The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 651 Morale is like a rainbow

Chapter 651 Morale is like a rainbow
When it was discovered that the angry Qing soldiers turned around and rushed forward, the Ming cavalry retreated alternately to cover and retreat, and even the self-generating guns could be effective, making it easier to kill the enemy.

Dorgon only tried a counterattack and knew that the gain outweighed the loss. The next Qing army cavalry used horsemanship to gallop and break away from the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, which made the loss much smaller.

After this battle, the cavalry of the original Ming army, who accounted for about [-]% of the team, had increased their self-confidence several times, and believed that following the "Red Banner Army" had a bright future, not just eating well, dressing well, and getting paid enough.

He can also often win battles and gain military merits, so it is not guaranteed that he can really make his wife and son shine in the family.

The propaganda team reacted quickly, and immediately publicized the case in which hundreds of Jiannu and Tartars were killed in this raid, no one was killed, and only dozens of lightly or severely wounded.

It didn't take long for the battalions of the entire system to know that the "Red Banner Army" had a small victory over the Qing army, and the casualties were negligible. For a while, the morale was like a rainbow, and the slogan of Shenyang to recover Liaodong was loudly shouted.

Everyone is singing "The Song of Heroes", eager to be a good man, fight Jiannu and Dazi, sweep Liaodong and fight for thousands of households.

When Huang Han rushed to Xifengkou with more than [-] soldiers from the newly formed Guard Battalion, the Qing soldiers had already gone far.

He realized that Jiannu's large-scale attack would take place within a month, and it was obvious that the breakthrough site could not be in the Ji Town defense area.

He immediately asked Zheng Zhihui, the eunuch of the supervising army, to report to the emperor, and along the way, sent three hundred and dozens of heads of Tartars and Jiannu to the capital to praise their meritorious service.

General Zhenglu won a small-scale battle with the Qing army on the Great Wall of Jizhen. He asserted that the Qing army was conducting a test. They found that the defense line of Jizhen had no chance to take the initiative to retreat. The Xuanda side wall is very likely to be the next target. .

Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, panicked, and Emperor Chongzhen was in a hurry. The official documents of the Ministry of War and the imperial edict of the emperor were sent to Xuanda immediately, urging civil servants and generals to guard against death.

At home, Ding You is a filial son, the right servant of the Ministry of War and Xuan Da, and the governor of the three towns in Shanxi, Yang Sichang, was summoned by the emperor to take office immediately.

Hong Chengchou, the trilateral governor of Shaanxi, Gansu, Yansui, and Ningxia military affairs, also received the imperial edict to stick to the Great Wall defense line to deal with the breakthrough of slavery.

It was rare this time that Daming got an early warning and had time to make defensive preparations, but it didn't work out, and the result disappointed the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and the emperor.

In late June, the Qing soldiers who came outside the side wall near Hetao suddenly launched an attack after three days of repairing. The defense lines of the Great Wall in Xuanda and Taiyuan were as fragile as paper. It took only one day for the Qing soldiers to break through in three places. mouth to mouth.

The Qing soldiers invaded Daming basically coincided with the time in history, but in history they broke through Xifengkou and Dushikou directly from the Jizhen defense area.

After entering the customs, the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry captured Changping in a blink of an eye, and successively captured Liangxiang, Baodi in Shunyi, Dingxing, Ansu, Dacheng, Xiongxian, Anzhou and other counties near Gyeonggi, making a mess of Gyeonggi.

The Qing soldiers have not been able to share such a good thing now. After being stunned outside Dushikou and Xifengkou, it took more than half a month to detour to the Hetao area to break in.

In mid-July, Shuozhou City, which is located between the Great Wall outside Yanmen Pass, was taken down by the Qing soldiers. It was only 150 miles away from Yanmen Pass, and Yanmen Pass was in danger after losing its hands.

Xuanda and Yang Sichang, the governor of Shanxi who had just arrived, wanted to cry but had no tears. He hurriedly dispatched troops to garrison Yanmenguan, Xuanfu, Zhangjiakou, Baoanzhou, Datong and other strong cities.

