Chapter 630
Then the cabinet ministers Qian Shisheng, Wang Yingxiong, and Wu Zongda all seconded the proposal, and finally even the chief assistant Wen Tiren came out to recommend Dongpinghou to lead the army.

He Ruchong, a cabinet minister who came to the capital for less than a month to investigate all the way, came out to play a job. His words are the most convincing, because he witnessed hundreds of thousands of people in Anqing Prefecture, Yingzhou, and Huoqiu counties. Army" organization to produce self-help.

When He Ruchong crossed the Yellow River, he deliberately came to Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fortress" to stay for several days.

It has been operated by the "Red Banner Army" for three years, with more than 100 million mu of land directly involved, and more than 20 ordinary people working for the "Red Banner Army".

Under the protection of the "Red Banner Army", it is not possible to say that every family can enter a well-off life, but they must have enough food and clothing.

The common people around the "Fort of Loyalty" had good complexions and lively eyes, and they all lamented the kindness of Dongpinghou.

He Ruchong talked about what he saw and heard along the way, and he was full of praise for the Marquis of Dongping. He bluntly said that such a minister with a heart of love for the people is Daming Zhongliang. The Holy Son of Heaven should give Huang Han a higher official position and greater power to let the world People feel heartwarming.

He Gelao's performance was well-founded, courteous and restrained, and the officials nodded frequently when they heard it.

Chongzhen was sweating profusely when he heard it, and it was obvious that too many important ministers were dissatisfied with his suspicion of Dongpinghou when he was employing people in the court.

Liu Zhilun, the left servant of the Ministry of War, saw that the emperor seemed to be shaken, and took the opportunity to go out to play and said: "In the spring of the third year of Chongzhen, I prepared to fight to the death to repay your majesty's kindness.

By chance, I met Huang Han who was actively looking for Jiannu everywhere to launch an attack. At that time, he was just a low-level military officer, chasing and killing a group of Jiannu sentry horses.

However, it was because of his appearance that he changed the fate of the minister, and also changed the fate of more than [-] soldiers under his command.

I have seen Huang Han kill the enemy many times with my own eyes, and I know his loyalty and bravery. I pledge my life and property, and implore your majesty to appoint Huang Han to command the whole country. "

Liu Zhilun's words caused an uproar, and there were many discussions among the ministers, and many ministers thought that simply asking Huang Han to dispatch the whole country's army might have a miraculous effect.

Anyway, the situation in Daming has become so corrupt, and the country will be ruined if it does not show the determination of a strong man to cut his wrists.

Zhang Fengyi became even more emotional. He knew that if the situation got worse, not only would his head fall, but his family and clan would also be affected.

He knelt down and remonstrated: "I implore your majesty to use Dongping Marquis to lead the army. If your majesty still has concerns and refuses to accept my faithful advice, I will kneel and die on the hall!"

Many ministers liked to play this big move, and suddenly they knelt down dozens of times, and they all recommended Dongpinghou to lead the army.

Just when the situation in the whole court was one-sided, a cabinet minister stood up and resolutely opposed to letting Huang Han leave the capital to lead the army. This man is the old man of Dongpinghou.

It's a pity that one person's strength is too weak, Zheng Guochang's voice was drowned out in the crowded court hall.

The Ming Dynasty has a particularity. Often the emperor will be kidnapped by the civil official group, and he cannot do his own thing.

Now more than [-]% of the ministers in the court recommend the Marquis of Dongping to lead the army, and half of them are emotional and take the big move of kneeling and remonstrating. .

It is the emperor's favor to keep Huang Han in the capital as Lord Hou and give him the official position of admiral of the capital. Now that the crowd is raging, he still insists on not letting Dongping Hou leave the capital. Isn't it a blatant admission that the Tian family does not trust the Huang family and is determined not to entrust him with important tasks.

In the end, Chongzhen gritted his teeth and decided to let Huang Han go back to Liaodong, and issued an imperial edict to appoint Dongpinghou as Liaodong's civil and military strategy, and took charge of Liao affairs in Shanhaiguan.

The civil servants who originally worked on the Liaodong strategy were Yang Gao, Xiong Tingbi, Sun Chengzong, Yuan Chonghuan, Gao Di, and there were also many generals who had military strategy, such as Ma Shilong, Man Gui, Huang Han and so on.

However, Master Jinglue, who is both civil and military, is unique, and Huang Han has set a precedent.

When the imperial decree arrived, the bustling Dongpinghou Mansion was suddenly quiet, and after a while Zheng Xiu'e arranged the incense case. After the eunuch Zheng Zhihui read the imperial edict in a rhythmic tone, the guards and the young musketeers were all excited.

It's a pity that Huang Han is not moved at all, why?If you want me to do it, I have to do it?I quit!
Lao Tzu lived a luxurious life in the capital, accompanied his lovely wife and concubine Aizi every day, and watched the birth of Zheng Xiu'e's second child and Chu Chu's first child with his own eyes.

A modern person never accepts such nonsense as "thunder, rain and dew are all benevolence of the king!", and it is commonplace to change bosses during part-time jobs.

The reason is very simple, as long as it is not breaking the law or selling national interests, whoever pays the highest price will do it.

Huang Han did his best to work for Zhu's family. As long as the emperor didn't want to kill himself, he was willing to wipe out Liaodong and kill all the rogues.

After freeing up your hands, you will crush the forces of the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal in the South China Sea.

Restoration of the Jiaozhi Chief Envoy Division, Nandian Xuanfu Division, Ganya Xuanfu Division, Longchuan Xuanfu Division, Cheli Xuanfu Division, Myanmar Xuanwei Division, Mubang Xuanwei Division, Babaidian Xuanfu Division, Mengyang Xuanweisi, Laos Xuanweisi.

It makes the Ming sea clear and the river Yan, and hundreds of millions of Han people live and work in peace and contentment.

Zheng Xiu'e, Chu Chu, and Xu Miaoyan, who were at the best age for conception due to the frequent rain from their husbands, all conceived conceived one after another.

It's rare to be with her husband every day, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu really like this kind of life, the Huang family is rich and powerful, Zheng Xiu'e is already very satisfied.

She doesn't think that her husband can go further, and she often advises her husband to stop when enough is enough.

Seeing that the husband refused to accept the order to go to Liaodong to fight, he insisted that he would watch the birth of the child he was pregnant with at home, and his heart was as sweet as honey.

Huang Han refused to submit to the situation, so he submitted his resignation. He even resigned from the posts of the chief of the army of Jizhen and the admiral of the Beijing camp. .

Because there is really no need, the ancients said, "Looking for a Marquis from thousands of miles away", I am already a Marquis of the Ming Dynasty, and I don't need to travel thousands of miles, and it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to give a Marquis of the opposite sex.

The ministers and the emperor were dumbfounded, and imagined many possibilities, but they didn't expect Huang Han to just give up.

Xu Guangqi has made up his mind to retire and has submitted his resignation many times to return home. Now he only pays attention to the "Chongzhen Dictionary" and does not go to court at all.

Zheng Guochang blatantly answered the king in the early court. He said: "The old minister said to His Majesty, the Marquis of Dongping knows how to advance and retreat! The old minister is very pleased! How can he be dissatisfied with being a Marquis at such a young age? I beg you to stop here, Huang Both the Zheng family and the Zheng family are happy to enjoy the holy family in the capital."

When Zheng Ge told the truth, Chongzhen had a look of embarrassment on his face. He was confused for a while when he saw Huang Han's refusal to accept the edict.

(End of this chapter)

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