Chapter 633 Sun Chuanting

The old thick-skinned Huang Han intentionally ignored his father-in-law's face, which was as red as a pig's liver, and continued to make conditions:

"The third condition is that the minister must ensure that the entire system of fighting against the slaves is at his fingertips, and that the genuine rice grains needed by the army will not be hindered.

The minister recommended Zheng Xiaowen as the governor of Shuntian, Gao Youmou as the governor of Sanyong, Jin Sheng as the governor of Denglai, and Yang Yipeng as the governor of Tianjin...

It is especially recommended that Sun Chuanting, the former head of the Ministry of Officials who is currently at home, serve in Denglai Bingbei Road, and he will replace Jin Sheng in Dongjiang Town's headquarters at Phi Island to supervise the army nearby and settle the Dongjiang soldiers' food and wages on the spot.

Shuntian Prefecture, Denglai Prefecture, and Yongping Prefecture will be exempted from all the regular taxes and other exorbitant taxes of the imperial court, and they only need to be responsible for providing the true colors for the army fighting against the Liao Dynasty.

The defense responsibility of the [-]-mile side wall from Shanhaiguan to Juyongguan is entirely in the charge of the ministers. The food, salaries and consumption of the troops and the maintenance of passes, cities, and side walls are all included in the Liao budget.

If Jiannu breaks through the side wall defended by the minister within five years, the minister will immediately commit suicide and apologize! "

Huang Han's words immediately made the civil servants, generals and emperors think of Yuan Chonghuan who had vowed to pacify the Liao Dynasty in five years.

That kid flirted with the slave chieftain in western Liaoning in an attempt to make peace, and he did not hesitate to kill Mao Wenlong, the general officer of Dongjiang Town.

Yuan Chonghuan didn't expect that the chieftain was playing with him. After sending people to negotiate with him, the Jin army suddenly detoured Mongolia from the pass of the Jizhen defense area and entered the land of Gyeonggi, all the way to the city of Beijing.

Now that Huang Han has said his words to death, as long as there is a mistake in the pass of the Great Wall under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, he is willing to apologize with death.

It is enough to have this promise, and it is acceptable for the Marquis of Dongping to increase his rank and give him power.

Zheng Guochang has developed from a violent rage to the edge of rampage. He was about to jump out and beat his son-in-law violently. He was dumbfounded when he heard this. His son was able to escape from the precarious prefect of Luoyang. meritorious service.

Zheng Guochang, who has read a lot of poetry and books, is familiar with history. Of course, he knows that those who are praised by later generations are national heroes who resisted foreign humiliation.

He once led troops to retake Yongping Mansion from Jiannu, had seen the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army", and never doubted his son-in-law's ability. He believed that the emperor would give him a heavy responsibility, and his son-in-law would probably be able to pacify Liao in five years.

Zheng Guochang is an old man in the officialdom. As for whether Liao Dynasty will be completely flattened in five years, no one can say for sure.

But if the son-in-law is really appointed by the imperial court as the general who conquers the captives and is solely in charge of Liao affairs, he will be able to lead the "Red Banner Army" with enough troops to suppress Jiannu at least four or five years later, even if it is not completed by then In the five years of Ping Liao, who would dare to blah blah blah?

I believe that as long as under the leadership of the son-in-law, Daming changes from passive defense to active offense, the officials and the emperor will accept the status quo, and no one will pester whether they have really achieved "Ping Liao".

With such a great achievement, his son will be one of the main decision-makers, and the Zheng family will be famous in history. Zheng Guochang was very relieved, and the eyes he looked at Huang Han softened.

The ministers publicly recommended by Huang Han, such as Zheng Xiaowen, Gao Youmou, and Jin Sheng, all went to the battlefield with the "Red Banner Army" and fought against Jiannu, and they all have military merits, which is understandable.

What puzzled the civil servants and generals was why Huang Han took a fancy to the little-known Sun Chuanting?

