Chapter 649
At the end of February, Zheng Zhihui and Chengquan, the chief eunuchs of the military supervisor, Gao Youmou, the governor of Shanyong, Liang Tingdong, the governor of Liaodong, and many generals and civil officials participated in the inspection of the women's barracks that had just been built for half a month at the Shanhaiguan school military field at the end of February.

Including the troops left behind, the women's barracks was unprecedentedly large, with nearly [-] troops.

Seeing many court officials and courtiers watching the drill, all the female soldiers did their best. The usual Hanshui flow was not in vain, and no one lost the chain. The generals on the scene affirmed the dedication of these women with warm applause.

Zheng Zhihui, a eunuch with high cultural literacy and not inferior to the two Jinshi, wrote three impromptu poems, which became a good story.

Later, there were a few words on the training ground of all the battalions that became classics, "Look at you, I am afraid that you will be at the bottom when you go to the women's battalion!"

"Run, are you not as good as those female soldiers?"

"Don't hold back, if you are inferior to the women's barracks in the skill competition, where will we put our face?"...

The words of the officers are very effective, and the soldiers who are already exhausted are often stimulated by these words, and immediately start to play their lives!

Seeing the female soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", they are also capable, mighty and disciplined, and Liang Tingdong, the governor of Liaodong, took the opportunity to flatter him.

He took the lead in contacting Zheng Xiaowen, Kong Wenshi, Gao Youmou, and He Shixian to write a joint memorial and recommend Funing General Qin Yuyi to be promoted to Tianjin Chief Military Officer.

Sun Chuanting and Yang Yipeng also saw the performance of the female soldiers with their own eyes, and they all took the initiative to participate in the sponsorship. Of course, the eunuchs who supervised the army, headed by Zheng Zhihui, knew the beauty of adults better, and wrote memorials to present the demeanor of the female soldiers to the emperor.

The emperor had already given up suppressing Huang Han, because he knew that he could not suppress it, so he simply gambled that Huang Han was a loyal minister and good general who had no dissent from the court.

Chongzhen met the five governors, seven supervisors, and two soldiers who recommended Qin Yuyi to be the commander-in-chief of Tianjin. They approved it directly.

The women's barracks were too large and inappropriate, so Huang Han ordered Qin Yuyi to split them up.

There are almost no female cavalry. Qin Yuyi only has a guard of more than 100 people who can ride and fight.Female soldiers did not train gunners, so the female barracks did not have this unit.

Seven thousand female soldiers were formed into two battalions, Qin Yuyi served as the commander of the first battalion part-time, and the leader of the other battalion was of course the loyal Qin Rong.

The two women's battalions are relatively simple in arms, and the formation is much simpler. The female soldiers do not have cavalry commanders, but the three are infantry commanders. There are 500 professional nurses, with a total number of no more than [-].

After four months of reorganization and training, the garrisons of the "Red Banner Army" from all over the country had a major change of defense.

The regular soldiers and the guards marched with a large number of wheelbarrows loaded with military supplies and food, and the infantry had to complete a [-]-mile journey every day, and it lasted for half a month, rain or shine.

Another song became popular in the army, and within a few days it was widely circulated in the whole of Gyeonggi. This is of course another pirated version of Huang Han, but the lyrics are slightly modified.

"...Let's go if we say go, you have me, you have everything, a bowl of wine for life and death, no turning back in water or fire! When the road is injustice, let's yell! Take action when it's time to do it! Liaodong..."

The "Red Banner Army" is training, and the new work "Song of Heroes" by General Zhenglu resounds across the sky. Many soldiers and civilians in Gyeonggi, who were once ravaged by slavery, couldn't help crying when they saw this group of extraordinary soldiers.

Emperor Chongzhen also knew from various sources that Huang Han had been undergoing intensive training since the day he took office.

He listened to Wang Chengen learn to sing "Song of Heroes" and said with a smile: "Why is the general Zhenglu always different? Being able to make such a momentum out of a minor tune is not quite like singing, but like shouting."

Wang Cheng'en said: "Your Majesty is wise, General Zhenglu has clearly said that Han'er can't be decadent, everyone should shout in unison to destroy Dongnu!"

"The supervisor Zheng Zhihui and Chengquan had a report in a few and a half months. The general who conquered the army ruled the army with an iron fist. Now he has actually achieved a real number of soldiers. Every soldier is strong and has the ability to kill the enemy. Their words It's really not too difficult to go on like this for five years to level Liao."

"My servant congratulates Your Majesty. After I conquer Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty, the river will be clear and the sea will be clear. Your Majesty will be Yao and Shun."

When Emperor Tianqi was dying, "Come! My younger brother will be Yao and Shun!" The ardent hope was still in his ears, and Chongzhen couldn't help crying. He calmed down and said:
"The soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' really have three meals a day, and there are three or four taels of meat every day. There are 10,000+ men and horses. The food and horse feed alone cost 10,000+ taels of silver every month. I reckon that the general will be afraid The war is protracted, and he can't wait to train his troops so impatiently that he reckons that a big war will start in autumn."

Wang Cheng'en said: "That's the case, not only the reports sent back by Zheng Zhihui and the others are clearly written, but also the secret agents of Dongchang and Jinyiwei who were placed in the 'Red Banner Army' also explained in detail the training methods and food of the 'Red Banner Army'. , equipment and treatment, General Zhenglu is really willing to spend money!"

The emperor frowned and sighed: "Why does my Ming Dynasty only have one general who conquers captives? Why don't other civilian and military generals follow suit? Will the whole world have to rely on the 'Red Banner Army' in the future?"

In order to ease the emperor's heart, Wang Cheng'en changed the topic and said: "Zhou Chu got rid of the three evils and finally achieved a good result, and finally died for the country. Your Majesty waits for the good news, and the slaves can predict that the next big general who conquers the captives will surely report frequent successes."

Chongzhen looked at this most intimate companion, nodded with a smile, and said: "I am rich in the world, and I can accommodate the general who conquered the captives."

Flowing water does not rot, households and hubs do not rot, Huang Han wants to make the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" not miss altars and pots, so that they can leave as soon as they say.

Therefore, the mode of frequently mobilizing each battalion to change defenses is adopted. The advantage of this will be that all battalion leaders will not compare where the conditions are better and where the conditions are more difficult. Everyone takes turns to come to good places and bad places.

Another advantage is that each battalion is often pulled out to conduct exercises and long-distance marches with brother troops. The gap between each battalion will be clear at a glance, and the advanced ones will be praised and rewarded, and the laggards will be notified and criticized.

If you can't realize your shame in a short period of time and then bravely catch up with the gap with other battalions, the generals of the lagging battalion will face the punishment of relegation and transfer, and then there will be the generals of the battalion with outstanding performance who will be promoted and come to strengthen the lagging behind. Battalion training.

For a long time in the "Red Banner Army" system, there was no saying that the generals did not know the soldiers, because the overall quality of each battalion was similar, and the difference in combat effectiveness was also very limited, which was conducive to the distribution of combat tasks when forming a front army.

(End of this chapter)

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