Chapter 646
Warriors Gu Kui, Yan Congyou, Lei Mingchun, He Yongqing, and the "dog king" Ge Daben, who are not good at reading, have been beaten up by Huang Yi who is also a good teacher in the past two years, and they barely mastered [-] characters.

Huang Han was too busy to urge Gu Kui and the others to learn how to read. Huang Yi had plenty of time to study with his elder brother. He took the initiative to teach, not only teaching Gu Kui, but Yang Xiaochui, who was poorly educated, also benefited a lot.

How dare others care about the number of Gu Kui who has the rank of warrior and is the personal bodyguard of the Patriarch?Huang Yi was an exception. When he was teaching, he was rough and wild, and he didn't look like an official at all. He beat people up.

The third son was so violent when he taught, and it was really effective. A few fierce men with five big and three thick can master three characters a day on average. Although they often memorized the latter and forgot the former, after two years of stick education, they finally understood and could write. More than five hundred words.

This time, the benefits are reflected. Although the promotion of officers among the veterans has reached the standard of mastering more than [-] characters, the vast majority of grassroots officers are academics. Their knowledge is no longer measured by the number of characters they master. to defend a thesis.

Because Ge Daben and the four warriors have made outstanding contributions in personal defense, and they have mastered [-] Chinese characters and can read books, read newspapers, and write warrants. If he is competent, he will be awarded the commander-in-chief of the [-]-member barracks.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, there were more than [-] teenagers who turned [-] years old. They had completed all kinds of basic training and were about to enter the main barracks for half a year. Half of these children were orphans adopted by the "Red Banner Army", and the other half were military children. .

Huang Han simply left all these children behind, and appointed the young cavalry and musketeers who had been studying with him for more than half a year as military officers at the upper level of the General Trial Banner. The current number has exceeded [-].

Gu Jixiang, Wang Xuan, and Yang Xiaochui served as the commander-in-chief of the Guards Battalion respectively. They have accumulated experience in leading troops. After experiencing actual combat, they will focus on training them. In the end, they will select battalion officers from among them, rather than Huang Han personally leading them.

The entire army has completed its reorganization and deployed troops and horses, and it will take half a year to adjust.

The number of industrial workers in the system is doubling every year, and there are more and more skilled workers. The output of self-produced guns is increasing day by day. Now five or six thousand guns can be produced every month, and there will be more in the future, which is enough to meet the needs of additional troops.

It is believed that with six months to strengthen training, nearly 13 regular soldiers capable of land warfare plus [-] to [-] guards are enough to launch the Korean War while being able to defend the defense zone.

Because Zhao Kun, Gu Zhun, Gu Rushan and other generals stationed in the interior and the Yangtze River defense line were still accepting a large number of refugees to transfer to southern and western Liaoning, the population of the "Red Banner Army" system in the spring of the ninth year of Chongzhen surged to nearly 400 million.

The population has doubled, and the newly reclaimed and occupied fields have only increased by 300%. Today, the total number of acres owned is only a little over [-] million acres. As a result, the regular soldiers and guards do not need to participate in spring plowing, and focus on intensive training.

Huang Han sits in Shanhaiguan, and because his concubine Xu Miaoyan stays in the capital to wait for delivery, there is a shortage of confidential secretaries. Now there are Xu Miaoru, who just consummated her marriage at the end of last year, and the big maid Tianxiang, and Hongxiu to take on the job of confidential secretaries.

Tianxiang and Hongxiu have been dealing with Li Sanniang, the No. [-] figure in the banner guard, and they know the importance of this spy organization. It is more suitable to keep them by their side to record and deal with the banner guard's affairs than to use sisters and concubines.

Huang Yi, Lin Shunwen, and Shen Youlue beside Huang Han were assigned to work in the Longwu Navy at the end of last year. Soon after, they were all captains of the latest warships. Huang Yi was deliberately trained as the head of the "Sun Moon Shipping".

At the beginning of the first month of this year, several teenagers with good character and good learning came to Huang Han to work and study. Among them was the orphan adopted by Mrs. Li San, who just turned 15 years old this year. His name was given by Mrs. Li San, called Li Zhien .

Mrs. Li San works in the capital. Her own son, Li Jiawang, is nine years old. She has two adopted sons and two adopted daughters. The second adopted son is Li Zhiyi, who is also 15 years old this year. He is a month younger than Li Zhien. He has just become a soldier and an infantry soldier this year. Corporal Musketeers.

The third adopted son is called Li Zhixiao, who is 14 years old this year and is a little weaker, but he has completed six years of basic studies early with good grades. Mrs. Li San didn't let him learn martial arts, but apprenticed to a teacher to learn shipbuilding. Now Wang Yuqi works as a draftsman by her side.

Mrs. Li San's two adopted daughters have now completed their studies. One is working as a teller in the "Sifang Bank", and the other is studying medicine with Wu Youxing, focusing on obstetrics and gynecology.

The two children, Li Zhien and Li Zhiyi, have studied military training for five years, and their military skills are impeccable. Li Zhien was selected by the school because of his better grades in all aspects. Of course, this behavior has something to do with Li Sanniang's power.

Huang Han never thought it was inappropriate to do so. Under the same conditions, and some aspects cannot be judged by examinations and competitions, it is not unfair to adopt the principle of giving priority to one's own people.

How can there be absolute fairness in the world?Wouldn't it be unfair to those fathers who worked hard as the "Red Banner Army" to not give preferential treatment to their children?

It is actually another kind of fairness for the predecessors to plant trees and the descendants to enjoy the shade!If parents don't work hard, they will naturally delay their children.

Mrs. Li San's loyalty to the "Red Banner Army" is impeccable. Six years have passed, and the five children she adopted were once street vagrants in the capital, and now they are all grown-ups.

As a mother, there is nothing wrong with seeking a better way out for your children.

When Huang Han learned that Li Zhien was the adopted son of Mrs. Li San, he not only agreed to stay by his side to train him, but also asked Hongxiu to give Li Sanniang a message, promising that the child would learn more new knowledge and expand the territory for Ming Dynasty in the future. .

The future of the young guards next to the head of the family is obvious to all. Generals and great craftsmen who have sons of the right age yearn for it.

Shi Daxuan's two sons, Shi Lang and Shi Xian, left the private school three years ago and came to Huxue City University to study in the new school. The two brothers' academic performance and fighting skills competitions are among the best.

In order for his son to have a bright future, Shi Daxuan also wanted his son to start as the patriarch's personal guard and get a shortcut to promotion. Unfortunately, his rank is too low and he spends his time wandering around the sea with warships, so he has no chance to tell the noble patriarch Let's talk.

Shi Daxuan rushed to Lushunkou to see Huang Yong when the warship returned to its home port for maintenance, and confessed his thoughts. Huang Yong saw that he was the most capable captain under his command to clear up the relationship for his son's future, and agreed to help.

(End of this chapter)

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