Chapter 634
Huang Han first wanted the title of duke of the country before he was willing to leave the capital to lead the army in western Liaoning. After completing the five-year flat Liao plan, he asked the emperor to promise to give him the title of county king.

This is actually self-defilement, the purpose is to make Chongzhen feel that he has something to ask for.

In the final analysis, the many conditions mentioned in the court have the same meaning. Huang Han is going to contract to defeat Jiannu and regain Liaodong.

The contract period is five years, and the Ministry of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty must pay 480 million taels of salary every year, and the relevant state governments provide natural grain and forage, which is equivalent to 150 million shi of miscellaneous grains.

It looks like a lot, but it’s actually not much. Daming spent more than that on Liaodong in these years, but the situation is completely different. All the benefits of civil servants and generals are gone.

Chongzhen is not stupid, of course he understands the filth in the Liao pay, but he has repeatedly asked to check the Liaoxi soldiers and horses to be paid according to the actual situation.

Huang Han is a different kind of person, his ability to deal with money and food is unmatched, and he is as rich as a country. He used to disdain to be greedy for the food and salaries issued by the imperial court, and even took out a large amount of money and food to repay it. The emperor knew it a long time ago.

If it wasn't for Huang Han's dissatisfaction, Chongzhen would really be willing to give Liao's salary to him. Only in this way can the money and food be used in real terms, instead of becoming a large amount of gray income for civil servants and generals, letting them squander Live a life of luxury and lust.

The important ministers of the imperial court were more shrewd, and there were countless people who got a share of the Liao pay. How could these benefits be taken by Dongpinghou's family.

Just as Huang Han made out the conditions, the court immediately exploded. The voices of the courtiers were overwhelmingly opposed. There were various reasons, and the purpose without exception was to make Huang Han's claim false.

However, more than half of the officials chose to remain silent. Most of these officials did not have real power in their hands, or the departments in charge of the government did not have any lucrative resources.

The topic was raised, and the officials were filled with righteous indignation. The emperor was stunned on the spot. Huang Han knew that the Ming court, which was inefficient, could not give a timely reply to such an important matter.

He challenged the imperial power this time, asking for power openly, even doing things like a showdown with the emperor, Huang Han would not give face to civil officials and generals, and punishing corruption starts with the control of Liao pay.

If the emperor really gave him power, Huang Han made up his mind to kill all the civil servants and generals who dared to take a share of Liao's salary, so as to avoid history repeating itself in the end. Most of the money accumulated by these people became Li Zicheng's salary.

Huang Han saluted and said: "Your Majesty, it is impossible to settle such a major matter with one word. I am the person involved. I should avoid it at this time. I will retire and wait for the result after the discussion between Your Majesty and the princes."

Dong Ping Hou left very coolly, went home and waited for news, this wait was more than a month without any news, and it was entering October.

The teachers who came to Beijing Normal University for training in November last year have returned to teach in mid-May, and now there are more than [-] new teachers who have received five months of training and are about to graduate.

The one hundred young cavalry musketeers became more mature, Huang Han reselected one hundred young men to stay with him as his followers, and transferred the one hundred young musketeers who had been with him for two years to serve as the governor of the town. Part-time cultural teachers, 50 people are assigned to the Marine Corps.

The loyalty and knowledge of these young officers are remarkable, and they are fully capable of serving as commander-in-chief or even commander-in-chief after a year or so of leading the army at the grassroots level. After three to five years, some outstanding people will be promoted to guerrilla generals.

The generals are getting younger, and knowledge is very important. The "Red Banner Army" has a large number of generals who have received new education. How can the slave army of the Tunguska savages be able to defeat them?
At the end of October in the eighth year of Chongzhen, there was military information from Liaodong sent to the capital. It was Kong Wenshi who had obtained reliable information, and said that the court slave Chief Hong was preparing to proclaim himself emperor.

It was very difficult to lay out the intelligence network in the Liaodong Jiannu-controlled area. It was difficult to start the work when the Qiwei accompanied the merchants into Liaodong, because the Jiannu control was very strict, and personnel were not allowed to move around freely.

The traitor Ma Guangyuan often contacted the merchants who came to trade in the Ming Dynasty. Fan Wencheng, Shi Tingzhu, Gao Hongzhong, etc. all had contacts with the merchants, and they also had the task of instigating the merchants to serve the Dajin Kingdom.

Therefore, Qiwei had the opportunity to meet the three Ma family members, Ma Laoer, Ma Xiaoba and Ma Shiliu.

These three people had life-threatening friendships with Ma Laosan, Ma Xiaojiu, and Ma Xiaoqi who had defected to the "Red Banner Army" and received the treatment of non-commissioned officers.

Ma's family is from Daxing County, Shuntian Prefecture. Ma's second family members are not from Liaodong, and have always lived in Gyeonggi.

When they came to this bitter and cold place in Liaodong, they not only had a bad day, but also became servants. Wei Ce rebelled.

The two brothers Ma Guangyuan died in Yizhou. At that time, Ma Laoer and the others did not fight against the Ming army. They surrounded a small circle to protect themselves.

Anyway, it was pitch dark and no one noticed, as long as someone approached their defensive circle, they would kill without saying a word, regardless of whether it was the Hou Jin army or the Ming army.

Choosing this way of fighting in the melee was effective. Most of the Ma family members died in the battle, but a dozen people led by Ma Laoer survived. They were covered in blood all over the battlefield. Everyone searched for and identified the corpses on the battlefield. A few Ming army or Korean army heads were dropped.

After seeing the battlefield, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Zhang Cunren and other generals believed that they had experienced fierce battles and did not need to bear the responsibility for the death of the Patriarch in the melee, and did not question all the surviving family members and soldiers of the Ma family.

A few days later, Ma Er took a dozen family members and dozens of soldiers to escort the coffins of Ma Guangyuan and Ma Guanghui back to Shengjing for burial.

Ma Guangyuan has no descendants, and his brother Ma Guanghui's eldest son, Ma Siwen, has only a few dozen people under his command.

The life of Ma Laoer and other servants became even more difficult. When he learned that the slave chief was about to become emperor on the first day of the first month of the ninth year of Chongzhen, Ma Laoer chose to run away and pass this important information back to Daming.

There were nine people who fled together. On the way, they met Abatai's sentry horse, and after a fight, seven of them were killed.

Ma Laoer and Ma Shiliu managed to escape to the defense line of Tashan South Fort already controlled by the "Red Banner Army".

After Kong Wenshi asked the cause and effect in detail, he immediately used six hundred miles to express this shocking news to the emperor.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty learned that Jiannu, who had not made any major moves in the past few months, had caused a shocking event, and the slave chief Hong was actually preparing to proclaim himself emperor.

The establishment of slaves was set in the ninth year of Chongzhen, that is, the first month of the first month of the tenth year of Pseudo-Tiancong, and the year was changed to the Yuan Dynasty, and the country name was "Daqing" and the year name was "Chongde".

(End of this chapter)

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