Chapter 632
Huang Han came out of the class generously and said: "Your Majesty, the five-year Ping-Liao Dynasty is not a minister's nonsense, but a well-thought-out plan.

In the past few years since the founding of slaves, Chahar was suppressed, North Korea was destroyed, Jinzhou was taken, and the Guanning army of the former Ming Dynasty was recruited to surrender [-] to [-] people under Zu Dashou, and its strength expanded several times.

It will be even more difficult in the future if I, Ming Dynasty, do not deal a fatal blow. As time goes by, it is very likely that the ambitious slaves of the Ming Dynasty will take over the land of the Ming Dynasty. "

As soon as Huang Han opened his mouth, the noise in the hall disappeared automatically, and all the civil servants and generals were listening to Huang Hanjun's prelude attentively and holding their breath.

Chongzhen said: "Dong Nu has repeatedly invaded the pass and seized my people. It is not surprising that I am thinking of destroying my Ming Dynasty. I am eager for five years to flatten the Liao Dynasty. I am very pleased that Aiqing has such pride. Aiqing may wish to talk about the conditions." .”

Huang Han took out the memorial that he had written and said loudly: "The first thing is to ensure that Liao's salary is 480 million taels every year. The household department must transfer 40 taels of silver to the general office of the Sifang Bank of the capital before the tenth day of each month."

When the ministers heard this statement, they stopped whispering immediately, and the emperor could not help but move forward, hoping to hear more clearly.

Huang Hanhan was not surprised and swore endlessly. He went straight to the point and threatened that the imperial court's 480 million taels of Liao's salary would be enough.

The emperor and his ministers all knew the origin and usage of Liao's payment. Liao's payment increased from an average of [-]% of silver per mu of land in the Wanli year to an average of [-]% of silver per mu of land in the fourth year of Chongzhen.

much?To be honest, Huang Han himself thinks that there are really not many!What is the concept of one cent and two centimeters?
Calculated by taking one tael of silver as copper coins and one thousand copper coins, it means that one mu of land pays an average of twelve copper coins for the Liao rate.

Calculated on the basis of one tael of silver for one stone of wheat, the average payment for one mu of land is less than one kilogram of wheat.

In fact, it is definitely not the regular tax of the Ming Dynasty that drives the common people to desperation, but the endless apportionment and exorbitant miscellaneous taxes. The most important thing is that the richest group of people do not need to pay taxes.

When Huang Han farmed the land, he took half of the harvest from the villagers and farmers to contract all the expenses such as land rent, taxes, apportionments, corvee, etc., so that the common people actually got half of the harvest at their own discretion.

The rigid rule of only receiving half of the harvest also made the villagers and farmers more grateful and active in production than ever before. This shows how much the burden of the small people in the late Ming Dynasty must have been?
In the four years of Chongzhen's Liao Dynasty, more than 660 taels of silver were allocated to the Liao Dynasty. Except for the exemption from military and desertion, more than 520 taels of silver were actually expropriated, plus tariffs, salt taxes and miscellaneous items, a total of 740 taels of silver was collected.

It has been the eighth year of Chongzhen, the price of food has been soaring all the way, the price of goods remains high, and the value of silver has depreciated considerably.

Huang Han opened his mouth and paid according to the 480 million taels of silver that the soldiers and horses in Liaoxi, Jizhen, Tianjinwei, and Denglai received in the four years of Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen had a hard life and was always worrying about food and pay. Hearing the price offered by Huang Han, he felt better.

Huang Han didn't kneel down at all when the Lord of the Emperor's Prelude was right, and he didn't even want to bow. He walked up and down the hall with his back straight, glanced at the officials with piercing eyes, and said seriously:
"The 480 million taels of Liao's salary is so small, throwing away the project funds, equipment funds, standard food expenses, and training expenses, how much can be used as military salary?

Is it enough to pay 10,000+ soldiers?Without more than 15 brave warriors, is it possible to Ping Liao in five years?
The minister must use every cent and cent of silver for Liao affairs!Therefore, I would like to say hello to all my lords in advance, and forget all the past!

After I took over the affairs of Liao, it is impossible for Liao's salary to be lost by anyone!

In the future, the Ministry of Households will transfer Liao's salaries directly to the "Sifang Bank" in the mode of transfer, without the need for cash handover between officials.

Whoever dares to take the card again, the Lord will naturally have an account to check, and those who are greedy for ink will be exposed to the world! "

There were no voices of discussion, needles could be heard in the Golden Luan Hall, too many important court officials who could reap the benefits of Liao's salary widened their eyes, and more Qingliu officials were overjoyed!

Huang Han's melody was still going on, he cleared his throat and said:
"Your Majesty, I can guarantee that the 40 taels of silver received every month will be distributed to every soldier, and will be used to buy, make armor, weapons, gunpowder, and build fortifications, cities, and forts.

If it is verified that the minister has a tael of silver to fill his private pockets, the minister will voluntarily lead his neck to be killed.

The civil servants and military generals under the minister's jurisdiction dared to waste food and salaries unscrupulously like before. The minister not only killed people, but also searched and confiscated property, causing criminals to lose their heads even after they went bankrupt!

For the sake of order and prohibition, and for the sake of justice, I have to talk about the second condition at this time. "

Chongzhen has been deeply attracted by Huang Han's domineering first line. The Liao salary of 480 million taels of silver per year is normal, and Huang Han didn't ask for it at all.

In recent years, the imperial court has actually spent more than this amount of Liao's salary, but it has been deducted layer by layer and drifted away at all levels. It is not known whether half of the Liao's salary will be used for Liao affairs in the end.

The emperor hated corrupt officials and wanted to kill them too much, but it was a pity that it was very difficult to investigate corruption.

The officials all made concerted efforts to deceive the emperor. Nine out of ten civil servants and eunuchs sent out received benefits and were assimilated. A few people managed to resist corruption and never touch it, but they were plotted against.

Huang Han threatened to deal with civil servants and military generals who dared to extend their hands to Liao's pay. Chongzhen thought that Huang Han could do it, and he even expected Huang Han to kill corrupt officials and lay dead bodies everywhere.

Hearing Huang Han's request to rectify his name, Chongzhen urged: "Aiqing, let's talk about the second condition."

At this time, Huang Han came to the front of Chongzhen about ten steps and stood still, then bowed and saluted, and said cheekily:
"I implore Your Majesty to treat the heroes well. This time, I should be honored when I am in danger. Please grant my Majesty the hereditary dukedom of Liao Kingdom.

Appoint the minister as the general who conquers the captives. The minister will command the troops under the jurisdiction of Jizhen, Liaozhen, Dongjiang Town, Shanhaiguan, Ningyuan, Yongping, Zunhua, Tianjinwei, and Denglai. The minister asks the emperor to give Shangfang a sword.

The minister will use the power of beheading first and playing later, to kill all civil servants and military generals who dare to drift away and are greedy for money and money, even nobles and royal relatives will not be spared! "

How shameless, Dongping Hou Delong Wangshu openly asked the emperor for the title of duke of the state, a very important official!

At this time, no one spoke up, even the emperor was silent. Many high-ranking ministers in the hall were panting heavily, and it was obvious that they had reached the verge of a seizure.

This son-in-law is too careless, too shameless, and the emperor has to push back and give the reward halfway. How can there be any reason to publicly ask for the title in front of the nobles of the court?

Zheng Guochang felt that all the civil and military men in the court were peeping at him, so he just felt ashamed at this moment, and wished he could find a hole in the ground and crawl in.

(End of this chapter)

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