. Whether they want to or not, they have to use the gold, silver, and copper coins issued by the "Sifang Bank".

This is the only way, and it also reduces the burden on ordinary people, reduces the waste of resources caused by fire consumption, and makes officials less a way to exploit ordinary people.

On the eighth day of August in the eighth year of Chongzhen, the compilation headquarters of the "Chongzhen Dictionary" was disbanded, leaving only the two chief editors Xu Guangqi and Zheng Guochang, and more than [-] scholar-bureaucrats including Liu Lishun and Ma Shiqi to accept feedback, record and demonstrate the revised content.

At the same time as the dinner, Yichun Academy officially opened for business. The first transaction was of course Huang Han's banquet for all the scholars who participated in the compilation.

At the banquet, Huang Han sang Linjiang Fairy Rolling the Yangtze River to the East, and dozens of scholars were furious. They relied on the strength of alcohol to talk about the government, thinking that it was unreasonable for the court to let Dongpinghou, who was accustomed to fighting civil and military talents, not use it.

The scholars raised the topic, and soon Qingliu scholar-bureaucrats joined the ranks of the trolls. In the end, hundreds of scholar-bureaucrats were dissatisfied with the court's attitude towards Huang Han, and they all clamored to play the court to complain about Dongping Hou.

On the second day, many officials in the capital gave the scriptures. Some of them simply played the papers in the early court. Some suggested that the court appoint Huang Han as the governor to attack Jiannu and recover Jinzhou. Some recommended Dongpinghou as the governor of five provinces to enter the mainland Suppress the bandits.

I didn't expect that organizing the scholar-officials to compile the "Chongzhen Dictionary" would gain the hearts of many civil officials, which is very surprising.

After all, Huang Han was not at fault, the emperor stayed in the capital as a free and unfettered prince just because he was extremely worried that his leading troops would threaten the imperial power.

Now the civil servants and generals are almost unanimously asking the emperor to let Dongpinghou lead the army. What he said is justified and well-founded. The emperor can't refute it. amount.

Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, who was disturbed by the rogues and Jiannu in turn, decided not to think about the holy will, and he also went out to play the right one.

In the eight years of Chongzhen's troubled times, misfortunes never come singly. Using the talented Dongpinghou to fight the slaves will make Liaodong worry-free, and using Dongpinghou to suppress the bandits will bring peace to the five provinces.

In history, in May of the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Qing soldiers who had changed their country name once again ravaged the land of Gyeonggi, and the capital was under martial law again. At the time of the Jisi change, Wang Qia, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was imprisoned and died. Zhang Fengyi knew that he would inevitably be questioned by Chongzhen. behead.

He continued to work while taking chronic poison. In September, Jiannu retired, the capital lifted martial law, and Zhang Fengyi happened to be poisoned to death. Even so, Chongzhen still proposed to seize his official position. After two years, he was rehabilitated and restored to treatment.

This shows how unreliable the emperor Chongzhen is!In the end, the betrayal of relatives was not an accidental incident, but Chongzhen's killing of officials in Fengjiang was too ruthless, and the negative impact caused was immeasurable, and most civilian and military generals were completely chilled.

Zhang Fengyi, who followed the Minister of the Chongzhen Military Department and was always ready to lead him to death, was really impatient, because the state affairs became more and more difficult, and he felt that he could no longer do it.

Zhang Fengyi, who knew the emperor's nature well, had no hope, so he didn't care about the emperor's face and said the words very bluntly, and he had the intention of not using Huang Han again and the country would soon perish.

The cabinet minister Wen Zhenmeng, who was about to retire, saw through the emperor even more, and was terribly disappointed in him. Regardless of whether the emperor liked it or not, he also made a high-profile endorsement of Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War.

(End of this chapter)

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