Chapter 650
After the spring plowing, the number and quality of the "Red Banner Army" who completed the first defense change has improved by leaps and bounds.

It's not that the veterans of the original "Red Banner Army" have undergone major changes, but that the reorganized soldiers of the original Ming army, such as Dongjiang Town, Denglai, Tianjin Wei, etc., have been reborn.

Happiness is really a comparison. It turned out that the ordinary battalion soldiers of the Ming army were extravagant even to have a full stomach.

Since accepting the reorganization and becoming a glorious "Red Banner Army" soldier, he eats enough and healthy food every day, and dresses not only warmly but also stylishly.

The ordinary people who came out of the barracks did not run away as usual, but surrounded the soldiers and applauded loudly.

After becoming the "Red Banner Army", the family enjoys preferential treatment for the military family members. Food is purchased at official prices, and good jobs in the system are also given priority to the military family members. Relatives can hold their heads up.

This is how to live like a human being!Too many Yuan Ming soldiers were full of emotion, they especially cherished such a good day, knowing that the only way to maintain this kind of life forever is to defeat all the enemies.

Too many former Ming soldiers were illiterate, the town governor would give an hour of help and education every night, and the propaganda team often organized rallies to tell all the soldiers why they were fighting?

To defend the motherland, defend the homeland, and make the wives and children live a happy life without going hungry, everyone must unite around the "Red Banner Army" with the general Zhenglu as the core, which has been unanimously recognized.

Seeing that the reorganization was very effective, Huang Han was thinking about when to launch an offensive to start a local war. It would be cheaper to include the south of the Han River in North Korea first, so that millions of starving people from Shanshan and Henan could be immigrated there for reclamation.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and Jiannu took the lead. At the end of May, smoke billowed from Xifengkou and Dushikou in the defense area of ​​Jizhen.

The six-hundred-mile urgent report was not just galloping to the capital, but was delivered to Huang Han who was preparing his troops in Shanhaiguan as soon as possible, and then reported to the Ministry of War.

Later, the Jin army became a Qing army, and lost the good luck of the past.

The story of Chongzhen playing a sneak attack in the winter of the second year, quietly touching the foot of the Great Wall and easily capturing three passes, has not been reproduced.

When Jiannu was mobilized on a large scale, the Mongolian tribes belonging to the "Red Banner Army" noticed that many small tribes migrated to the mountains to escape. Of course, the banner guards learned of the big move of the Qing soldiers and promptly notified Jizhen to be on guard.

Huang Yizhou left a battalion stationed in the Santun Camp to train the guards, and he personally led a battalion to Dushikou to sit in the town, where Liu Fenyong's battalion was in charge of the [-]-mile Great Wall.

The generals of the "Red Banner Army" guarding the pass will not wait until the enemy is killed outside the pass before passively defending. Liu Fenyong has a thousand general cavalry under his command.

The cavalry took turns to patrol, and they were very familiar with the rivers, mountains, and woods outside the pass and close to the Guancheng area.

They often practice on the spot how to use the terrain to attack the enemy. The content of the exercises is varied. Counting sentry horses with less than a few dozen people, attacking outposts with one or two hundred people, and harassing large troops with more than a thousand people are all drill subjects.

Dorgon led the Zhengbai Banner Unit and the Tartar light cavalry to leave the main force and sneak towards the defense area of ​​Ji Town. His goal was to sneak attack on Dushikou, but the freshly baked Prince Rui felt more and more wrong as he walked.

Because the sentry horses that explore the road should be coming and going, but now it seems that they have gone and never returned. Dorgon dislikes confronting the "Red Banner Army" the most, and at this time he feels like a light on his back.

When Liu Fenyong's general manager, Pan Yingyong, led the cavalry team of 360 troops out of the customs to patrol the border, the scouts who were distributed on the commanding heights and observed the main passage with binoculars discovered the sentinel horses of the Qing army early.

After discovering that the Jiannu regular army had appeared in the mountains two hundred miles away from the defense zone, Pan Yingyong felt that the Qing soldiers should take action. He immediately sent scouts back to Dushikou to report the news, and then led his cavalry to choose an ambush point.

When Liu Fenyong, who learned that there were Jiannu to fight, led two general cavalry to arrive, Pan Yingyong had already taken advantage of it and killed eleven Tartar light cavalry and three Jiannu vests.

The road conditions are familiar, behind you are the majestic Xiongguan Pass and the Great Wall that stretches for hundreds of miles, and in front of you are the vast mountains.

Liu Fenyong had more than a thousand "Red Banner Army" cavalry in his hands, and he refused to enter the pass early to guard against death.

He took the men and horses to occupy the dangerous place and set up a net to wait. In half a day, he attacked and killed more than [-] Qing troops, [-]% of them were Tartars, and there were more than a dozen soldiers who built slaves.

The vigilant Dorgon found that the sporadic sentry horses were missing, and his scalp tingled, realizing that he might be calculated by the cunning "Red Banner Army" again.

He acted decisively, and simply stopped thinking about approaching Dushikou quietly. He took the Tarzi thousand-man team as the forerunner, and the main force followed closely behind and attacked with open fire.

Finding that the Qing soldiers had learned their lesson, the cavalry musketeers fired miniguns in dangerous areas and fired a few rounds of self-generating guns, causing the Tartar cavalry to retreat calmly and return to defend Guancheng.

Dorgon came to the foot of the Great Wall and approached Dushikou and found the red flag waving. He knew that the raid plan had failed, so he didn't try to launch an attack at all, and retreated with his troops in desperation.

Duoduo went to touch Xifengkou in vain, lost nearly 100 troops and began to retreat.

At this time, Huang Yizhou had already led Shang Keyi's battalion to Guancheng. Both Shang Keyi and Liu Fenyong believed that the "Red Banner Army" infantry guarding the Guancheng and the side walls were sufficient, and they requested that the cavalry be concentrated to follow and harass the Qing. Soldiers, try to get some more gains.

Huang Yizhou did not refuse the two generals' request to fight, and handed over one of his personal guard cavalry to Liu Fenyong's command, reminding them not to be greedy for meritorious deeds, and to prevent unnecessary losses.

Liu Fenyong and Shang Keyi are not ordinary people, and the cavalry generals Pan Yingyong and Jin Zhongbang under his command are also fierce men.

In addition to the personal guard cavalry of the battalion commander, nearly [-] knights with double horses followed like tarsus maggots for [-] miles, and they retreated after seeing the Qing soldiers leave the mountainous area.

The two brothers Dorgon and Duoduo were already very careful. When they retreated, they organized 3000 troops to occupy favorable terrain and prepare to ambush the Ming army's pursuers. Unfortunately, the Ming army was not fooled at all.

Whenever the cavalry of the Qing army who set up an ambush really retreated, the Ming army behind them would lose no time chasing after their buttocks and firing guns, and every time they would lose at least a dozen unlucky ghosts who ran a step slower.

This is the home field advantage. Liu Fenyong's cavalry has a lot of binoculars, and the places to climb and observe are all selected before. How easy is it for the Qing army's one or two thousand cavalry to fight an ambush?
What's more, Liu Fenyong came out out of the mind of taking advantage, never thought of starting a big battle with the troops in his hands, and firing the Minigun from a distance on the galloping horse, even Wang Tianshou could hit some clears soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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