He is good at strategy, but not good at tactics. He is helpless in the face of the Qing soldiers all over the mountains and plains, so he can only write memorials to ask for reinforcements.

The Manchu-Mongolian allied forces took Shuozhou City and used it as their base camp to hoard and seize it, and then divided their troops into four directions to plunder.

A group of people went south with the intention of capturing Ningwu Pass and rushed to Taiyuan, and a group of people attacked northward, plundering Datong and Xuanfu. Nu Chief personally led a group of people eastward to attack Yanmen Pass.

The troops heading westward were the most swift and fierce, and they went down more than a dozen castles. They were led by the vicious Dorgon and Duoduo.

At this time, Cao Bianjiao, Zuo Guangxian, and Wu Zimian, the three commander-in-chiefs, were still in Shangluo Mountain in southern Shaanxi to deal with the bandits Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Lao Huihui who were playing hide-and-seek with the officers and soldiers.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, dispatched He Renlong, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, Yu Chongxiao, the commander-in-chief of Yansui, and other generals to lead tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to rescue Shenmu County.

The long-legged general He Renlong received a spy report, and when he learned that the Qing army had more than [-] troops, he immediately abandoned his allies and ran away. He ran into the Acropolis of Yulin in one breath and refused to come out again.

Dorgon and Duoduo discovered that the Ming army came to help and organized cavalry to carry out ambushes during the movement. Such a classic example was the ambush of the famous general Zhao Lengjiao in the second year of Chongzhen.

Although Yu Chongxiao is loyal and brave, Master Guan sells tofu, and the people are hard but the goods are not hard. The combat effectiveness and number of his troops are too big compared to the two white flags of the Qing Dynasty.

Yu Zongbing, who was besieged by the Qing soldiers, fought hard and died gloriously in battle. Half of the 4000 men and horses under his command died in battle, and half became prisoners of war.

Hong Chengchou saw that the Qing army was approaching ferociously, and the commander-in-chief who could fight under his command fled and the whole army was wiped out. How could he dare to fight again?He completely lost the chicness of pointing the country when he was fighting bandits, and had to be a coward.

Not only did he not punish He Renlong who fled before the battle, but he also gave money, food and supplies in time, and comforted him well. He Renlong seemed to have brought back 6000 troops safely because of his escape and became a great hero.

This is the tragedy of the late Ming Dynasty. Serving the country in a deadly battle is not a death that deserves it, but a death for nothing. If you are defeated by the enemy and lose your troops, even if you do your duty faithfully, you may be punished by the court.

Therefore, the generals who have no soldiers are in danger, and not developing into a warlord is the way to die. He Renlong fled fearing the battle and did not lose his troops.

His subordinates forced good people to join the army, killed good people to take meritorious service, robbed, and raped even more recklessly.

Sun Chuanting was in peace of mind as a soldier in Denglai, looking forward to following the "Red Banner Army" to recover Liaodong, but he did not recommend himself as the governor of Shaanxi, where almost no one dared to go because of the highest risk factor.

Therefore, he did not participate in the civil war. In history, on July [-], the ninth year of Chongzhen, Gao Yingxiang, the lord of the bandits, had accumulated several years of cavalry in Heishuiyu, Ziwu Valley, and was ambushed by Sun Chuanting.

The battle lasted for four days and three nights. Sun Chuanting took advantage of the location and commanded the ambush soldiers to fire crossbows. Gao Yingxiang led his cavalry to attack the arrows and stones to kill them, but failed.

Now that Sun Chuanting was absent from the Shaanxi battlefield in the ninth year of Chongzhen, Gao Yingxiang, who had lost all his cavalry in history, was captured alive and sent to the court.

Because a large number of Ming troops were mobilized by the Qing soldiers, the leader Gao Yingxiang and his cavalry were still there, and the strength of the bandits was several times stronger than in history.

(End of this chapter)

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