Chapter 64
The "Red Banner Army" has won many battles, and naturally its morale is like a rainbow. Nowadays, no one would think that "the Jurchens are dissatisfied with ten thousand, and they are invincible."

The family members even proudly thought that if the "Red Banner Army" had [-] cavalry, they would be truly invincible under the leadership of the Patriarch Huang Han.

All of a sudden, a "Red Banner Army" that dared to take the initiative to challenge the Hou Jin Army appeared. The always deflated Hong Gang was furious. He ordered to search for the so-called "Red Banner Army" and must annihilate them.

The master spoke harshly, and of course the servants, big and small, were in a hurry to make arrangements, and a large net to encircle and suppress the "Red Banner Army" was spread among Lulong, Qian'an, and Luanzhou.

The soldiers and people of Yongping Prefecture, who were poisoned by the Houjin army, hated the Tungus savages, and the "Red Banner Army" who rescued the distressed and rescued them won the hearts of the people. Too many villagers who were unwilling to surrender took the initiative to participate in observing the movements of the Houjin Army, and they always gave the "Red Banner Army" timely Deliver the intelligence of the Tartars and Jianslaves.

Huang Han was able to grasp the movements of the Hou Jin army in time, and of course the deployment of surprise attacks and ambushes would be more effective with half the effort.

The "Red Banner Army" launched several sneak attacks by surprise. Although the results were few, the legs of mosquitoes were meat.

In the boundary of Yongping Mansion, on the high hills and in the dense woods, there are Han family Haoerlang who closely watched every move of the Jin army.

As long as there is a group of Tartars or slaves with less than one hundred riders, they may be swept away by the sudden appearance of the "Red Banner Army" steel torrent.

The Hou Jin army is not stupid, how can they bear the loss of being attacked by Huang Han all the time, but the cavalry flying the red flag is too cunning, and the day lily will be cold every time a large group of Eight Banners soldiers rush to the battlefield.

Huang Han's "Red Banner Army" attacked the Tartars and Jiannu who robbed Han villages on the border of Yongping Prefecture, and rescued tens of thousands of Han people who were in dire straits. Of course, they were loved by the common people.

The literacy rate of common people in Ming Dynasty is not high, only around [-]%. Huang Han's banner is a dazzling red with no characters on it.

In order to better protect himself and strike the enemy unexpectedly, Huang Han made many plans, observed many dangers and made preparations in advance.

For example, if a section of the official road needs to be dug up, or where it needs to be repaired with an oblique section, the nearby people will voluntarily assist them, and the villagers will work hard to pile up stones and rolling logs on the mountain pass.

Some young people even asked about the usefulness of those preparatory materials and trap projects, and thought that by cooperating with the young and strong in the village, they might be able to take advantage of such terrain when the "Red Banner Army" failed to arrive in time. Cut off the rope and let the dog tartar who entered the dangerous place be crushed to death by rolling logs and stones.

In order to prevent Jiannu and Tartars from rushing into the village suddenly, the common people dug many horse traps on the road at the entrance of the village, and covered them with snow. If they were not familiar with the situation or did not have the guidance of the villagers, the cavalry fell into the traps Nine times out of ten, you will lose your braids.

Because the horse traps are full of sharp wooden piles and quicklime, when people and horses fall in, they are not only pierced by the wooden piles, but also make the quicklime rise up and dazzle their eyes.

In Yongping Mansion, the elusive "Red Banner Army" continued to attack the invaders, which inspired the courage of the common people to fight against the Jin army, and it was no longer possible for the small group of Tartars and Jiannu to loot the village unscrupulously.

With a good mass base, the "Red Banner Army" is familiar with the terrain and has enough horses to transfer, so it can always maintain good mobility.

Huang Han cherishes these family members, and will never do the stupid thing of shaking a tree. He specializes in bullying the weak by fighting more and fighting less. full strength.

After being beaten into obedience gradually, the Jin army also changed their strategy. They started to search with Niulu as a unit, and it turned out to be much better. It seems that the "Red Banner Army" did not have the strength to conquer Niulu who built slaves.

After ascertaining the reality of the "Red Banner Army", as long as the Empress Jin Army with confidence finds any clues, there will be a powerful person biting the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han had to adapt to the development of the situation and often changed his tricks to play with the Houjin army. Jiannu suffered a lot of secret losses in pursuit of this guerrilla team.

The gunpowder brought back from Zunhua also left a deep memory on the Hou Jin army.

It was the "Red Banner Army" who had just charged and wiped out a team of ten Tartars who were fighting in the grass valley, cut off their heads and didn't even have time to pick off the leather armor.

