Chapter 652
At the end of August, the powerful Qing soldiers crossed the strong city of Taiyuan and fought all the way to Pingyang Mansion, but there was no sign of withdrawing their troops and returning home.

Chongzhen received hundreds of urgent memorials, and his lungs exploded. Duke Liao issued a warning half a month before the Qing army launched an attack. The court also adopted a series of deployments. Why was Jiannu beaten in?
The ministers were also furious, and impeached Hong Chengchou one after another, and impeached Yang Sichang for being incompetent and embarrassing.

At this time, the official of the Liao Kingdom delivered a memorial. In order to show prudence, the eunuch Zheng Zhihui returned to Beijing to present the emperor in person. Zheng Zhihui had another task to solve the emperor's confusion.

The content of the memorandum is very simple. Huang Han suggested that the imperial court stick to the inner Great Wall, thinking that by resolutely blocking the Jiannu at the outskirts of Gyeonggi, they would be able to win the victory against the invasion of the Qing soldiers.

The imperial court must not take care of one thing and lose another, let alone send troops to compete for places that have been scourgeed by Jiannu, and finally lead to the land of Gyeonggi being ravaged by Jiannu again.

In fact, the great disasters in history are endless. In fact, it is not impossible to resist. The biggest reason is that most of the northern territories have been enslaved again and again, and the scourge of bandits has completely destroyed production and made people miserable.

Of course, Huang Han couldn't see the fragile balance of the whole north being broken, so he made this bad strategy and tried his best to defend Beizhili to the death, striving to stabilize the population of at least 600 million people in this area.

The emperor didn't make a decision, he ordered Zheng Zhihui to read the official memorial of the Liao Kingdom to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty during the great court meeting, and then asked for advice.

Liu Zhilun, the left servant of the Ministry of War, has analyzed many reports from Shanshan and Shaanxi and reached a conclusion.

The Jiannu invasion this time was unprecedented, with nearly 20 troops, including no less than 12 regular cavalry troops.

The Great Wall defense line has been breached, and unless the "Red Banner Army" is dispatched to help, no one can stop the attack of the Qing soldiers.

At present, the only way to reduce losses is to defend the Gyeonggi land according to the danger, and the areas that have been broken through can only choose to use one city after another to consume the spirit of the Qing soldiers.

Liu Zhilun agreed with Huang Han's suggestion, and went out to play the right thing, he said: "Dongnu's troop dispatch is different from the past, the number of troops has exceeded 16, and most of them are regular troops.

It is impossible to order Xuanda and the Shanshan troops to take the initiative to attack. The minister believes that the Ministry of War will issue an order immediately, and also ask the emperor to issue an imperial decree, so that all the Ming army can help defend the prefectures and counties nearby.

The order of death was issued, those who defended the city were rewarded for their merits, and the civilian and military generals who abandoned the city and fled ransacked their families and exterminated their clans.The generals who stick to the inner three passes must live and die with the pass city.

The Great Wall in Jizhen is garrisoned by the "Red Banner Army", which can confirm that everything is safe, and the north of the capital is not worried.The minister asked for an order to lead Changping, Miyun, and Liangxiang to strictly guard against the natural danger of the Yellow River to ensure that Dongnu could not break into Gyeonggi from the south. "

Liu Zhilun was promoted to the left servant of the Ministry of War and held great power. It is impossible for his family to disband the iron cavalry. Now the 200 soldiers who dare to fight are led by Liu He and are now stationed in Miyun.

Liu Quan is now Miyun's official entrusted general, and he has less than [-] troops in his hand, and the empty space he eats is reserved for the Liu family's iron-armored family team.

Liu Zhilun ordered the garrisons in several places he was familiar with. They were all soldiers who followed him to garrison Zunhua. The imperial court negotiated with Huang Han about the Liao pay and the defense area. The original garrison troops were replaced by the "Red Banner Army" At this time, this Biao has nearly [-] people who can maneuver.

It was Liu Zhilun who stepped forward again, and the emperor thought of the winter of the second year of Chongzhen, when he thought of Liu Zhilun, who was under the contemptuous eyes of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and asked the leader of the army to fight against Jiannu, he couldn't help showing his true feelings.

