Chapter 648 Be Careful
Li Dan owned a private port near Nagasaki, with dozens of warships and armed merchant ships, and thousands of sailors, gunners, and gunners.

He knew that most of his father's inheritance had been embezzled by Zheng Yiguan, who had gained his father's trust and became his godson, but he had no choice.

Because Zheng Yiguan, who was renamed Zheng Zhilong, is not what he used to be. He not only swallowed the property and ships of the Li family, but also basically swallowed the inheritance of the great pirate Yan Siqi.

Huang Han had just sent away his second brother and Shi Daxuan, and unexpectedly met his fourth brother Huang Ang.

This child has turned 14 years old, and his height is almost as high as Huang Yong's. Seeing the elder brother who doesn't have much contact with him, who is the Duke of the country, Huang Ang, a concubine's younger brother, is a little at a loss.

Huang Yizhou had originally made up his mind to train a real scholar for the Huang family, but who knew that the eldest son found a different way to become a Jinshi, and he joined the Imperial Academy and got the false title of Bachelor from Wupin Attendant, becoming one of the most successful scholars.

So it seems that it is better for Yao'er to follow those so-called erudite scholars to study and study dead books than to let him practice with his brother, so let Huang Ang take the initiative to find his brother, and then he will be a young guard by his brother's side.

Seeing the letter that his father Huang Yizhou asked his younger brother to bring, and discovering that his father's thoughts changed so quickly, Huang Han was overjoyed, and happily left Huang Ang by his side to teach him personally.

At the end of the first lunar month, good news came from the capital. Huang Han's second son, Huang Shen, was born. The mother and child were safe, and the second son's name was given by the father-in-law.

Huang Han has already begun to worry that the father-in-law named his son with the words "cautious and careful". It would be too bad if the third child is called Huang Xiao and the fourth child is called Huang Xin.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, the old woman Zheng Xiu'e wrote a letter, asking in a deliberative tone if the two younger sisters, Chu Chu and Xu Miaoyan, could use the names Huang Xiao and Huang Xin if they wanted to add children to the Huang family.

It seems that the husband and wife are of the same mind!The talented girl Zheng Xiu'e also thought of the words "cautious and cautious", so flexible and catchy, Huang Han was impatient to think about these useless things, so he wrote a reply letter, and it was all up to the old lady to decide.

At the beginning of February in the ninth year of Chongzhen, Qin Yuyi went home by sea, and Qin Gongming personally sent his younger sister to the south. He actually saved his mind to study and brought with him 100 literate young family members.

This historical martyr is now alive and kicking, Huang Han is happy to see it, and he made a high-profile statement that the "Red Banner Army" does not hide its secrets, even if the second uncle's people are going to learn how to control the Hongyi [-]-pound field gun.

It is a pity that the eighteen-month-old daughter Huang Yichuan was left behind in Sichuan by two grandmothers. The two old people loved the child so much that they left behind on the grounds that the journey was too far and the child was too young to travel.

They asked Qin Yuyi to go to Shizhu to pick up her daughter in a year or two, and they agreed that no one would be able to pick up the child unless Qin Yuyi came back in person.

Knowing that Zheng Xiu'e gave birth to another big fat boy, Qin Yuyi was overjoyed and saddened. In fact, she also wanted to give birth to a son for her beloved husband!

In the past two years, Qin Yuyi didn't have the consciousness to be a mother, because she gave birth in her natal family, not only had her own mother's care, but also her adoptive mother Qin Liangyu's thoughtfulness, so Qin Yuyi, who was confinement, was still busy training soldiers.

When Qin Yuyi came back, the women's battalion was seriously overstaffed and there were [-] in total, [-] people. Everyone was able to use self-generated guns to shoot proficiently, but they shared one for training.

There are too many Sichuan girls keen to become female soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". Qin Yuyi likes to have many little girls from hometowns under her command, and has accepted many of them to join the army.

She didn't take the initiative to report to the Painting Department of the Zongzan. She was worried that her husband would not allow the women's barracks to be too large.

Fortunately, my husband got a lot of property and land from fighting bandits and exterminating bandits in Sichuan, and the land cannot be taken away at all. Except for the land in eastern Sichuan, which was handed over to Gu Zhun to raise soldiers, the rest of the land in Sichuan was handed over to Qin Yuyi for disposal.

Qin Yuyi used the military pay and equipment of 2000 soldiers plus the income of [-] to [-] mu of fertile land to put up her own dowry to cover the military pay and training expenses of [-] female soldiers. For cavalry sake.

Qin Yuyi has a good understanding of her husband's personality. She knows that as long as the female soldiers she trains are disciplined and have outstanding combat skills, her husband will not be able to disappoint these female soldiers who train hard every day, and she will definitely treat the regular soldiers well.

As expected, Huang Han was overjoyed to see the thousands of female soldiers who were fierce and fierce, he praised Qin Yuyi a lot, and wrote a warrant on the spot to ask Qin Yuyi to go to the "Sifang Bank" to make up for one year's full salary.

While the army was training hard, the navy was training in actual combat. At the end of February, the second large-scale voyage to Nanyang began again. Huang Yong received a clear instruction from his brother that the more food he imported, the better.

He didn't know that he was limited by the transportation capacity, and there was absolutely no more food in one trip than two trips a year, so he set off early, even if the rice prepared by Luzon, Guangnan, and Dai Viet was not enough, it didn't matter, after six months of negotiation Delivery can be increased.

Huang Yong still personally led the team, this time carrying a hundred old lock-type merchant ships, none of which had a displacement of less than [-] tons.

He also brought Huang Yi, Lin Shunwen, and Shen Youlue to participate in the internship, and dispatched 39 battleships with a displacement of more than [-] tons.

The plan is to sell goods with a cost price of 150 million taels of silver. Without raw materials, they are products, such as cotton cloth, canvas, silk, tea, porcelain, glassware, spirits, cosmetics, ironware, lanterns and so on.

When returning to the voyage, the most important cargo is the scheduled 100 million shi of grain. If the supply of goods is guaranteed and the transportation capacity is not a problem, it is better to import as much grain as possible. This time, we will strive to ship back 120 million shi.

Huang Yong has calculated the transport capacity. As long as the fleet does not increase and obtain ships due to robbery, the carrying capacity of warships and merchant ships can fully meet the needs of transporting back raw materials such as copper ingots, nickel, gold, silver, pig iron, and 100 million shi of rice. needs.

The actual weight of 100 million shi of polished rice is 50 tons, plus the 200 shi ordered from Wa, these grains can ensure that more than [-] million people will not starve to death when they arrive in Hong Kong.

The population in the system is rapidly expanding, and due to the uninterrupted supply of price-limited grains to the capital to stabilize grain prices, resulting in insufficient grain reserves, in case of a catastrophe, there will be a food crisis.

Grain reserves are too important, so the navy did not hesitate to travel across the ocean to import rice. Huang Han believed that only 500 million shi of grain in the warehouse could make people feel at ease.

These grains can meet the minimum survival needs of 400 million people even when the system has no crops throughout the year, so that they will not fall into the tragic scene of cannibalism.

As long as the "Red Banner Army" has one year, even if it is incapable of fighting against natural disasters, it will impose the disasters it has endured on the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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