After many times of expansion and actual combat training, the current "Red Banner Army" has been able to wrestle with a Jiannu Niulu, but Huang Han is reluctant to fight a war of attrition and refuses to fight the enemy openly.

At this point, there is no Zhang Liang's plan but to cross the wall ladder. After Huang Han and Hanzi personally broke it, the "Red Banner Army" immediately rode their horses and ran away.

Since the day they became an army, Huang Han's family soldiers have adapted to advance and retreat. After fleeing and getting rid of, it is common for the Jin army to chase and intercept them, and they will not run away like ordinary Ming troops.

Hanzi's riding skills are getting better and better, walking with Huang Han at the back of the team and looking back from time to time, he is happy to see Jiannu following closely, and said: "Hehe, brother Han, Jiannu must have been fooled, but I wonder how Xiao Song is preparing?"

Hanzi's natural strength is far greater than that of ordinary people, even Huang Han's force value can't match him, he should be the first hero in the "Red Banner Army".He was the only one who still called Brother Han the way he was used to when he was a child. Huang Han didn't care at all and kept calling him a fool.

Hanzi has made many meritorious deeds, and the number of beheadings is second only to Huang Han. In the army that speaks with strength, Hanzi has been respected by all soldiers. No one in the "Red Banner Army" knights calls Hanzi, they are all affectionate Call him Yang Dalang.

Huang Han likes this scheming boy the most. In fact, a warrior doesn't need to have too many tricks, as long as he knows how to enforce orders and prohibit, Huang Han will naturally love the idiot and not let him suffer.

Huang Han said: "Son, don't you keep looking back, boy! At least you have to pretend to be running away in a hurry. You take so much time to spare, if Jiannu thinks something is wrong, wouldn't it be a waste of time for us to arrange it."

"Brother Han, it doesn't matter, Jianu is much more stupid than me. I just saw that gang of bastards are all arrogant, and there is a posture that they will not withdraw until they drive us all to death."

Huang Han smiled and said: "You idiot, how stupid are you? Charged the battle, killed the enemy, took credit, which one is left behind?"

"Hey, to be honest, the happiest thing I've lived in these years is the two or three months. I can chop people up with an ax without any restraint. It's so damn cool."

"What is this? Didn't I say it earlier? You will be a general in the future."

"I believe, and I feel that this day should not be too long."

"There is no such thing as a general. A man should be self-reliant. Do you think I'm just talking about it? The current brothers of the 'Red Banner Army' probably have half of them who can become generals."

"For some reason, every time I listen to you speak, I feel my heart open up, and there is always a feeling of blood boiling."


The two chief generals running at the back were not only not nervous at all, they chatted with each other. Dozens of recruits who also ran at the end of the line suddenly felt happy physically and mentally, and they no longer felt nervous. A few words from the chief general came to their ears. At this moment, they only feel their blood surging.

Seeing that the "Red Banner Army" did not dare to fight and fled, the Niu Lu of Jiannu thought that the Ming army should be vulnerable to a battle, and they would not let go of the opportunity to make meritorious service and chase after them.

When the "Red Banner Army" ran across a mountain pass, Jiannu, who was able to approach the Ming army's rear with an arrow's distance, became excited. Many people had already taken out their bows and arrows and were ready to shoot.

It's a pity that this is the blocking area arranged by Huang Han, and the strategy adopted by each blocking area with suitable terrain will not be the same.

The road here is narrow, and many piles of rocks have been prepared on the side of the road. Song Pengfei stuffed a gunpowder bag weighing thirty kilograms into one of the piles, and lit a match. "Fire, but burn slowly.

The reserved length of the matchlock is of course the result of many experiments. It is impossible for the Hou Jin army who was chasing the Ming army on horseback to find out that a short matchlock hidden behind the pile of rocks was secretly burning.

Just when fifty or sixty of Niulu's men and horses passed by the pile of rocks, there was a bang and the mountain shook. Under the flying stones, Jiannu was killed and injured twenty or thirty riders.

Seeing that they could catch up with the "Red Banner Army", the Jiannu vanguard was terrified. At this moment, the "Red Banner Army" who deliberately slowed down the speed of the horse to lure Jiannu to follow up suddenly came back to kill.

The two main generals, Huang Han and Han Zi, charged forward like two king kong killers. Of course, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were encouraged, and they were all brave and fearless.

Jiannu was falling into chaos when many horses were startled by the explosion, and the "Red Banner Army" turned around and rushed to make them even more chaotic.

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(End of this chapter)

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