Chapter 65

There have been no landmines these days, and Li Tiancheng, the director of the Daming War Bureau, is already developing this new product.

According to historical records, in November of the third year of Chongzhen, the Ministry of War specially set up a battalion to train landmines. This shows how great Ming's craftsmanship is. In this era, troops who specialized in using landmines began to be trained.

Suddenly, the Tunguska savages were blown up in fear. Of course, they would not know that they were blown up by a powder bag similar to a landmine.

Jiannu agreed that they were bombarded, and the Ming army's artillery was so powerful that they didn't know where the Ming army fired the artillery, and they didn't dare to be bombarded again in this dangerous place, and they didn't dare to confront the "Red Banner Army" and were defeated.

The Tiejia Jiading never got a chance to cover up and kill a Niulu Houjin army, and the "Red Banner Army" never chose a Niulu army as an attack target.

This time he picked up a big deal, the fool laughed and swung his long-handled battle ax to slash at Jiannu who was stunned by the bombing, and shouted: "It's cool! It's so cool! You bastards, you have today!"

In order to keep as many enemies as possible, Huang Han had already bent his bow and set up an arrow to shoot at those enemy troops within forty steps who hadn't recovered from the sudden explosion.

Wang Zhanpeng, Liu Fenyong, Huang Sifang, Yuan Siming and other small banner officers and general banner officers of the "Red Banner Army" all took the lead. They shouted "Kill the slaves!"

The role of the leader as an example is extremely powerful. No one of the knights of the "Red Banner Army" hesitated at this time, and everyone swooped on Jiannu at the fastest speed.

Under the leadership of Huang Han and Hanzi, the two killing gods, the "Red Banner Army" rushed and slashed like crazy demons. The defeated Jiannu had no fighting spirit, and everyone was competing in horsemanship.

Now that the roles have been rotated, the "Red Banner Army" chased Jiannu who fled in a panic, and the enemies injured in the explosion kept falling behind and being cut off.

After Wang Zhicheng joined the army, he shared the credit with Pao Ze several times. He has not yet obtained a complete first-level decapitation skill. Today's opportunity is rare, and because of the rapid progress in riding skills during this period of time, he rode his horse like flying and stared straight at a war horse. Bloody Jiannu white armor soldiers.

Sure enough, the horse ran and ran and couldn't hold on any longer and it was about to fall. The white armored soldier is worthy of battle.

What would the cavalry do without their horses?No way, Jianu Bayala can only choose to drill the ravine, this kid jumped off the official road and dragged his gunners and feet and ran into the woods.

Wang Zhicheng chased after him, and when he found that he could not ride the horse at a gallop, he dismounted decisively, picked up the knife and rod and galloped.

The escaped Jiannu Baijia saw that there was only one Ming soldier abandoning his horse and chasing him for fun. He decided not to run away, and was going to kill this ignorant Ming soldier, seize the horse and continue to escape on the official road.

Jiannu is not a local, and he doesn't know the way when he drills the valley. Only by going to the official road can he ensure that he doesn't go to the wrong place.

Bai Jiabing was full of confidence, thinking that a mere Ming army was nothing, and killing him was no problem.

He grinned grinningly, causing the flesh on his face to shake, and the scar from the knife made this kid look like a ghost even more.

Holding a tiger gun, he turned back to Bayala, who was chasing the Ming army, and was about to kill and seize the horse. Wang Zhicheng didn't mind a sharp foot battle with Jiannu Bayala at all, so he charged forward with a knife and stick.

Jiannu's sprint with a gun can be described as swift and violent. When the tip of the gun approached Wang Zhicheng, the martial artist chose to stick to the tip of the gun and turned sideways to narrowly avoid Ba Yala's extremely fierce nirvana.

Wang Zhicheng, who is good at maneuvering ups and downs, swung the saber stick and hit the white armor soldier's forehead. The enemy reacted quickly and dodged in a hurry. Who knew that this was just a false move by the martial artist, and the powerful and heavy knife stick changed the castration halfway. Go straight to the enemy and go down the three roads.

After beating the calf and the ankle bone, Jin Jun hadn't practiced before, and he was really uncomfortable. He was hit hard by the martial artist on the calf bone, and his foot was broken and flew out.

Ba Yala screamed in pain like a howling ghost, and then threw away the tiger gun and rolled on the ground holding the broken leg, crying like a rambunctious village woman.

This is not surprising, often thugs with vicious appearances are extremely fragile in their hearts, and when they become the target of violence, they immediately become poor wretches.

