The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 635 Is Tolerable or Unbearable

Chapter 635 Is Tolerable or Unbearable

Jianzhou Jurchen not only rebelled against Daming, but became emperor majesticly, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Dongping Hou's "Five-Year Ping Liao" plan, which had been shelved due to the quarrel, was brought up again by Chief Assistant Wen Tiren and Cabinet Minister He Ruchong.

The reason is very simple. Wen Tiren was clean and honest and did not share Liao's salary. He Ruchong was more self-disciplined. There was basically no conflict of interest in the court, and they just discussed the matter.

The opponents who danced fiercely this time knew how to take it easy. After all, the thief declared himself emperor, which made it clearer that the conflict between Daming and Jiannu would never be reconciled.

There are many small countries around Ming Dynasty, without exception, they all regard Ming Dynasty as the suzerain state, only the ruler and king, no one dares to call himself emperor.

At the beginning of November, Huang Han, who never went to court, was visited by someone when he was teaching more than five hundred teenagers in the hall of the Hou Mansion.

In order to show Huang Han's selflessness, the mansion is not as deep as the sea once entering the Marquis's mansion. The door of Dongpinghou's mansion is always open, and the officials who come and go can swagger in and participate in the study without notification.

At that time, many literati and officials bought the "Chongzhen Dictionary", and learned that the phonetic notation of Chinese characters is good for learning, and it can make the mountain students from the poor and remote areas not have strange and difficult accents.

In order to be able to master the Chinese pinyin as soon as possible, I also found out that Dongping Hou taught and educated people every day in the hall of the mansion. The lecturer used the Chinese pinyin to read and write.

All the literati and officials have a tacit understanding, they can't be polite, and found that Dongpinghou can just find a place to sit down when giving lectures, and the restaurant of the Houfu will entertain everyone for dinner and drinks at noon and evening.

Not only can you get the opportunity to study, but you can also be entertained by the Marquis. Too many scholar-bureaucrats and officials have a growing affection for Marquis Dongping.

Dongping Hou's mansion is actually loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Even the humble servant in the mansion may be the leader of the banner guard with a high level. A maid who looks weak may have received formal training, so she is not allowed to move. With one shot, he can kill a general in a hundred battles.

Huang Han's eldest maid, Jinfeng, has become a senior manager of "Sifang Bank" and is resident in "Loyalty Fort". Live in the inner courtyard of the Hou Mansion.

They have been with the head of the family for nearly six years, and now they are all over the age of marriage and still refuse to marry.

Having experienced the war and witnessed how the former sisters of the Bai family died tragically, Tianxiang and Hongxiu have psychological shadows, and all of them are superstitious about force. Now they are all good at playing hand guns.

The four maidservants, Mi Tao and Cailian, are now jointly undertaking the security work of the Hou Mansion with the Qiwei. On the contrary, Rou Er, the personal maid who is most used by the head of the Hou Mansion, Zheng Xiu'e, has no contact with the Qi Wei.

The reason is very simple, Rou'er belongs to that kind of silly beauty who has no plans, although she is loyal to Zheng Xiu'e but can only carry out orders, such a big-breasted and brainless beauty must not be able to participate in a secret war.

There are quite a few maidservants in the Hou's mansion who are too old to marry, so Huang Han asked Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu to arrange blind dates many times, but the final results were not ideal.

These women are also high-ranking and low-ranking. The high-status generals and officials are likely to have families and can only be concubines. The low-status people, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu, are afraid that they will be wronged.

After all, in the Huang family, even the servants have human rights, and basically they will not be beaten and scolded for no reason. There are not a few people who work in the "Sifang Bank" with a lot of monthly income.

Therefore, too many maids in the mansion also have small assets and live a prosperous life. They are unwilling to leave the Hou Mansion to live an unknown life. They think that many sisters work and live together happily.

Huang Han and his family servants have long announced the basic principle of "those who leave are free, and those who stay are voluntary." They emphasize that no Han people in the territory of the "Red Banner Army" are slaves, and all Han people are free citizens.

It's just that the freedom that future generations long for seems to be unpopular in Daming. Most of the Huang family's maids are unwilling to pursue a free and easy life, and are willing to stay in the Hou's mansion as servants.

There are too many beautiful girls in the age of cardamom eager to work as servants in the Hou's Mansion, and they don't care whether they sell themselves as slaves. When the Hou's Mansion really recruits, there are so many beauties who come to apply, and the competition is fierce, just like the art school audition in the later generations.

A large group of officials approached the Hou Mansion. There were hundreds of their servants, servants, and guards. After receiving the notice from the flag guards, the whole Hou Mansion was on guard, and even Tian Xiang and Cai Lian in the backyard were secretly filling Several self-generated short guns.

The incoming team is strong, the emperor's internal ministers are led by Cao Huachun, the chief inspector of ceremonies, followed by Fang Zhenghua, Wang Chengen, Li Ruolian, Wang Dehua, Wang Zhixin, and Zheng Zhihui.

The foreign ministers were led by Wen Tiren, the first and auxiliary cabinet minister, accompanied by several cabinet ministers Zheng Guochang, Xu Guangqi, Qian Shisheng, Zhang Zhifa, Wang Yingxiong, and He Ruchong, Zhang Fengyi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Hou Xun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Housing, and Feng Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

How can the pomp and circumstance of so many important ministers go out be so small, it made Tianxiang and the others a false alarm.

The imperial court couldn't find a good solution to the Liao affairs. Seeing that the establishment of slaves was not only the founding of the country, but also the slave chieftains would ascend the throne and proclaim themselves emperor.

In the future, if Ming Dynasty does not go to crusade, the Jiannu who established the "Great Qing Empire" will also attack Daming in the name of Tianwuerri.

In the court hall, Huang Han's "five-year plan to flatten the Liao Dynasty" had many heated debates, and the emperor was still unable to make a decision. Just as Xu Guangqi resigned again, the emperor summoned Xu Ge alone.

The emperor and his ministers faced each other, and the emperor spoke earnestly, asking Mr. Xu Ge to put forward some opinions on his apprentice's "five-year flat Liao" strategy before returning to his hometown.

Xu Guangqi is old and has been in the court for a long time, so he doesn't know that the most troublesome thing for the emperor is money and grain. If Huang Han can save the Liao's salary and be able to flatten the Liao Dynasty for five years, other demands are easy to say.

Over the years, he has often been in contact with his lover, and now his son and several grandsons are helping Huang Han with his work.

The Xu family won the exclusive right to sell towels, canvas, liquor, ironware, clocks, fierce oil lamps, Chunxiangsui cosmetics and other products to the Jiangnan region of Zhili in the south, earning a price difference of tens of thousands of taels of silver every year.

It can be seen that a large number of products produced by the Huang family should be able to earn profits in the millions of taels of silver sold in the two capitals and thirteen provinces and overseas.

What's more, the "Red Banner Army"'s farmland has shown results. The benefits of tens of millions of acres of fertile land should not be underestimated. Huang Han contracted taxes and land rents to get half of the harvest. It will be less than 500 million stone.

(End of this chapter)

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