Chongzhen was worried that he would lose such a loyal and capable minister. Although he agreed with Liu Zhilun to lead the army, he sent Fang Zhenghua as the supervisor of the army to be on the safe side.

Sending Fang Zhenghua was not to make him an empty supervisor, but to give him a total of [-] troops from the Beijing camp and a Jinyiwei to fight together.

Chongzhen was worried that Fang Zhenghua and Liu Zhilun would ruin the elite guards of the capital because they were greedy for meritorious service, and strictly ordered them not to cross the Yellow River to fight against Jiannu.

Both civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty realized that the problem was serious. The bandits in Shanshan, Henan, and Huguang were still rampant. The Ming army could not even completely defeat the bandits. At this time, when 20 Qing cavalrymen came in, the Ming army would definitely be defeated.

General Zhenglu bluntly stated that the Ming army was not allowed to fight, and had to issue a death order to let the civilian and military generals in the areas where the slaves passed through stick to the city, minimizing losses as much as possible to wear down the spirit of the Qing soldiers.

Although it seems negative to do so, it is very realistic. Now Fang Zhenghua and Liu Zhilun lead 3 troops to strengthen the layout of the Yellow River defense line to ensure the land of Gyeonggi, which makes many people feel at ease.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, the rogues had been making upheavals near the central capital. Gao Yingxiang, Lao Huihui, Chuang Tatian, Luo Rucai and other bandits besieged Luzhou. They took down Hanshan and Hezhou separately, and then entered Chuzhou.

Lu Xiangsheng led a total of more than [-] troops from Ma Tianxiong's direct lineage and guerrilla Luo Dai to rescue Chuzhou. They fought at Wuli Bridge to the east of the city, and the ground was shaken.

The Tianxiong army showed their might and went on a rampage under the leadership of Lu Xiangsheng himself. The bandit soldiers from the battalion for dozens of miles were defeated and fled in swarms.

"Lu Yan Wang" once again showed his power, and the bandits were shattered. Originally, they were not greedy enough to fight across the Yangtze River, but their extravagant hopes of harming the beautiful Jiangnan fell through, and another swarm of swarms fled westward. Lu Xiangsheng led his troops to chase them all the way to Bozhou.

Lu Xiangsheng, who was chasing after the victory and preparing to expand the results of the war, received the imperial decree, the emperor ordered him to lead his troops to defend Luoyang and Kaifeng, and must not let the king of Ming Dynasty fall into the hands of Jiannu.

The responsibility was heavy, and Lu Xiangsheng did not dare to delay for a moment after receiving the order, and rushed westward and finally entered Luoyang City before the arrival of the Qing soldiers.

The Qing soldiers rushed out of Shanxi, entered Henan, broke into Shaanxi, and ran amok.

Several times I met bandits like Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai, Lao Huihui, etc. Hong was giving an order not to attack any bandits from the Ming Dynasty.

The slave chiefs are here to plunder Daming, not to kill bandits for Daming, and the enemy's enemy should be a friend!

Hong Jie is still very proud, he despises the rogues from the bottom of his heart, and is not so lowly as to send a messenger to try to contact the rogues.

But the rogues didn't know the goodwill of the Qing soldiers at all, and they didn't know that there were as many as 10,000+ Qing soldiers coming, and there was an encounter that killed and injured hundreds of Qing soldiers.

Seeing the rogues ignorant of good and bad, the Qing soldiers were furious, and thousands of cavalry rushed to attack. Of course, the rogues of the 72nd Battalion of the thirteen families were not enough to compare with the king of cold weapons in the world today, and they were beaten and ran away.

The rogues who had suffered were educated by the Qing soldiers, and when they heard the rumbling of horseshoes from a distance, they hurried up the mountain into the forest to escape.

Fortunately, the Qing soldiers focused on dispersal and refused to deliberately kill, let alone pursue them relentlessly. Therefore, although the rogue bandits were defeated and lost, the number of lost troops was limited.

(End of this chapter)

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