Wang Zhicheng didn't expect the defeated Jiannu to be so cowardly, and he was a little dumbfounded at this moment, and his anger and hatred turned into contempt.

He approached the wailing Bayala step by step, and found that the Tungus savage, who was about to die, had a mental breakdown and was speaking loudly in Mongolian, which Wang Zhicheng could not understand. Obviously, he should be begging for his life.

Wang Zhicheng's knife-clamping stick was pointed at the enemy, and the blade held by the stick was approaching Jiannu's neck with a flash of cold light. Before Ba Yala gave up the chance of survival, he tremblingly took out a large amount of gold and silver from his bosom, and continued to fight. beg for mercy.

A few blunt Chinese characters popped out of his mouth: "Forgive me!...Forgive me, my servant."

"Bah! Miscellaneous, are these gold and silver yours? Dog, how many soldiers and civilians have you killed my Daming since you entered the customs? Take your life!"

When Wang Zhicheng saw the bloody gold and silver, he was furious for a moment, and he shouted "噗嗤!" The blade sank into Ba Yala's throat, and Jiannu's blood splashed all over his face.

"It's a good job, Brother Wang cut Jiannu Baijia to the first level, and rewarded a small banner official for meritorious deeds." Yang Danian who came just happened to see this scene and couldn't help but applaud.

Satisfied, Wang Zhicheng looked up to the sky and screamed: "Jiannu Baijiabing is nothing more than that, Yang Zongqi, you didn't see the pitiful look of that fellow begging for his life just now, I really want all the soldiers and civilians of Daming to see it!"

Yang Danian said: "It doesn't matter if no one sees it, you can tell the whole story of this personal experience to your brothers, and tell it to the common people!"

"That's right! The head of the family often talks about the need to carry out a propaganda war. The purpose is to improve the morale of our army and let everyone know that 'Jurchen is full of dissatisfaction and invincibility' is complete bullshit!"

"So you have to tell a lot about today's story, and try to let more people know that even Ba Yala, who built slaves, is so cowardly. Their army is nothing more than a strong outside force. Sooner or later, we will destroy the little Dongnu."

Wang Zhicheng's story of killing the enemy is just a corner of the battlefield scene. At this time, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" are enjoying the sourness brought by beheading Jiannu's head.

This battle was the first big victory since the "Red Banner Army" guerrilla warfare. It actually cut down to more than [-] real slaves at one time, including nine Ba Yala.

The best result of the "Red Banner Army" before was just getting the head of more than [-] real slaves at one time. This time, it is really elated, and it is even more exciting to defeat a Jiannu Niulu with very few casualties.

More than 8000 war horses were seized, not a lot of gold and silver were seized, probably worth [-] taels of silver, and nearly [-] pieces of armor, compound bows, and various weapons were seized.

These gains and captures were not enough to make Huang Han elated. What made Huang Han feel relieved was that this time he had killed a Niulu Jiannu. The "Red Banner Army" had only a dozen minor injuries and six serious injuries, and no one was killed.

The "Red Banner Army" fought every day, and the dead soldiers had to be buried on the spot, and the disabled and unable to follow the team were entrusted to the villagers to take care of them in the shelters of the villagers.

Huang Han deliberately cultivated the fish and water conditions of the soldiers and civilians, and the hometown that was willing to take care of the wounded would not suffer. Xiao Song would leave them enough food and money.

After defeating Jiannu, the "Red Banner Army" moved immediately, made a half-circle, and camped in a hidden canyon at night.

The soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" roasted horse meat over the bonfire, and the joy of victory rippled on the faces of every Paoze.

Huang Han took Wang Zhicheng's hand and said loudly: "One person can single out Jiannu Ba Yala and behead the enemy. In addition to Yang Dalang, our army now has more Wang Zhicheng. I promoted him to be a small banner officer." , and immediately honor the beheading reward of 80 taels of silver."

The crowd of robes applauded loudly: "Okay! Congratulations to Wang Xiaoqi. Remember to invite the brothers to drink!"

Hanzi laughed and said, "Brother, you are good at martial arts. Let's practice more in the future."

Wang Zhicheng was very excited at this time, he raised his fist and waved: "Jiannu Ba Yala is nothing special, I beat that kid to tears, how shameful! A man is crying like a woman, and he still wants to do it!" Lao Tzu's slave."

"Hahaha, it's so funny..." The soldiers of the Red Banner Army burst into laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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