Sun Chuanting, a civil official, is only in charge of the Ministry of Officials from the sixth rank to inspect the title. He has never heard of friendship with Dongping Hou?I didn't think this person knew the soldiers either.

Why did the Marquis of Dongping ask him to serve as the Denglai military preparation officer by name and surname, and be responsible for the food, salary and inspection of Dongjiang Town?
Sun Chuanting was a great man in the late Ming Dynasty. Anyone who knows a little about the history of the late Ming Dynasty should know that he is a tragic figure. "History of Ming Dynasty" said, "Sun Chuanting died, and the Ming Dynasty died!"

Ninety-nine percent of the people who compiled "History of Ming Dynasty" were traitors and traitors, and their nonsense is unbelievable!
Sun Chuanting has talent, but he has not reached the level of being able to turn the tide. He will be destroyed just like the Ming Dynasty.

Because Sun Chuanting had no way to change the status quo at the end of the Ming Dynasty, even if he had the level of a military commander, it would only be a victory in a partial battle, and it would not affect the final outcome.

An obvious example is that Li Zicheng lost all his soldiers and horses and only had eighteen cavalry left, and he was able to make a comeback in a short time. The main reason was that the people in the late Ming Dynasty suffered from natural and man-made disasters.

Under the circumstances that they would starve to death if they were not beaten to death, millions of hungry people were bewitched by bandits, and eventually they would become unstoppable.

What's more, Sun Chuanting is famous because of the gangsters, and he has never fought against the Jiannu and Tartars. In history, Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng were the most powerful civil servants of the gangsters. Their level may not be inferior to Sun Chuanting.

Both of these two had fought against Jiannu later, and without exception, they were all fighting for Daming in the curtain call.

Lu Xiangsheng is a national hero who can sing and cry. He was defeated and fought to the death in the end, and his integrity is always admired.

Hong Chengchou led 10,000+ troops to fight with Jiannu in Songshan and was defeated. In the end, he was captured as a traitor and traitor, and everyone despised him.

Who can say that Sun Chuanting will be more powerful than Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng?What's more, Sun Chuanting committed suicide in anger because he was defeated by Li Zicheng and lost all his troops.

Li Zicheng's combat effectiveness has been verified with Jiannu in Yiyishi. The so-called generals Liu Zhongmin, Li Guo, Tian Jianxiu, etc. are not very good.

At that time, not long after the robbers captured the capital of the Ming Dynasty, it should be the most prosperous time. They robbed thousands of households with enough money and food, and their morale was strong. Unfortunately, they were wiped out by the Jiannu War, and there was no chance of turning back.

Huang Han didn't want Sun Chuanting to be wasted in the civil war, so he recommended him to come to Dongjiang Town to participate in the upcoming Korean War as a Denglai soldier and expand the territory for the Han nation.

I just don't know that after Huang Han's cross-cutting, Daming lost Sun Chuanting, the vanguard of suppressing bandits, and lost the commander-in-chief who captured Gao Yingxiang alive and beat Li Zicheng to only Shibaqi who killed his wife and fled. Variation in direction?
When the third condition was mentioned, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were not surprised, because Yuan Chonghuan, who threatened to "Ping Liao in five years", obtained these powers, and the people recommended by Huang Han were fine. this level.

Neither the emperor nor the ministers made a sound, quietly waiting for Huang Han's next words
"The fourth condition is that within five years, all the civil servants and generals under the minister's command must not be easily transferred. Except for the minister, no one can transfer the soldiers and horses of Ji Town, Liaoxi Town, Liaonan Town, and Dongjiang Town.

fifth, sixth... ninth...

The last condition, I ask your Majesty to bestow the title of "King of Liaoshen County" after five years of Ping Liao. From then on, I will be stationed in Liaodong to prevent the establishment of slaves and the resurgence of Tartars. "

(End of this chapter)

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