Chapter 653 Opportunity
Jiannu has already hit the base area, and the "winged tiger" department will certainly not sit idly by.

Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu and others were not passive after receiving the information provided by the banner guards and secret sentries. Under the careful planning of the banner guards, which had grown to more than a hundred, they selected 4000 troops to cross Lu'an Mansion and rely on the mountains to ambush the Qing soldiers.

After four years of development, the "Winged Tiger" department now has a population of more than [-], of whom [-] are young and middle-aged. In the mountains, tens of thousands of acres of mountain land are planted with corn, potatoes and other crops.

Because they can often get food relief from "Loyalty Fort", they don't need to plunder the more difficult mountain people in order to fill their stomachs, so the name of "walking for the sky" has become more and more famous.

The selected 4000 men and horses all have a certain combat effectiveness, not as good as the regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", but they are stronger in combat effectiveness and fighting desire than ordinary battalions of the Ming Army, and their equipment is also better than them.

At this time, the Ming army had been ordered to strictly guard against death, and the cities and counties of all states were strengthening their city defenses and preparing to roll trees and stones. The Ming army and officials were no longer in the mountains and villages, and most of the wealthy people also went to the city to escape the flames of war.

The Winged Tigers under the banner of Titian Xingdao set up an ambush at the southeastern foot of Taiyue Mountain. Here, there are undulating mountains, ravines and ravines, and complex terrain. It is rare to find tens of thousands of horses lurking.

Since it was done according to its ability, and it was a small group of Qing soldiers who chose to go out to rob, each time it was carried out in a group fight mode that was several times that of the Qing soldiers.

He succeeded several times, achieved small victories, captured more than [-] Tartars, dozens of slaves, and captured [-] war horses and draft horses. He became famous among the rogues for a while.

In order to increase his prestige, the leader of the alliance, Gao Yingxiang, sent his confidants to contact Jin Minghu, and gave him a position second only to the general Li Zicheng to win over the "Winged Tigers" to join the gang.

The arrangement of the banner guards is to attack and kill the big bosses of the rogues as much as possible. How can Gao Yingxiang, a big fish, take the bait and let him go?

Continuous ambushes of small groups of Jiannu troops, although the number of casualties far exceeded those of the ambushed Qing soldiers, but the team has been tempered, and many daring minions and small bosses stand out and become the development targets of the banner guards.

Zhao Shisan, Jin Minghu, etc. all knew that they could go deeper into the core of the rogues, and contact Gao Yingxiang, the number one leader of the rogues all day long, and it shouldn't be too long before they completed the task.

They look forward to capturing the bones of Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, etc., and taking off their bandit and rogue coats, putting on the gorgeous and dazzling uniforms of the "Red Banner Army", and living in the sun from now on.

The large-scale invasion of the Qing soldiers was an opportunity for Huang Han, who already had the strength to fight decisively with him.

The "Red Banner Army" is not good at cavalry, but its strength lies in firepower. It is not afraid to fight with Jiannu, but it is only worried that Jiannu will avoid the battle and take advantage of the mobility of cavalry.

How to make Jiannu fight the "Red Banner Army" in the pass?As a result, it was able to inflict a lot of damage on Jiannu?
It is the only way to attack and save them. It is very important to detect Jiannu's temporary base camp in the pass!

The last time Jiannu's hard-working and robbing results were robbed by Huang Hanhei by a full [-]%, it is a lesson from the past, this time the slave chiefs cannot be unprepared.

It is imperative to build slaves to gather supplies and coerce people, and to send heavy troops to protect large livestock.

The Banner Guards were on the move, and the Sifang Express Escorts in Shanshan and Henan also used all their related households to scout the base camps of the Qing soldiers and the concentration of supplies.

Hong Jie is really good at learning. He often reviews his own gains and losses, and often talks with his only adult son Hauge and a few confidant generals about the experience and lessons he has learned from several times in the army.

Huang Han was used to sneak attacks, how to guard against them was the focus of the study of the military aristocrats who built slaves, and finally concluded that as long as there were 2 horse guards, Huang Han would not be able to choose such a target.

This time when he entered the customs, Hong Jie was more cautious. He attacked in four groups, each with [-] troops. He also chose Shuozhou Jiancheng as the base camp and the concentration of population, livestock, and supplies.

In order to be able to bring the results of the robbery back to the Qing Dynasty, Hong Jie took precautions this time.

In order not to be chased and killed by the cavalry led by Huang Han, the slave chieftain will no longer arrange a small number of people to drive the coerced Han people to drive ox carts and wheelbarrows on the road one after another.

He is going to take a unified action to retreat together. This is not efficient but it can be confirmed that it will not create an opportunity for the "Red Banner Army" to attack.

It's just that we have to keep pace with the times when looking at problems. In fact, it's not that Huang Han can't raid the material hoarding area where [-] Mongolian cavalry are helping to defend, or the transport team that escorts the materials to the outside of the customs, but with the strength three years ago Wars of attrition are not permitted.

It is also worried that launching the Hundred Regiments War like during the War of Resistance Against Japan will expose the strength of the Eighth Route Army prematurely, making the situation more difficult in the next few years.

The original three-party game of Ming Dynasty was somewhat similar to the War of Resistance Against Japan, and now there is an extra party "Red Banner Army".

And the bandits are too miserable. They have always been bandits thinking that they will only destroy everything. Without a political program, they cannot get rid of the gangster spirit and become a climate. Even if they win the country, they will not be able to sit still.

Today's "Red Banner Army" has won the righteousness of the court, and can get Liao's salary of 360 million taels of silver and 120 million shi of grain and horse feed every year, which greatly reduces the burden on Huang Han.

The "Red Banner Army" is no longer afraid of exposing its strength. It only worries about not being able to catch up with the Qing soldiers to complete the tactics of gathering and annihilating. It doesn't care how many troops Jiannu has.

Fighting in the pass, in theory, as long as there are four battalions of "Red Banner Army", no matter whether they encounter the main force of the Qing army or not, they can fight and win if they can fight.

This is not self-talk, the fourth battalion has [-] troops, and at least [-] or [-] auxiliary soldiers are supporting it. I don’t know how many ordinary people they took in along the way will work hard for the "Red Banner Army".

The 5000 troops found that the number of cavalry in the Qing army was not dominant, and they could completely attack and advance by relying on their firepower superiority.

The standard configuration of the "Red Banner Army" is that each battalion has four hundred total artillery, at least forty one-pound Francois machine guns, and three [-]-pound, six-pound, and three-pound Hongyi field guns.

Now the musketeers in the battalion all use self-generated blunderbuss, and Miniguns account for as much as [-]%. The combat effectiveness of the fourth battalion is close to that of the Anglo-French allied forces in the Battle of Baliqiao. of the Anglo-French Allied Forces.

We must know that the 17 British and French allied forces defeated the 29 to [-] Manchurian and Mongolian allied forces led by Seng Gelinqin, Shengbao, and Ruilin at Baliqiao, while the French army only died three people and injured [-] people, and the British army died two people and injured [-] people. .

This is the contest between the firearms army and the cold weapon army in modern times. The ridiculous battle that took place at Baliqiao was destined to nail the evil and depraved Man Qing to the pillar of shame forever.

(End of this chapter)

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