Chapter 647 Young Shi Lang
Huang Yong knows that going through the back door can only be done under the condition that the recommended person does not hold back.

In order to avoid being ridiculous, he deliberately asked Shi Daxuan to bring the two brothers to the school for a test.

The two brothers wrote articles on the spot to show their martial arts skills, and they skillfully manipulated the self-generated blunderbuss to achieve good results above the eighth ring.

Huang Yong thinks that they are qualified and only lacks a valuable referrer. In order to improve Shi Daxuan's loyalty, he guarantees that he can send one of them to his elder brother for training.

Huang Yong can only look at the appearance. From the academic performance and combat skills of 16-year-old Shi Lang and 13-year-old Shi Xian, how can he know that Shi Lang is a famous traitor in history.

Huang Han also couldn't judge whether Shi Lang's life trajectory had changed, whether he would still develop into a traitor.

But character is very important. This person was evaluated by the final master Kang Mazi: "Rough martial arts, uneducated, shallow in measurement, arrogant and indulgent in virtue of merit."

Even if Jiannu might be beaten to death by the "Red Banner Army" in a few years' time, and Shi Lang would have nowhere to find a master if he wanted to be a traitor, Huang Han couldn't take it lightly.

Historically, Shi Lang had a perverse personality and had no sense of loyalty. He was not only disloyal to the country and the nation, but also to the patriarch Zheng Chenggong.

Because he didn't listen to the advice, he still dared to kill the old general of Zheng's family in violation of orders. Zheng Chenggong concluded that he had shown himself, and arrested Shi Daxuan and his family.

However, Shi Lang surrendered to the Manchu Qing again since Zheng Chenggong's camp absconded in fear of crime, which made Zheng Chenggong furious, and his family, his father Shi Daxuan, and his brother Shi Xian were beheaded by Zheng Chenggong.

It can be seen that Shi Lang is close to scum-level traitors. How can Huang Han keep such a person by his side? Hou".

Huang Han was going to keep Shi Xian, who was killed by Shi Lang in history, by his side to train him, trying to deliberately exempt Shi Lang from trial treatment, so that Shi Lang could become the cavalryman of the "Red Banner Army" that everyone envied and had the highest salary. Under Wang Zhicheng's command.

Huang Yong sent someone to send a letter to his elder brother to ask about Shi Daxuan's two sons, and he received a reply three days later, knowing that his elder brother agreed in principle to keep one person by his side to train Daxi.

He immediately took Shi Daxuan, Shi Lang, and Shi Xian to Shanhaiguan to ask to see the general, so that his elder brother could decide who to keep after seeing the two Shi family brothers.

The general Xingyuan in Shanhaiguan was the former Liaodong Jinglue yamen. The office space in the Ming Dynasty was very humane, basically the pattern of the front yamen and the backyard.

Huang Han received his second younger brother, Shi Daxuan and his son in the second hall, and deliberately looked Shi Lang up and down. Huang Han didn't know how to tell each other, so he didn't see the 16-year-old boy who followed his father Shi Daxuan cautiously. Anti-bone.

He asked about the development status of the navy, talked about the stocking situation of the upcoming trip to Nanyang, and told Huang Yong to do his best to transport food to Daming. If possible, he could consider going to Nanyang twice a year.

Next, Huang Han talked about the grand plan for the five-year peace of Liao Dynasty. He regretted that because it was basically a land battle, the Longwu Navy could only participate in the transfer. .

Speaking of this, Huang Han seemed to ask Shi Daxuan quite unintentionally: "Mr. Shi Qian, I wonder if your son Shi Lang can ride and shoot?"

Shi Lang, who has been standing by his father's side all the time, is a hot-blooded young man. He heard with his own ears that the patriarch said that he would continue to attack Liaodong in the future, and that the cavalry would make great achievements.

He immediately ran forward and knelt down and said, "General, I know how to ride a horse since I was a child, and I can ride and fight. I want to be a cavalryman of the 'Red Banner Army'."

Shi Lang was from Fujian and was from a family of pirates. Of course, he was good at sailing, sailing, and naval warfare. How could his skills in riding and fighting surpass those of the northern nomads.

Huang Han deliberately exploited his weaknesses and avoided his strengths, turning a natural captain into a cavalryman, and would never let him return to the sea alive, of course he was going to put Shi Lang to death.

Seeing the fish taking the bait, Huang Han smiled and shouted: "Good! Good! Good! You are a good son of Mr. Shi Qian's family! Shi Lang is not afraid of hardships or tiredness, and wants to become a glorious cavalry soldier of the 'Red Banner Army' to win Qiancheng's honor, of course he supports it.

To be honest, cavalry is rare and difficult to train. It is the most lacking unit of the 'Red Banner Army', the easiest unit to make meritorious service, and the best paid unit.Shi Lang is doing great! "

After being personally praised by the high-ranking General Zheng Yi, Shi Lang immediately felt his blood boil, and he said loudly: "I don't care about the treatment, I just want a chance to make contributions to the country by killing enemies!"

Huang Han said: "It's absolutely possible, but Shi Xian is too young to join the cavalry, so stay with me in the future!"

Shi Daxuan was originally not willing for his eldest son Shi Lang to join the cavalry with a high risk factor, but he has no objection after hearing this, because the second son can stay with the head of the family as a personal follower, and his future will be limitless.

What's more, Shi Lang entered the "Red Banner Army" through the relationship of the general and became a cavalryman. You can search for a Marquis thousands of miles away.

Shi Daxuan didn't know that General Zhenglu intended to deceive Shi Lang, and thought that the general should support Ai Shi's family and leave a young son by his side to train him, and let the grown-up son go to the position where he could get military merit the most.

He was so excited for a moment, he knelt down and kowtowed, with tears in his eyes, he said: "The general's kindness is always in my heart, and I will definitely wipe out the pirates and western barbarians for the general at sea!"

Huang Han said: "The interests at sea are huge, and I need a lot of money and food to complete the five-year plan to flatten Liao Dynasty, so it is impossible to make any concessions, and a decisive battle with Xiyi and even Zheng Zhilong is inevitable.

The future focus of the Longwu Marine Division is to study the tactics of Zheng Zhilong and Xiyi countries, collect intelligence to know ourselves and the enemy, and actively prepare for war. When escorting sea trade merchant ships, as long as they find that Xiyi ships are robbed or sunk as much as possible, there is no need to worry about their retaliation. . "

Huang Yong said: "The last general will remember the teachings of the great general. The Longwu Marine Division has done this before, and will spare no effort in the future."

Shi Daxuan offered his advice in gratitude: "General, Beizhi used to be one of the Eighteen Zhi, and many old acquaintances from the past are still working for Zheng Zhilong. A few people have taken refuge in my Longwu Marine Division."

Huang Han nodded and said: "It's very good, it can make Zheng Zhilong's defection worth a try."

Next, Shi Daxuan analyzed the leaders of the Shibazhi that he was familiar with, and believed that Li Guozhu, the son of Zheng Zhilong's former master Li Dan, was now severely suppressed by the Zheng family and was very likely to be persuaded to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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